Christian Electoral Community

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Christian Electoral Community (German language: Christliche Wählergemeinschaft) is a Christian ultra-conservative political grouping in Austria. The CWG was formed on December 8, 1989 in Mariazell, by voters who thought the conservative ÖVP was too leftist. The CWG defines itself as a party of the Christian centre.

As of 2006, the party is led by Karl Angerer.

The CWG promotes military neutrality and sees environmental protection as the protection of God's creation. The group is pro-life and strongly opposes abortion. Other tenets include opposition to the EU and its expansion, pornography, genetic engineering, nuclear energy, heavy freight transportation (Transitverkehr) and euthanasia.

[edit] Elections

In the 2002 parliamentary elections CWG had candidates only in Vorarlberg. It got 2009 votes (1.02% of the votes in Vorarlberg, 0.04% of the national vote). In the municipal elections of Vienna in 2005 the CWG did not participate, but recommended users to vote for the far-right FPÖ under Heinz-Christian Strache.

There has been some speculation that the CWG might fuse itself with the FPÖ. Contacts to the ÖVP also exist: for example, in the Viennese elections of 2005, anti-abortionist Gudrun Kugler-Lang was allowed to run on the ÖVP list.

[edit] External link

Political parties in Austria
National Council:
Social Democratic Party (67)1People's Party (66) • Greens (21) • Freedom Party (20) • Alliance for the Future of Austria (7) • Liberal Forum (1)1independent (1)2
Federal Council:
(indirect election)
Social Democratic Party (29) • People's Party (26) • Greens (4) • Alliance for the Future of Austria (2) • Freedom Party (1)
European Parliament:
Social Democratic Party (7) • People's Party (6) • Greens (2) • Hans-Peter Martin's List (1) • Liberal Forum (1)3Freedom Party (1)
Landtag(e) only: Communist Party (Styria, 2005)
Minor parties: Socialist Left PartySocial LiberalsEnotna Lista (Unity List)Christian Electoral Community
1 Alexander Zach, the chairman of the Liberal Forum, was elected on the Social Democratic Party's electoral list and sits in their caucus.

2 On 7 March 2007, Ewald Stadler left the Freedom Party; he continues to sit in their caucus, however.

3 Karin Resetarits was initially elected as an MEP on the List Hans-Peter Martin, but she later broke ties with him, then joined the ALDE group, and finally joined the Liberal Forum.

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