Chrono Numbers

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The Chrono Numbers (also known asToki no Bannin or Chronos Time Guardians) are a group of characters in the anime and manga Black Cat.


[edit] Sephiria Arks

Manga Version of Sephiria
Manga Version of Sephiria

Sephiria Arks is the head of the Chrono Numbers.

Sephiria Arks in the manga

Number I, thus making her the head of the Chronos Numbers. Her weapon is "Christ," an extremely sharp sabre made of Orichalcum (Orichalcon) that is incredibly strong. Despite her gentle looks and young age, her swordsmanship is such that she can attack extremely rapidly and precisely, not even producing sound when her sword makes a cut. She can also move with such speed as to create after-images to confuse opponents. She is young but very charismatic, and genuinely cares for life. She can also see through a person's soul, it is said, as she can guess exactly a person's feelings. As a result of that skill, she often manipulates others, such as Train Heartnet. While she can be cruel and hurtful in her ambition, she is not a mean-spirited person. No matter if it's a friend or a foe, she hates seeing anyone sacrificed - though in a battle with Creed Diskenth, she would have given up her own life (via an explosive bracelet) to destroy Creed, if Train hadn't intervened. In the final tankouban of Black Cat, she mentions that her body possesses an enhanced recovery time because she was "born to live for Chronos" and "wouldn't die so easily". She is also a master swordsman, knowing all thirty-six moves of her style, the ultimate being 'Apocalypse' which completely reduces a target to nothing.

Sephiria Arks in the anime

Voiced by: Kikuko Inoue (Japanese), Lydia Mackay (English)
Sephiria holds much animosity towards Train for leaving Chronos, and is generally more aggressive than her Manga counter-part. Her appearance looks younger as well, and she seems to be near Train's age. Her manipulativeness is also played down in the Anime, and she is more forthright than sneaky. She decides to help Train in fighting Eden to rescue Eve when Train defiles her pride. In these battles she demonstrates her superior fighting abilities. At the end of the Anime, she leaves to rebuild Chronos from scratch.

[edit] Belze Rochefort (Also known as Berze Rochefort)

Manga Version of Belze
Manga Version of Belze

Belze Rochefort is Chrono Number II.

Belze Rochefort in the manga

Belze is the Chronos Numbers member Number II. Sephiria has trusted him since Train left the Chronos Numbers. His weapon is a spear named "Gungnir." While Belze is Sephiria's right hand man and second in command of the Numbers, it is worth noting that the rest of the Numbers' hierarchy don't seem to follow an strict order. It has been stated in Belze's profile page from the manga though that the Number I represents Commanding Officer and II represents Vice Commander. Uses a spear as his main weapon.

Belze Rochefort in the anime

Voiced by: Hideyuki Hori (Japanese), Mike McFarland (English)
There is no noted difference between Belze in the anime and in the manga.

[edit] Emilio Lowe

Emilio Lowe in the anime
Emilio Lowe in the anime

Emilio Lowe is Chrono Number III, and did not appear in the manga.

(Voiced by: Susumu Chiba(Japanese))
Chronos Number III, Emilio rarely appears in the Anime, mainly in the final part of the story, on the final attack on Creed's base on Clarken Island. After the defeat of Creed, he reveals himself as one of Mason's Zero Numbers, on the Eden project.

[edit] Kranz Maduke

Manga Version of Kranz
Manga Version of Kranz
Kranz Maduke in the manga

Number IV, Kranz, was raised as an assassin for Chronos from birth, and, like Baldor, is extremely violent. Since losing his eyesight in a battle several years ago, he wears a helmet that conceals his eyes, and has learned to fight through sensing sound and movement. His weapon is a knife named "Mars." When Mars's switch is pressed, its blade will vibrate and become extremely sharp. He, together with Baldorias, is sent to capture Kyoko after she leaves the Apostles Of The Stars, and eventually engages in battle with Train in his Lucifer-changed child form, and later with Sven, when they confess they do not intend to let them hurt her. When Jenos appears to stop the fight and tell them the plan was cancelled, Baldorias does not react in a happy way, and even attacks Jenos himself.

Kranz Maduke in the Anime

(Voiced by: Atsushi Kakehashi(Japanese))
Kranz has only appeared briefly in the anime, in the preparations for the Clarken island attack and the attack itself, but he does not play any kind of role in the part where Train is changed into a child, as Kyoko is not pursued by the Chrono Numbers in the Anime. After Creed's defeat in Clarken Island Kranz shows himself as one of the Zero Numbers Mason gathered, together with Baldorias and Emilio.

[edit] Nizer Bruckheimer (Also known as Naizer Bruckheimer)

Manga Version of Nizer
Manga Version of Nizer

Nizer Bruckheimer is Chrono Number V.

In the Manga

The leader of the Chronos Numbers elite assassination squad Kerberos, in charge of the close-range attacks, Nizer wields a pair of tonfas named "Dioskuroi" which he wields with incredible skill, as he shows when he has to destroy a human turned into a werewolf through the Lucifer nanomachines, that can regenerate any part of its body as long as a single piece of it remains - He can even regenerate his head, causing Nizer to need to completely pulverize it. He holds a personal vendetta against Creed Diskence for the death of Number X, his old partner Ash. He is unable to participate in the attack at Clarken Island due to grave injuries caused by Creed's Imagine Blade and a gunshot from Echidna.

In the Anime

Voiced by: Hisao Egawa (Japanese), Daniel Penz (English)
In the attacks in the manga, Nizer suffers grave injuries and is unable to participate in the attack at Clarken Island. However, in the Anime the scene where Jenos reports the Kerberos mission results to Belze does not take place, therefore we might just speculate Nizer is in the same condition as in the manga. Also, in the Anime the scene where Creed kills Ash and injuries Nizer is shown, contrary to the manga where it is just mentioned.

[edit] Anubis


Anubis is Chrono Number VI and does not appear in the manga.

In the Anime his appearance is that of a huge, black wolf with VI on his face, above his left eye. His weapon is that of a mechanical tail. He is skilled at combat (Being a Chrono Number), as he fights against various monster spawning from Eden to protect Train and Sven while they're heading inside, and he battles Shiki. He is always capable of speaking.

[edit] Jenos Hazard (Also known as Janus Hazard)

Manga Version of Jenos
Manga Version of Jenos

Jenos Hazard is Chrono Number VII.

Jenos Hazard in the manga

Jenos is the Chronos Numbers member Number VII. Among the Chronos Numbers, he probably is the best looking, and is a bit of a womanizer. However, he does not just flirt with girls, as he actually falls in deep love with every single one of them, Rinslet Walker being one of his favorite candidates through the story. Jenos's weapon is a glove named "Excelion," which has indestructible Orichalcon wires attached to it, and can be used to cut very deeply or grasp something very tightly. Along with Naizer and Belga, he is a member of Kerberos, being the middle-range attacker. He stops Belouga from executing Nizer's suicide plan to finish Creed off, resulting in a risky escape from the castle where Belouga dies to hold a huge ceiling tile while Jenos escapes carrying Nizer unconscious. He also plays the role of trying to stop Baldorias and Kranz from fighting Train and Sven (even though he's not very warmly received), and brings Kyoko to Sephiria for their meeting, where Sephiria wishes to test Kyoko. In the final attack on Clarken Island, he tags up with Lin, who he shows great ease in getting along with.

Jenos Hazard in the anime

Voiced by: Takahiro Sakurai (Japanese), Troy Baker (English)
Even though on the Manga he shows a friendly alignment to Train and Sven's sweeper team, in the anime, he shows a neutral attitude at the start, mainly because Eve was his target once, saved by Train. However, he develops a supporting attitude towards Train's group as of the Eden incursion. He also has a different role, as he parttakes in many missions he did not in the manga. For example, he watches the World Conference in a helicopter and is also given the mission of taking out Eve or take her to the Chronos headquarters at the start. In the Anime, he also is always accompanied by a Chronos eraser, that aids him. His relation with Lin is not of old acquaintaces, as it is more strict and formal. Also, it would seem his feelings towards Rinslet are of love, even though it's not known if he's just a flirt. However, they are closer than they are in the Manga.

Incidently, it's worth noting that Jenos' number is 'Lucky 7' the opposite to Train's 'Unlucky 13'. As such, his 'VII' mark is also on his chest, but on the opposite side from Train's.

[edit] Baldorias S. Fanghini (Also known as Baldor S. Fanghini)

Manga Version of Baldorias
Manga Version of Baldorias

Baldorias S. Fanghini is Chrono number VIII.

In the Manga

Number VIII of the Chronos Numbers, Baldor was raised as an assassin from birth. His loyalty to Chronos and violent tendencies are thus extremely strong. He wields the rocket-boosted hammer "Heimdall," and frequently chews bubble gum. He, together with Kranz, participates in a mission to capture Kyoko (As stated above). He is extremely vicious and aggressive, as shown by the way he tries to kill Train in his mission, and by the way he violently smashes a group of Shooting Star soldiers on Clarken Island's castle.

In the Anime

(Voiced by: Anri Katsu(Japanese)) Baldor has only briefly appeared in the final part of the anime, but he does not appear in the mission of capturing Kyoko because in the Anime it does not take place. He is one of the Zero Numbers, that along with Mason plan on using Eve in the Eden Project.

[edit] David Pepper

Anime Version of David
Anime Version of David

David Pepper is Chrono Number IX and does not appear in the manga. His weapons are gambling cards. In the battle on Clarken Island, he fights against Maro, but a final attack from the latter seriously injures both, killing him. He is buried by Jenos after No. I and II face the Zero Numbers.

[edit] Ash

Anime Version of Ash
Anime Version of Ash

Ash is Chrono Number X.

Ash in the manga

Former Chronos Number X and partner as well as best friend of Naizer. He never actually appeared in the volumes, but it was explained that he was killed by Creed Diskenth.

Ash in the anime

Voiced by: Taketora (Japanese), David Wilson-Brown (English)
Ash actually does appear in the anime, and it's shown that his weapon is a cane (name unknown). This may be a shikomizue (a cane with a sword inside). Like in the manga, he was killed by Creed, but the scene is actually shown.

[edit] Lin Xiao Lee

Lin Xiao Lee is Chrono Number X.

Lin Xiao Lee in the manga

Ash's replacement as Chronos Number X. Before entering the Chronos Numbers, his idol was Train Heartnet, due to his unique style of completing his missions. A master of disguise, he can change his appearance in a split second, and is nicknamed "Magician." His weapon, "Seiren", is a hagoromo, or a feather mantle, that is lined with orihalcon wires. This allows it to block attacks, or cut through metal with its edges. He plays a major role in two distinct parts of the story: The first one is when he, under disguise, convinces Train to head for the Apostles of The Stars' hideout, as Sephiria thinks that the Kerberos team should have support from Train, not by helping them, but as Sephiria thought that Train would want to eliminate Creed when he saw him. Unlike Sephiria's plan, Train, upon entering the castle, leaves Kerberos and the Apostles battling withouth making an intervention, and only rescues Rinslet. Also, in the Sweeper Alliance part, Lin disguises himself as "Grin", a character which is the founder of the Sweeper Alliance and plans to take the sweepers to Clarken Island to eliminate Creed, but actually he wants to use them as a diversion so that the Chrono Numbers can actually attack the headquarters unexpectedly. He created a video game that he distributed to every sweeper, which contained various intellectual and other tests, and only those who passed it should know the address of their final meeting where they would depart for Clarken Island.

Lin Xiao Lee in the anime

(Seiyuu: Saiga Mitsuki)
In the Anime, Lin did not appear until the Sweeper Alliance, and his role was different: He merely summoned the sweepers and granted them a place in the trip to Clarken Island instantaneously. He also attempted to persuade Train into rejoining Chronos once his identity had been revealed, a scene which occurred in the anime (Ep 17). He also shows a "darker" personality in the Anime, as in the manga he was an innocent Number who admired Train and just wanted to fight for world peace, but in the Anime his admiring for Train is more directed to "admiring his power", and he has no problems in offending the sweepers many times. He also accuses them of fighting without receiving nothing in return, which makes him sound a bit materialistic. But it seems his personality evolves as he shows a more sympathic side, which appears to start when he says, precisely, that sweepers are idiots for fighting without getting anything in return, but after a chat with Train, when they're helping townsfolk, Train asks him if he isn't one of those fools, and he answers smiling "You might be right".

[edit] Beluga J. Heard (Also known as Belouga/Belga J. Hard)

Manga version of Belouga
Manga version of Belouga

Beluga J. Heard is Chrono Number XI.

Beluga J. Heard in the manga

Number XI of the Chronos Numbers, he is Kerberos Unit's long range attacker. He wields a bazooka named "Verethragna." He dies helping Jenos and Naizer escape from the Apostles of the Stars' collapsing hideout after a failed attempt on Creed's life due to Jenos's thoughtless intervention.

Beluga J. Heard in the anime

Voiced by: Kouji Ishii (Japanese), Gordon Holey (English)
Belouga is identical to his manga counterpart, except in the Anime it isn't told if he dies or not in the escape, but is presumed so as he does not appear in the story after the attack on the castle. The last we see of him is an effort by himself and Naizer to attack Creed, the Camera shot pans to give us a a view of the ruined castle, and a large explosion can be seen. While fighting through the Castle, he engages Shiki in a battle. Shiki thinks he is simply wasting his attacks and firing wildly, but realises too late that his true target was the supporting walls of the castle, leading the building to collapse.

[edit] Mason Ordrosso

Mason Ordrosso is Chrono Number XII.

Mason Ordrosso in the manga

Chronos Number XII. Mason is the eldest member of the Time Guardians. Although he never participated in a single battle in the series itself, he is the most wise and experienced out of all the Time Guardians. It is explained in the manga that he was the lone survivor the last time the Chronos Numbers fought against Tao-users. He only appears in the final part of the manga, witnessing from afar the explosion of the castle with Belze.

Mason Ordrosso in the anime

Voiced by: Rokuro Naya (Japanese), Randy Tallman (English)
In the anime, Mason is radically different because he is later revealed to be working against Chronos in secret. He takes part in the planning the Chrono Numbers' missions from the start of the series, but is not particularly important until the final part of the story, when he reveals that he has been planning a conspiracy against Chronos for 20 years, since the end of the Taoshi War. During the war, Mason turned to the side of the Taoshi and learned the Ultimate Tao Technique from a Sacred Taoshi (though this seems to only be a powerful energy blast). He plans on using Eve to activate Eden to achieve "World peace", which actually involves absorbing all mankind into Eden to fuel it. Mason is the leader of the Zero Numbers, who are comprised of Emilio Lowe, Baldorias S. Fanghini, Kranz Maduke, Shiki, and Kanzaki (Doctor) (The latter two were originally from the Apostles of the Stars). Mason's unnamed Orihalcon weapon appears to be a golden suit of armor that covers every inch of his body except his face, and also includes two large swords. He is possibly the most powerful fighter in the anime series, as he defeated Sephiria and Train easily, and even Creed struggled against him, although during Mason's fights with Creed and Train, he was protected by the power of Eden. It is most likely, but not fully confirmed, that Mason was killed by Creed at the end of the anime.

[edit] Willzark

Willzark is Chrono Number 0.

Willzark in the manga

Although superior to the Chrono Numbers, Willzark is the Zero Chrono Number himself (Note: Do not mistake for the Zero Numbers in the Anime plot). He is the leader of the Elder Statesmen that rule Chronos and order the Chrono Numbers. He has not been seen either in the manga or in the anime in person, as he only communicates with the Chrono Numbers through a holographic screen.

Willzark in the anime

(Voiced by: Seizo Katou(Japanese)) Same as in the Manga. Willzark, together with the other Elder Statesmen, is murdered by the Zero numbers in the end of the series, along with the Chrono Headquarters being destroyed.

Black Cat

Characters: Train HeartnetSven VollfieldEveRinslet WalkerChrono NumbersApostles of the StarsSweeper Alliance

Other: List of Black Cat volumesList of Black Cat episodes