Christopher Bartle

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Christopher Bartle is a British equestrian who has had great success in both dressage and eventing. He first focused on dressage riding, and was a member of the British Dressage Team from 1981-1987. He remains the highest-placed British dressage rider to have competed in the Olympics, after he finished in 6th place on his horse Wily Trout. Bartle then turned to eventing, in which he won the team gold medal at the 1997 European Championships with the British Event Team, before winning the prestegious Badminton Horse Trials in 1998, on his horse Word Perfect. He also travelled with Word Perfect to the Sydney Olympics in 2000, as reserve.

Bartle also was the dressage trainer for the British Event Team at the 1996 Games in Atlanta and the 2000 Sydney Games.

[edit] Accomplishments


  • Highest placed British Dressage rider in the Olympic Games to date (6th, 1984 Los Angeles Olympics)
  • National Dressage Champion in 1984 and 1985
  • 4th place at the 1985 European Championships
  • 2nd place at the 1986 Nashua Dressage World Cup
  • Awarded the British Equestrian Federation's Medal of Honour in 1986.


  • 1991 Scottish Open Champion (Up River)
  • Placed at 1995 Burghley CCI**** (Castle Hill)
  • 3rd at 1996 Blenheim ***
  • 5th at 1996 Bramham ***
  • Completed 1997 Badminton ****
  • 1997 Scottish Open Champion (Word Perfect)
  • Team Gold Medal at the 1997 European Championships
  • 1st at the 1998 Badminton Horse Trials CCI**** (Word Perfect)
  • 1st at the 1999 Achselschwang Horse Trials *** (Oscar)
  • 5th at the 2000 Burghley **** (Word Perfect)
  • Reserve for Sydney 2000 British Event Team (Word Perfect)


  • Was awarded the British Horse Society's Trainers Award in 1995
  • Dressage Trainer to British Event Team at the 1996 Atlanta and 2000 Sydney Games
  • Trainer to the German Olympic Event Team
  • Was awarded Honorary Fellowship of the British Horse Society in 2001