Christian Democratic Center

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The Christian Democratic Center (Italian: Centro Cristiano Democratico, or CCD) was a political party in Italy born from a split from Italian People's Party (direct heir of the Christian Democracy, or DC) in 1994. Its leader were Pierferdinando Casini and Clemente Mastella who advocated an alliance with Silvio Berlusconi's Forza Italia . The People's Party however advocated an alliance with Mario Segni. The Democratic Centre was the right-wing of the massive DC and did not like the policies of the People's Party, who was largely heir of the left-wing part of the DC.

In occasion to the general elections of 1994 it allied itself with Forza Italia forming the Polo of Good-Government. It results were quite substantial gaining around 30 seats in parliament. The alliance won and the Democratic Centre formed part of the government with Clemente Mastella becoming minister of labour. However due to swing of alliance of the Northern League the 1st government of Berlusconi was overthrown.

The general elections came again in 1996. The Christian Democratic Centre allied itself with a new political party born from another split inside the People's Party, the United Christian Democrats (CDU). The alliance proved successful, gaining around 5.8% at national scale, equivalent to 50 MPs. But the centre-right coalition lost the election forcing them into opposition for 5 years.

During the 1996-2001 legislature Clemente Mastella and few MPs left the party to form with CDU the Union of Democrats for Europe which allied itself with the centre-left coalition which was in power. However in 2000 Clemente Mastella made a new party and the United Christian Democrats reconstituted the party allying itself again with the Christian Democratic Centre this time headed only by Pierferdinando Casini.

Once again the CCD and the CDU (United Christian Democrats) made an alliance for the 2001 general elections, this time gaining around 3.2% (a discreet decrease of votes). However the House of Freedoms coalition (Forza Italia, National Alliance, Northern League, and CCD-CDU) won the elections.

In 2002 the CCD and CDU formally merged into one party, Union of Christian and Centre Democrats.

[edit] See also

[edit] Leadership

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