Chris Philo

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Chris Philo is Professor of Geography at the Department of Geographical and Earth Sciences, the University of Glasgow.

Philo graduated from the Sidney Sussex College of Cambridge University and became a Research Fellow there. In 1989 he joined the Department of Geography at the University of Wales, Lampeter, holding that post for six years, until 1995. He then joined the University of Glasgow as a Professor, becoming head of the department in 2002. In 2006 Chris was replaced as Head of Department by Professor Trevor Hoey and as a reward for his contribution as head Chris was enlisted on the Geography and Environmental Studies RAE Sub-Panel.

Traditionally his interests have been in the geographies of mental health and mental health care provision. Later, he dabbled in the emerging, but ultimately unpopular, sub-discipline of animal geographies. A devotee of the work of Michel Foucault, he has co-edited numerous general anthologies of human geography. Most recently, he has examined, with Eric Laurier, cafe culture in Glasgow. He currently offers two option courses for honours students in the department: 'Social Geography of Outsiders' and 'Historical Geographies of Social Policy'. Both these courses are heavily underpinned by the work of David Sibley, another key influence on Philo's career.

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