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I have a career as a computer Programmer Analyst working at Scotiabank in Stratford. When I'm not coding away at work, I enjoy going out to check out the latest movie, hitting up a Pub for a Pint or 2, chilling at home watching the Hockey Game(Senators Fan here), or reading a book.

I have my own car, a Mazda 3, and drive it alot. In a given week, I'm in London at least 3 times, plus driving back and forth from Stratford and Ingersoll daily, so a drive does not bug me.

I can't count the number of times I've been told I'm a really nice guy. Downside is, its very rare that I've found myself outside of being just a "really good friend". I'm definitely not a badass in any sense, going out and causing trouble. I've never been in a fist fight, never found the need for it, though I'm sure it helps that I have a size advantage on most people. I'm a good listener, and can carry on a conversation without any problem. The latest quote from one of my friends is that I'm a "People pleaser". I'll do what I can to make people happy.

My favourite passtime/sport/hobby is golf. In the summer I get out at least twice a week. For those who care, I shoot in the low 80's, and drive on average around 280 yards(Longest drive is around 320).

The Travelling bug has just recently hit me, so I'm heading off to backpack across Europe in April. Not to mention a trip to Myrtle Beach the 2 weeks before I leave for Europe.