Chronological list of Star Trek stories (2372-2374)

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Chronological lists of Star Trek stories
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This article is an attempt to list every Star Trek story from every form of media taking place from 2372 through 2374 in the order they occurred (not necessarily by stardate). This allows the reader to see the relation between canon, and the 'expanded universe'. Sequence is based on that shown in Star Trek: Adventures In Time and Space. Calendar dates are largely those derived from Memory Alpha.

This literature-related list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.
This film, television, or video-related list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.


[edit] 2372

  • DS9 season 4
  • VOY season 2
Format Title Year Stardate Release date Chronological notes
VOY #18 (121) Initiations 2372 [1] 49005.3 4 September 1995
VOY #19 (117) Projections 2372 [2] 48892.1 11 September 1995
VOY #20 (118) Elogium 2372 [3] 48921.3 18 September 1995
VOY #21 (122) Non Sequitur 2372 [4] 49011.0 25 September 1995 8 months after "Caretaker"
DS9 #73 (473) The Way of the Warrior, Part 1 2372 [5] 49011.4 2 October 1995 1st Sisko with shaved head.
DS9 #74 (474) The Way of the Warrior, Part 2 2372 [6] 49011.4 2 October 1995 Worf assigned to DS9.
VOY #22 (119) Twisted 2372 [7] Unknown 2 October 1995
DS9 #75 (476) The Visitor 2372 [8] Unknown 9 October 1995
VOY #23 (123) Parturition 2372 [9] 49068.5 9 October 1995
DS9 #76 (475) Hippocratic Oath 2372 [10] 49066.5 16 October 1995
DS9 #77 (477) Indiscretion 2372 [11] Unknown 23 October 1995
DS9 #78 (478) Rejoined 2372 [12] 49195.5 30 October 1995
VOY #24 (124) Persistence of Vision 2372 [13] Unknown 30 October 1995
DS9 #79 (480) Starship Down 2372 [14] 49263.5 13 November 1995
VOY #25 (125) Tattoo 2372 [15] Unknown 6 November 1995
DS9 #80 (479) Little Green Men 2372 [16] Unknown 15 November 1995
VOY #26 (126) Cold Fire 2372 [17] 49164.8 13 November 1995 10 months after "Caretaker"
DS9 #81 (481) The Sword of Kahless 2372 [18] Unknown 20 November 1995
VOY #27 (127) Maneuvers 2372 [19] 49208.5-49243.0 20 November 1995
VOY #28 (128) Resistance 2372 [20] Unknown 27 November 1995
DS9 #82 (482) Our Man Bashir 2372 [21] 49300.7 27 November 1995
DS9 #83 (483) Homefront 2372 [22] 49170.65 1 January 1996
DS9 #84 (484) Paradise Lost 2372 [23] Unknown 8 January 1996
Lives of Dax Reflections 2372 [24] Dec 1999 Immediately after "Paradise Lost".
VOY #29 (129) Prototype 2372 [25] Unknown 15 January 1996
VOY #30 (131) Alliances 2372 [26] 49337.4-49342.5 5 February 1996
DS9 #85 (485) Crossfire 2372 [27] 48517.3 29 January 1996
VOY #31 9132) Threshold 2372 [28] 49373.4 29 January 1996
DS9 #86 (486) Return to Grace 2372 [29] 48534.2 5 February 1996
VOY #32 (133) Meld 2372 [30] Unknown 5 February 1996
DS9 #87 (487) Sons of Mogh 2372 [31] 49556.2 12 February 1996
VOY #33 (134) Dreadnought 2372 [32] 49447.0 12 February 1996
VOY #34 (130) Death Wish 2372 [33] 49301.4 19 February 1996
DS9 #88 (488) Bar Association 2372 [34] 49565.1 19 February 1996
DS9 #89 (489) Accession 2372 [35] Unknown 24 February 1996
VOY #35 (136) Lifesigns 2372 [36] 49504.3-49507.2 26 February 1996
VOY #36 (135) Investigations 2372 [37] 49485.2 13 March 1996
VOY #37 (137) Deadlock 2372 [38] 49548.7 18 March 1996
DS9 #90 (490) Rules of Engagement 2372 [39] 49648.0-49665.3 8 April 1996
VOY #38 (138) Innocence 2372 [40] 49578.2 8 April 1996
DS9 #91 (491) Hard Time 2372 [41] Unknown 15 April 1996
DS9 #92 (492) Shattered Mirror 2372 [42] Unknown 22 April 1996
DS9 #93 (493) The Muse 2372 [43] 49702.2 29 April 1996
VOY #39 (139) The Thaw 2372 [44] Unknown 29 April 1996
Marvel VOY #4 Homeostasis, Part I 2372 Feb 1997
Marvel VOY #5 Homeostasis, Part II 2372 [45] 49641.6 Mar 1997
DS9 #94 (494) For the Cause 2372 [46] Unknown 6 May 1996
VOY #40 (140) Tuvix 2372 [47] 49655.2-49678.4 6 May 1996
VOY #41 (141) Resolutions 2372 [48] 49690.1 13 May 1996
TNG ebook #1 A Sea of Troubles 2372 Oct 2007 After stardate 49827.5
DS9 #95 (496) To the Death 2372 [49] 49904.2 13 May 1996 Odo infected with the morphogenic virus.
DS9 #96 (495) The Quickening 2372 [50] Unknown 20 May 1996
DS9 #97 (497) Body Parts 2372 [51] Unknown 10 June 1996
TNG ebook #2 The Oppressor's Wrong 2372 Nov 2007
DS9 #98 (498) Broken Link 2372 [52] 49962.4 17 June 1996
VOY #42 (142) Basics, Part 1 2372 [53] Unknown 20 May 1996

[edit] 2373

The USS Enterprise NCC-1701-E
The USS Enterprise NCC-1701-E
Format Title Year Stardate Release date Chronological notes
VOY #43 (146) Basics, Part 2 2373 [54] 50032.7 4 September 1996
VOY #44 (145) Flashback 2373 [55] 50126.4 11 September 1996
VOY #45 (147) The Chute 2373 [56] 50156.2 18 September 1996
VOY #46 (149) The Swarm 2373 [57] 50252.3 25 September 1996
DS9 #99 (499) Apocalypse Rising 2373 [58] Unknown 30 September 1996
VOY #47 (144) False Profits 2373 [59] 50074.3-50074.5 2 October 1996
TNG ebook #3 The Insolence of Office 2373 Dec 2007
DS9 #100 (500) The Ship 2373 [60] 50049.3 7 October 1996
VOY #48 (148) Remember 2373 [61] 50203.1-50211.4 9 October 1996
DS9 #101 (501) Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places 2373 [62] Unknown 14 October 1996 Worf and Jadzia become a couple.
DS9 #102 (502) Nor the Battle to the Strong 2373 [63] Unknown 21 October 1996
DS9 #103 (504) The Assignment 2373 [64] Unknown 28 October 1996
VOY #49 (143) Sacred Ground 2373 [65] 50063.2 30 October 1996
DS9 #104 (503) Trials and Tribble-ations 2373 [66] Unknown 4 November 1996
TNG ebook #4 That Sleep of Death 2373 2008
VOY #50 (150) Future's End, Part 1 2373 [67] Unknown 6 November 1996
DS9 #105 (505) Let He Who is Without Sin... 2373 [68] Unknown 11 November 1996
VOY #51 (151) Future's End, Part 2 2373 [69] 50312.5 13 November 1996 The Doctor gets his mobile emitter.
DS9 #106 (506) Things Past 2373 [70] Unknown 18 November 1996
VOY #52 (152) Warlord 2373 [71] 50348.1-50361.7 20 November 1996 Kes breaks up with Neelix.
TNG ebook #5 A Weary Life 2373 2008
DS9 #107 (507) The Ascent 2373 [72] Unknown 25 November 1996 Nog returns from the Academy.
VOY #53 (153) The Q and the Grey 2373 [73] 50384.2-50392.7 27 November 1996
VOY #54 (154) Macrocosm 2373 [74] 50425.1 11 December 1996 Neelix made Ambassador.
DS9 #108 (508) Rapture 2373 [75] Unknown 30 December 1996 Intro grey uniforms. Bashir replaced by a changeling around this time.
TNG ebook #6 Enterprises of Great Pitch and Moment 2373 2008
DS9 #109 (509) The Darkness and the Light 2373 [76] 50416.2 6 January 1997
VOY #55 (156) Fair Trade 2373 [77] Unknown 8 January 1997
VOY #56 (155) Alter Ego 2373 [78] 50460.3-50471.3 15 January 1997
DS9 #110 (510) The Begotten 2373 [79] Unknown 27 January 1997 Odo regains shapeshifting abilities.
VOY #57 (158) Coda 2373 [80] 50518.6 29 January 1997
New Frontier: No Limits Making a Difference 2373 [81] Oct 2003 During the Battle at the beginning of "First Contact"
Film 8 Star Trek: First Contact 2373 [82] 50893.5 22 November 1996
DS9 #111 (511) For the Uniform 2373 [83] 50485.2 3 February 1997
VOY #58 (157) Blood Fever 2373 [84] 50537.2-50541.6 5 February 1997 Beginning of the relationship between Paris and Torres.
DS9 #112 (512) In Purgatory's Shadow 2373 [85] Unknown 10 February 1997 Reference to "First Contact".
VOY #59 (159) Unity 2373 [86] 50614.2-50622.4 12 February 1997
DS9 #113 (513) By Inferno's Light 2373 [87] 50564.2 17 February 1997
VOY #60 (161) Darkling 2373 [88] 50693.2 19 February 1997
Marvel VOY #10 Ghosts 2373 [89] Oct 1997 After "Unity" and before "Before and After".
DS9 #114 (514) Doctor Bashir, I Presume? 2373 [90] Unknown 24 February 1997
VOY #61 (160) Rise 2373 [91] Unknown 26 February 1997
VOY #62 (162) Favorite Son 2373 [92] 50732.4 19 March 1997
DS9 #115 (515) A Simple Investigation 2373 [93] Unknown 31 March 1997
DS9 #116 (516) Business as Usual 2373 [94] Unknown 5 April 1997
VOY #63 (163) Before and After 2373 [95] Unknown 9 April 1997
DS9 #117 (517) Ties of Blood and Water 2373 [96] 50712.5 14 April 1997
Marvel VOY #11 Leviathan, Part I 2373 Nov 1997
Marvel VOY #12 Leviathan, Part II 2373 [97] Dec 1997
Telepathy War #1 Reality's End 2373 50796.5 Nov 1997 TNG/DS9/Starfleet Academy x-over; Spock and Talosians appearance
DS9 #118 (518) Ferengi Love Songs 2373 [98] Unknown 21 April 1997
VOY #64 (164) Real Life 2373 [99] 50836.2 23 April 1997
DS9 #119 (519) Soldiers of the Empire 2373 [100] Unknown 29 April 1997
VOY #65 (165) Distant Origin 2373 [101] Unknown 30 April 1997
DS9 #120 (520) Children of Time 2373 [102] 50814.2 5 May 1997
VOY #66 (166) Displaced 2373 [103] 50912.4-50929.6 7 May 1997
DS9 #121 (521) Blaze of Glory 2373 [104] Unknown 12 May 1997
VOY #67 (167) Worst Case Scenario 2373 [105] 50953.4 14 May 1997
DS9 #122 (522) Empok Nor 2373 [106] 50901.7 19 May 1997
VOY #68 (168) Scorpion, Part 1 2373 [107] 50984.3 21 May 1997
DS9 #123 (523) In the Cards 2373 [108] 50929.4 9 June 1997
TNG novel Behind Enemy Lines 2373 Unknown Oct 1998
DS9 #124 (524) Call to Arms 2373 [109] 50975.2 16 June 1997 Starfleet surrenders DS9 to the Dominion

[edit] 2374

  • DS9 season 6
  • VOY season 4
Voyager assists the Borg in defeating Species 8472.
Voyager assists the Borg in defeating Species 8472.
Format Title Year Stardate Release date Chronological notes
VOY #69 (169) Scorpion, Part 2 2374 [110] 51003.7 3 Sep 1997 1st appearance of Seven of Nine
VOY #70 (170) The Gift 2374 [111] 51008.0 10 Sep 1997 Kes leaves Voyager
VOY #71 (172) Day of Honor 2374 [112] Unknown 17 Sep 1997
VOY #72 (171) Nemesis 2374 [113] 51082.4-51096.5 24 Sep 1997
DS9 #125 (525) A Time to Stand 2374 [114] Unknown 29 Sep 1997 3 months since "Call to Arms"
VOY #73 (173) Revulsion 2374 [115] 51186.2 1 Oct 1997 Tuvok promoted to Lieutenant Commander
DS9 #126 (527) Rocks and Shoals 2374 [116] 51096.2 6 Oct 1997
VOY #74 (174) The Raven 2374 [117] Unknown 8 Oct 1997
DS9 #127 (526) Sons and Daughters 2374 [118] Unknown 16 Oct 1997
TNG novel Tunnel Through the Stars 2374 Unknown Nov 1998
DS9 #128 (528) Behind the Lines 2374 [119] 51145.3 20 Oct 1997
DS9 #129 (529) Favor the Bold 2374 [120] Unknown 27 Oct 1997
VOY #75 (175) Scientific Method 2374 [121] 51244.3 29 Oct 1997
DS9 #130 (530) Sacrifice of Angels 2374 [122] Unknown 3 Nov 1997 Starfleet retakes Terok Nor
VOY #76 (176) Year of Hell, Part 1 2374 [123] 51252.3-51268.4 5 Nov 1997 Divergent timeline
VOY #77 (177) Year of Hell, Part 2 2374 [124] 51425.4-51682.2 12 Nov 1997 Divergent timeline
DS9 #131 (531) You are Cordially Invited... 2374 [125] Unknown 10 Nov 1997
DS9 #132 (532) Resurrection 2374 [126] Unknown 17 Nov 1997
VOY #78 (178) Random Thoughts 2374 [127] 51367.2 19 Nov 1997
DS9 #133 (533) Statistical Probabilities 2374 [128] Unknown 22 Nov 1997 Damar becomes leader of the Cardassian Union
VOY #79 (179) Concerning Flight 2374 [129] 51386.4-51408.3 26 Nov 1997
VOY #80 (180) Mortal Coil 2374 [130] 51449.2 17 Dec 1997
DS9 #134 (534) The Magnificent Ferengi 2374 [131] Unknown 17 Dec 1997
DS9 #135 (535) Waltz 2374 [132] 51408.6-51413.6 3 Jan 1998
VOY #81 (182) Waking Moments 2374 [133] 51471.3 14 Jan 1998
VOY #82 (181) Message in a Bottle 2374 [134] 51462.0 21 Jan 1998 1st contact with Hirogen
DS9 #136 (536) Who Mourns for Morn? 2374 [135] Unknown 4 Feb 1998
DS9 #137 (538) Far Beyond the Stars 2374 [136] Unknown 11 Feb 1998
VOY #83 (183) Hunters 2374 [137] 51501.4 11 Feb 1998
DS9 #138 (537) One Little Ship 2374 [138] 51474.2 14 Feb 1998
VOY #84 (184) Prey 2374 [139] 51652.3 18 Feb 1998
DS9 #139 (539) Honor Among Thieves 2374 [140] Unknown 21 Feb 1998
VOY #85 (185) Retrospect 2374 [141] 51679.4-51658.2 25 Feb 1998
DS9 #140 (540) Change of Heart 2374 [142] 51597.2 28 Feb 1998
Wildstorm comic The Gorn Crisis 2374 51701.3 Jan 2001
VOY #86 (186) The Killing Game, Part 1 2374 [143] Unknown 4 Mar 1998
VOY #87 (187) The Killing Game, Part 2 2374 [144] 51715.2 4 Mar 1998
DS9 #141 (541) Wrongs Darker than Death or Night 2374 [145] Unknown 28 Mar 1998
DS9 #142 (542) Inquisition 2374 [146] Unknown 8 Apr 1998 Intro Section 31
VOY #88 (188) Vis à Vis 2374 [147] 51762.4-51775.2 4 Apr 1998
Tales of the Dominion War Blood Sacrifice 2374 Aug 2004 Immediately before and during "In the Pale Moonlight"
DS9 #143 (543) In the Pale Moonlight 2374 [148] 51721.3 15 Apr 1998 Betazed falls to the Dominion.
Pocket DS9 Hollow Men 2374 [149] Unknown May 2005
VOY #89 (189) The Omega Directive 2374 [150] 51781.2-51793.4 15 Apr 1998
DS9 #144 (544) His Way 2374 [151] Unknown 22 Apr 1998 1st appearance of Vic Fontaine; Odo & Kira become a couple
VOY #90 (190) Unforgettable 2374 [152] 51813.4 22 Apr 1998
DS9 #145 (545) The Reckoning 2374 [153] Unknown 29 Apr 1998
VOY #91 (191) Living Witness 2374 [154] Unknown 29 Apr 1998
DS9 #146 (546) Valiant 2374 [155] Unknown 6 May 1998
VOY #92 (192) Demon 2374 [156] Unknown 6 May 1998
DS9 #147 (547) Profit and Lace 2374 [157] Unknown 13 May 1998
VOY #93 (193) One 2374 [158] 51929.3-51932.4 13 May 1998 Episode spans one month.
DS9 #148 (548) Time's Orphan 2374 [159] Unknown 20 May 1998
PC game The Fallen 2374 [160] 51957.1 21 Nov 2000 In continuity with the Millennium novels
VOY #94 (194) Hope and Fear 2374 [161] 51978.2-51981.6 20 May 1998
DS9 #149 (549) The Sound of Her Voice 2374 [162] 51948.3 10 Jun 1998
DS9 #150 (550) Tears of the Prophets 2374 [163] Unknown 17 Jun 1998 Death of Jadzia
Tales of the Dominion War The Ceremony of Innocence is Drowned 2374 Aug 2004 Just before "The Battle of Betazed"
Pocket TNG The Battle of Betazed 2374 [164] Apr 2002 2 months after "Tears of the Prophets", 3 months before "Insurrection"
Tales of the Dominion War Mirror Eyes 2374 Aug 2004 Between "Tears of the Prophets" and "Image in the Sand"

[edit] References

[edit] Footnotes