Christopher Mtikila

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Rev. Christopher Mtikila addressing a crowd
Rev. Christopher Mtikila addressing a crowd

Rev. Christopher Mtikila was born in southern Tanzania in 1950. He studied abroad and became active in the human rights organization of the Full Salvation Church known as the Liberty Desk. He is described as a "dangerous opportunist" and a highly polemic individual. Others view him as a champion of ordinary people in a struggle against Gabocholis (a derogatory term used to describe Tanzanians of Asian origin). (Indian Ocean Newsletter 13 Feb. 1993) Toward the end of 1995, a growing sense of Tanganyikan nationalism was taking hold and there was an increase of separatist sentiment on the mainland. DP leader, Rev. Mtikila, one of the most extreme advocates of separatism, launched verbal attacks against Islam, the religion adhered to by the majority of Zanzibaris.

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