Template talk:Christian Democracy

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[edit] Re: changes by

While I would prefer for the CDI to call itself the "Christian Democrat International", they actually have begun to call themselves "Centrist Democrat International".

Also, Communitarianism and Conservatism are indeed proper links for this subject.

BTW, for a link to be included, the topic does not have to be a subset of CD, but just related to it.

   GUÐSÞEGN   – UTEX – 22:51, 2 April 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Re: changes by

Though I had to search them out, I think the new encyclical additions are on point, though I wonder if of critical importance. They do needs stubs at least. We don't want dead links on the template.

Regarding the Distributism link, while it does build on the same teachings, and involves the worker movement (also linked), no CD party that I know of advocates distributism, so I do question its inclusion. I'm not against it fully, but it does need some consensus discussion.

   GUÐSÞEGN   – UTEX – 16:28, 3 April 2006 (UTC)

If anyone can bring any proof that a CD party has advocated distributism or something resembling that, it would be good enough. Itake 16:48, 3 April 2006 (UTC)
I think I will remove distributism until further evidence is presented. As template creator who included conservatism, I think I'll take that one off as well, because the point of overlap, social conservatism, is also included.    GUÐSÞEGN   – UTEX – 02:57, 4 April 2006 (UTC)

[edit] European Christian Political Movement

Discussion continued from: Talk:Christian Democracy#European Christian Political Movement?

Well, from my looking at the website, the agenda seems to be nothing but elections, and the membership is mostly political parties. A group doesn't have to be members of EU parliament to be actively progressing Christian Democracy.

Members All the members seem to be political parties.

  • Armenia: Christian People's Unity of Armenia (CPUA)
  • Belgium: C’axent
  • ____ Christian-democrats French-speaking (CDF)
  • Bulgaria: Bulgarian Christian Coalition (BCC)
  • Estonia: Estonian Christian Democrats (EKD)
  • Germany: Party of Bible-faithful Christians (PBC)
  • ____ Zentrumspartei
  • Latvia: Christian-Democratic Union (KDS)
  • Lithuania: Lithuanian Christian Democrats (LKD)
  • Moldova: Christian Democratic People´s Party (PPCD)
  • Netherlands: ChristianUnion

Associates Includes several movement organizations and a non-EU CD party.

  • African Christian Democratic Party (South-Africa)

What makes this organization less worthy of a link?    GUÐSÞEGN   – UTEX – 22:09, 7 April 2006 (UTC)

There does seem to be a social issues focus to the ECPM, but that is progressing CD, not a particularly religious focus. In fact, they don't have a denominational requirement.    GUÐSÞEGN   – UTEX – 22:18, 7 April 2006 (UTC)
Point proven I guess. Itake 01:02, 9 April 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Added pic of CD propaganda posters

Many of the political templates have symbols for identification purposes. I added this image on this template for this purpose. It is a fair use image, which allows use "for identification and critical commentary on ... the political movement it represents". In this template it is used thumbnail-sized for identification purposes (and a commentary of sorts).    GUÐSÞEGN   – UTEX – 05:24, 11 April 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Berlusconi

Berlusconi is not a CD. Neither is Forza Italia a CD party. Itake 00:40, 12 April 2006 (UTC)

They claim to be (see Forza Italia#Party Ideology and Factions). Many of their members were part of the defunct DC party. And, in 1999 they became a member of the European People's Party, a CD regional.    GUÐSÞEGN   – UTEX – 05:15, 12 April 2006 (UTC)
They claim to be "it is a liberal party although not an elistist one, indeed a popular liberal-democratic party; it is a Catholic party although not a confessional one; it is a secular party, although not an intolerant and secularist one; it is a national party, although not a centralist one". I'd say its a populist party, nothing else. Itake 14:45, 12 April 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Too many ideas

I am concerned that the 'ideas' section of this template has grown too big. It seems to be a general problem of most political templates. I propose the following two universal guidelines to determine what ideas should be linked on the template of a specific ideology:

  1. The ideas must be shared by all, or at least a majority of, the adherents of that ideology. (and to remove all possibility of confusion, the sole arbiter of whether a person truly supports something is that person itself - thus there should be no claims of the form "but person X doesn't really support idea Y")
  2. The ideas must be relatively uncommon outside the given ideology. In other words, please do not include things that are supported by just about everyone, like "freedom".

In the case of this template, the 'ideas' section should include ideas that are common within CD and uncommon outside it. Right now it does not meet the criteria because it includes many ideas that are shared by many people who are not CD: Solidarity, Subsidiarity, Federalism, Freedom, Social Justice and Sustainability. I will remove those 6 links, pending your comments. -- Nikodemos 02:24, 23 June 2006 (UTC)

You say all those things are "core values of CD". Yet they are also core values of most other political ideologies. Thus, the principle of fairness gives us two choices: they should either be included on all political templates, or none of them.
You might be tempted to say that they should simply be placed on all templates, but that leads to practical problems. If an article is on 4 templates, for instance, it will be very difficult to place all those templates on that article.
Case in point: Why should the CD template be the only one on the social solidarity article, when social solidarity is supported by CD, social democracy, socialism, anarchism and many other ideologies? -- Nikodemos 03:00, 23 June 2006 (UTC)

[edit] How CD is Merkel anyway?/Persons of the Template

from the Christian Democracy Talk Currently, Angela Merkel is listed as a "famous Christian Democrat" in this article and also as an "important figure" in the CD template. But what did she do to merit this distinction? Did she support any particularly CD policy? -- Nikodemos 04:03, 23 June 2006 (UTC)

I agree. I think the point is somewhat bigger though. I've looked at the Liberalism, Green Politcs and Socialism templates but no people at all are mentioned there, just ideas. 18 people are mentioned on this template differing in importance and notablity.
  • Aquinas: medieval philosopher, very influential for catholic (political) thought
  • Leo XIII: pope, very influential for catholic social though
  • Kuyper: prime-minister of the Netherlands, founder of neo-calvinism, very influential for Dutch political protestantism, but limited influence outside of the Netherlands
  • Pius XI: pope, expanded Leo XIII's teachings
  • Gilson: French Philosopher, influential in the rival of catholic thought
  • Maritain: French Philosopher, influential in the rival of catholic thought
  • Mounier: French Philosopher, influential for personalism
  • Day: American Anarchist-Catholic
  • Adenauer: Prime Minister of Germany, very influential in post-war Europe
  • De Gasperi: Prime Minister of Italy, very influential in post-war Europe
  • Schuman: Prime Minister of France, very influential in post-war Europe
  • Frei: Prime Minister of Chile, very influential in Chile, but limited influence outside of Chile
  • John Paul II: pope, very influential in Cold War Europe
  • Strauss: Prime Minister of Bavaria, very influential in Germany, but limited influence outside of Germany
  • Kohl: Prime Minister of Germany, very influential in Cold War Europe
  • Ramos: President of the Phillipines, very influential in Phillipines, but limited influence outside of Phillipines
  • Fox: President of the Mexico, influence to be seen
  • Merkel: Prime Minister of Germany, influence to be seen

Philosophers, politicians, popes. What is the coherence in this list? Three 20th century French Catholic Philosophers, only two protestants (at all). Is this list balanced? I think we have to choices. Remove all the persons from the list. Or limiting it to max. 9 really influential people, like Thomas, Leo XIII. C mon 09:04, 23 June 2006 (UTC)

One possible rule would be to list only those people who created each of the ideas in the 'Ideas' section. -- Nikodemos 22:44, 24 June 2006 (UTC)
I've removed all the figures, seeing there is little support for them. --C mon 08:39, 18 July 2006 (UTC)
I am restoring most of the names. I'm sorry, I haven't been keeping up with the discussion page here. But, the coherence is that each of the figures is (or should be) influential in Christian Democracy as a political ideology, international political force, or strong local political example. To that end both thinkers and politicians belong on the same list. I, a conservative evangelical Protestant, created this list which is largely dominated by Roman Catholics. This is largely because most of the politicians advocating CD have been Catholics, not because I wish to promote Roman Catholicism.    GUÐSÞEGN   – UTEX – 23:16, 19 July 2006 (UTC)
I disagree that figures at all need to be included, but in a step towards compromise, I propose we choose max. nine that have been very influential for CD thought and/or politics. Examples will always end up being arbitary.

My proposal:

or something of the sort, BTW to avoid missing discussions be sure to watch pages you have created/feel strongly about, you can use the watch page option (next to move) when you're logged on. --C mon 23:33, 19 July 2006 (UTC)

My proposal (if limited to nine):

  • Leo XIII · Kuyper · Maritain
  • Adenauer · De Gasperi · Schuman
  • Frei · John Paul II · Kohl

   GUÐSÞEGN   – UTEX – 00:14, 20 July 2006 (UTC)

I would actually like to bump it up to 11, and include Aquinas and Calvin.
  • Aquinas · Calvin
  • Leo XIII · Kuyper · Maritain
  • Adenauer · De Gasperi · Schuman
  • Frei · John Paul II · Kohl

   GUÐSÞEGN   – UTEX – 00:18, 20 July 2006 (UTC)

Calvin is a good idea indeed, but I don't see Frei and I think there might be to many post-war European politicians (adenauer de gasperi & schuman. Could you settle for Aquinas, Calvin, Leo XIII, Kuyper, Schuman Maritain, John Paul II & Kohl? --C mon 07:29, 20 July 2006 (UTC)

I see somebody added Romano Prodi. Hmm. I think Guðsþegn's 11 is reasonable. – Kaihsu 13:01, 20 July 2006 (UTC)

In defense of the eleven:
  • Aquinas and Calvin, because these are the twin root philosophers/theologians of Christian Democracy, both Catholic (Thomism) and Evangelical (Calvinism)
  • Leo XIII and Kuyper, because these are the true founding fathers of Christian Democracy, again both Catholic and Evangelical
  • Maritain, because he is considered instrumental in progressing CD thought (esp. the Catholic strain); so much that Notre Dame has a "Maritain Center"
  • Adenauer, De Gasperi, and Schuman, because these are great Christian Democrats and the political founding fathers of modern Europe, together founding what would become the European Union
  • Frei, because as far as I can tell, he is the most respected CD leader from Latin America; so much that the CDA in the Netherlands named its think tank the "Frei Institute" (instead of Kuyper Institute, believe it or not)
  • John Paul II, because he has been instrumental in progressing CD thought in the post-war period, up to today, esp. through his Centesimus Annus encyclical
  • Kohl, because as far as I can tell, he is the most influential CD leader in Europe since the post-war fathers
   GUÐSÞEGN   – UTEX – 21:47, 20 July 2006 (UTC)

English link of CDA Frei Foindation    GUÐSÞEGN   – UTEX – 21:59, 20 July 2006 (UTC)

I can see most but not Frei (the CDA institute named after Frei is its development cooperation institute, oriented towards the global south, the main thinktank is called "the Scientific Institute" - Wetenschappelijk Instituut), because of his limited importance outside of Chili; and the three "founding fathers" of Europe, I think that Schuman in this case is your man, because his plan (the Schuman Plan) was the main initiative for European Union. I'll settle for the following eight: Aquinas, Calvin, Leo, Kuyper, Maritain, Schuman, John Paul and Kohl. -- C mon 22:35, 20 July 2006 (UTC)

I have removed Prodi for now. He had been quite promiscuous (in lieu of a better word) in ideological associations. – Kaihsu 13:57, 21 July 2006 (UTC)
I think it is a mistake not to include a Latin American CD leader. However, towards compromise: How 'bout my eleven minus Frei? That's just 10 (just one more than your original suggestion). I think it's a mistake not to include Adenauer and De Gasperi, the other two founding fathers of Europe. What do you think Kaihsu?    GUÐSÞEGN   – UTEX – 00:58, 22 July 2006 (UTC)
Changed per last post (awaiting further discussion).    GUÐSÞEGN   – UTEX – 01:38, 23 July 2006 (UTC)

Looks good! – Kaihsu 16:35, 27 July 2006 (UTC)

I would still prefer one 1950s Eurofederalist, and not three (Pick Monnet!) because we are repeating the same person but only from different countries. --C mon 19:18, 28 July 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Ideas

What is the ideas section based on. For the template:Greens it is based on the Global Green Charter. What about this one? The Dutch Christian Democrats for instance have four key values ([see here (in dutch)]). Justice, Spread Responsibility (Subsidiarity + Sphere Sovereignty), Solidarity and Stewardship. What about the ideas included here where did they come from? --C mon 19:18, 28 July 2006 (UTC)

Also, as I pointed out above, the ideas section should not include concepts that are so broad that everyone agrees with them - or at least everyone says they agree with them. I'm referring to concepts such as freedom, justice and solidarity. Is there any political ideology that opposes "justice"? Of course not. The Ideas section should only contain ideas that are specifically CD, such as Personalism, or at least ideas that are not shared by the opponents of CD (such as social conservatism). -- Nikodemos 16:41, 30 July 2006 (UTC)
The link in the template is to social justice ("justice" is used for short, for the sake of the template). Conservatives don't really believe in social justice, but CDers do. So, not everyone agrees. If particular concepts are emphasized, even if commonly shared, they should be included; because, if for no other reason, the specific mixture of concepts will be different from other ideologies when considered in totality. If you remove any particular concept, it spoils the understanding of the mixture. Most people say they believe in human dignity. Should it be removed? For CD it is the concept that unifies the ideology. Would you remove the central concept? NO.    GUÐSÞEGN   – UTEX – 05:11, 31 July 2006 (UTC)
I don't want to remove any ideas (yet) I just wanted to know what you based the section on, did you think it up yourself, did you base it on a list of an international organization, or one party? --C mon 08:30, 31 July 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Consistency of templates?

I thought we should revitalize some of the discussion here. Over in template talk:Social democracy, C mon proposed that we use some sort of common standard for the SD, CD and liberalism templates, for the sake of consistency and neutrality. He also proposed that we based the standard on the liberalism template, because it is the oldest and arguably has the most well-developed articles. What do you think? -- Nikodemos 04:34, 25 October 2006 (UTC)