Chubb detector lock

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Diagram of a Chubb detector lock
Diagram of a Chubb detector lock

A Chubb detector lock is a type of lever tumbler lock that when picked or opened with the wrong key will stop working until either a special regulator key or the original key is used (depending on the lock). It was produced in 1818 by Jeremiah Chubb of Portsmouth, England as the result of a Government competition to create an unpickable lock. It remained unpicked until the Great Exhibition of 1851.


[edit] Development

Jeremiah Chubb, who was working with his brother, Charles, as a ship's outfitter and ironmonger in Portsmouth, invented and patented his detector lock in 1818. In 1817 a burglary in Portsmouth Dockyard which had been carried out using false keys to gain entry prompted the British Government to announce a competition to produce a lock that could only be opened with its own key. Building on earlier work by Robert Barron and Joseph Bramah, Jeremiah developed a four lever lock that when picked or opened with the wrong key would stop working until a special key was used to reset it. This security feature was known as a regulator, which was tripped when an individual lever was pushed past the position required to bring the lever in line to open the lock. As a result of this innovation Jeremiah was able to claim the £100 reward offered by the Government.

The Chubb works in Railway Street, Wolverhampton (1870)
The Chubb works in Railway Street, Wolverhampton (1870)

A convict aboard one of the prison hulks in Portsmouth Docks was given the Chubb lock with a promise of a free pardon from the Government and £100 from Jeremiah if he could pick the lock. The convict, who was a locksmith by trade and had successfully picked every lock he had been presented with, was confident he could do the same with the detector lock. After two or three months of trying he was forced to admit defeat.

[edit] Manufacture and improvements

In 1820, Jeremiah joined his brother Charles in starting their own lock company, Chubb. They moved from Portsmouth to Wolverhampton, which was the lock making capital of Great Britain, and opened a factory in Temple Street. In 1836 they moved to St James' Square in the same town. A further move followed in 1838 when works moved to the site of the old Workhouse in Railway Street. The Chubb lock reportedly became popular as a result of the interest generated when the Prince Regent accidentally sat on a Chubb lock which still had the key inserted.

A small Chubb detector lock from a gun case (Circa 1910)
A small Chubb detector lock from a gun case (Circa 1910)

A number of improvements were made to the original design over the years but the basic principle behind its construction remained unchanged. In 1824, Charles patented an improved design that no longer required a special regulator key to reset the lock. The original lock used four levers, but work by Jeremiah, Charles, his son John and others meant that by 1847 a six lever version had been produced. A later innovation was the "curtain", a disc that allowed the key to pass but narrowed the field of view, preventing the levers being seen by anybody attempting to pick the lock.

[edit] Picking

Competition in the lock business was fierce and there were various challenges issued in an attempt to prove the superiority of one type of lock over another. Joseph Bramah exhibited one of his locks in the window of his shop and offered £200 to anybody who could devise a method of picking it. In 1832, a Mr. Hart, replying to a challenge by Chubb failed to pick one of his detector locks. Although a number of people attempted and failed, the first person to pick the six lever Chubb lock was Alfred Charles Hobbs, the inventor of the protector lock, during the Great Exhibition in 1851.

[edit] References

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