Chuck Muth

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Chuck Muth is President and CEO of Citizen Outreach and a professional political consultant. He also is a former executive director of the American Conservative Union, a former National Chairman of the Republican Liberty Caucus, a former county GOP chairman (Clark County, Nevada), Nevada state party executive director, communications director, press secretary, direct mail fundraising consultant and Nevada State Senate candidate.

His extensive political education background includes: The Republican National Committee’s “Campaign Management College” and “Campaign Finance School,” as well as the Leadership Institute’s “Direct Mail School,” “Grassroots Activists School,” “Public Relations School,” “Campaign Leadership School” and “Campaign Internet School.”

Mr. Muth is a professional campaign trainer and volunteers as a national field instructor for numerous groups and organizations. He is also the publisher of various online newsletters, an author and a featured columnist who regularly appears on political TV and radio programs.

Mr. Muth lives in Carson City, Nevada, with his wife Gia and their two daughters, Kristen and Jenna.