Chris Ellison

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Christopher Martin Ellison (born 15 June 1954), an Australian politician, has been a Liberal member of the Australian Senate since July 1993, representing Western Australia. He was born in Bulawayo, Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), and was educated at the University of Western Australia, where he gained a law degree. He was a barrister and solicitor and a lawyer with the Legal Aid Commission of Western Australia before entering politics.

Ellison was Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Health and Family Services and to the Attorney-General in 1997, Minister for Customs and Consumer Affairs and Minister Assisting the Attorney-General 1997, Minister for Schools, Vocational Education and Training 1997-98 and Special Minister of State 1998-2001. He was Minister for Justice and Customs between January 2001 and March 2007.

On 6 March 2007 the Prime Minister of Australia announced that Senator Ellison would be appointed Minister for Human Services and a member of cabinet.

Current Cabinet of Australia
Abbott | Andrews | Bishop | Brough | Coonan | Costello | Downer | Ellison | Hockey | Howard | Macfarlane | McGauran | Minchin | Nelson | Ruddock | Truss | Turnbull | Vaile