Chremonidean War

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Chremonidean War
Date  ?268 BCE261 BCE
Location Greece
Result Macedonian victory
Macedonian domination of Greece
Macedon Greek states, notably Athens and Sparta;
Ptolemaic Egypt
Antigonus II Gonatas Chremonides
Areus I
Ptolemy Philadelphus
unknown unknown
unknown unknown

The Chremonidean War (267 BCE - 261 BCE) was fought by a number of Greek states against Macedonian domination.

The origins of the war lie in the continuing desire of many Greek states, notably Athens and Sparta, for a restoration of their former independence along with Ptolemaic desire to create troubles for its rival Macedon. Ptolemy Philadelphus's ambitions in the Aegean were threatened by Antigonus Gonatas's fleet, so he carefully built up a coalition against Macedon in Greece. He especially cultivated Athens by supplying her with grain.

The anti-Macedon faction in Athens, led by the stoic Chremonides, took power and war was declared against Macedon (possibly as early as the autumn of 268 BCE). The campaign season of 266 BCE was indecisive but in 265 BCE Antigonus won a decisive victory outside Corinth in which the Spartan King Areus I fell.

After that Athens was besieged and finally starved into surrender in either 262 BCE or 261 BCE. Philadelpus had failed to send aid to Athens and his fleet was defeated off Cos (probably in 261 BCE).

After the fall of Athens, she lost all vestiges of independence and was garrisoned until 229 BCE.

[edit] Reference

Peter Green, Alexander to Actium

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