Chosen (Buffy episode)

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode
Episode no. Season 7
Episode 22
Guest stars Anthony Stewart Head
Eliza Dushku
Nathan Fillion
David Boreanaz
Tom Lenk
Iyari Limon
Sarah Hagan
D.B. Woodside
   (Principal Wood)
Written by Joss Whedon
Directed by Joss Whedon
Production no. 7ABB22
Original airdate May 20, 2003
Episode chronology
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"End of Days" "s8: The Long Way Home"

"Chosen", the series finale of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, is Episode 22 of Season 7. See also List of Buffy the Vampire Slayer episodes.


[edit] Plot synopsis

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details about some or all of the Buffyverse productions (Buffy, Angel, Fray, etc.) follow.

[edit] Summary

"Chosen" depicts the events leading to and including the final battle between the potential Slayers, organized by Buffy and her associates, and The First Evil. In this episode, Buffy and her friends fight The First Evil and in the end, stand victorious.

[edit] Expanded overview

A bloody Caleb rises and Buffy finally kills him with the scythe by apparently slicing him in two from the crotch up. Angel gives Buffy an amulet intended to be worn by someone ensouled, but more than human. He tells her he will fight alongside her, but she turns him down. She asks him to organize a second front in case she loses to The First. They discuss Spike, his soul, and Buffy's feelings for him. When Angel asks about the future, Buffy explains that she still needs to grow up. As he walks into the shadows, echoing his very first appearance, Buffy tells him there might be a future for them, but it will be a long time coming, if ever. He walks off after saying "I'm not getting any older".

Back at the house, Buffy arrives where Dawn is back and angrily kicks Buffy's leg for having Xander try to take her away from Sunnydale. Spike is in the basement, working out his anger on a punching bag with a crude drawing of Angel's face on it. He asks for the amulet, whose exchange he had seen, and she explains that it is very powerful and meant only for a champion. She then hands it to him.

Buffy tells Spike coyly that Faith is staying in her bedroom. He pretends to reject her, but stops her when she is about to leave.

Late at night, as Buffy and Spike are sleeping in each other's arms, the First appears, first as Caleb, and then as Buffy where it taunts Buffy. When Spike wakes up, Buffy tells Spike that she now knows that they will win. Buffy then goes to her confidantes with her plan.

The next morning, Buffy unveils the plan to the potentials. The audience does not hear the details. Afterwards, Willow expresses to Kennedy her concerns about using magic again. She says this is the most powerful magic she will have attempted and asks Kennedy to kill her if it turns bad. Faith and Principal Wood also have a discussion while preparing the school for the battle. Wood demonstrates that he understands her defensiveness over getting emotionally involved with men and asks her to give him a chance after the battle.

The next morning, everyone arrives at Sunnydale High in a yellow school bus. The Potentials head to the seal in the basement while Kennedy heads to Principal Wood's office to set up Willow's stuff. After trying to give a farewell speech, Andrew is dragged off by Anya. Dawn leaves to set up her post with Xander, determined to see her sister again. Principal Wood leaves to wait at his post for Giles. The core four share a moment before each one peels off, leaving Buffy walking alone to the seal. The Potentials, Faith and Spike are waiting, and the potentials/slayers cut their hands to open the seal with their blood. They climb down the hole in the ground and come face to face with the army of Turok-Han. The Ubervamps spot Buffy, Faith and the Potentials, and attack. "Come on, Wil," Buffy pleads.

Buffy decapitates one of the Turok-Han with the mystical scythe during the final battle in the Hellmouth.
Buffy decapitates one of the Turok-Han with the mystical scythe during the final battle in the Hellmouth.

Willow sits in Principal Woods' office, the scythe before her. While chanting a spell, she places her hands upon the scythe, and both she and the scythe light up in an ethereal glow. A flashback to Buffy's final speech to the Potentials reveals that Willow is channeling the essence of the scythe in order to activate Potentials all over the world. Defying the tradition of only one slayer per generation, Willow's spell will raise an army strong enough to do battle with The First. As Willow performs the actual magic, Kennedy tells Willow that she is a goddess. "And you're a Slayer," Willow replies. Kennedy takes the scythe to Buffy, who is deep in the fight with Faith and Spike against the army of the Turok-Han, numbering in the thousands.

As she pauses to give orders, Buffy is stabbed through her abdomen from behind by one of the Turok-Han and falls to the ground. She passes the scythe to Faith and asks her to hold the line. As she lies on the ground, she sees several Slayers fall, including Amanda. In the halls of the school, a few Turok-Han make it to the surface and attack the group guarding the entrances. A small group of Bringers also appear and attack. During the battle, Anya is bisected by a Bringer. Andrew fights until he is overwhelmed. Principal Wood is brutally stabbed by a Bringer who is then killed by Giles. Xander and Dawn take on some Turok-Han who are disintegrated by sunlight when Dawn throws open a skylight window, but more follow. In the Hellmouth, the First then appears to Buffy as a mortally wounded Buffy herself, saying "What more do you want?". Ordering The First to ' get out of my face!", Buffy arises with renewed determination and knocks several Turok-Han off the ledge. Other Slayers are reinvigorated as well. Just then, Spike's amulet consumes him in blue light and blasts a hole upward into the sky. The sunlight is channeled through the amulet and in powerful rays that begin dusting the ubervamps. The ground begins to shake and rocks tumble. The few surviving Slayers start to flee. Buffy tells Spike to do so as well, but he insists on finishing it. They share a quiet moment as the world crumbles around them. With tears in her eyes, Buffy tells Spike she loves him, to which he replies, "No you don't. But thanks for saying it." He orders her to leave as he has to stay and finish the job. Buffy leaves and Spike disintegrates as the Hellmouth collapses.

The town of Sunnydale gets swallowed by the Hellmouth.
The town of Sunnydale gets swallowed by the Hellmouth.

On the way out of the school, the Slayers find Andrew crouched in a corner. Xander yells for Anya, whose dead and mangled body lies nearby. Dawn pulls him out. Faith is the last onto the bus and it pulls away, with Dawn looking through back for Buffy. Buffy, in the meantime, has climbed to the roof of the school and is running along rooftops trying to outrun the enlarging crater. She leaps onto the top of the bus. Watching as the bus speeds off out of town, the entire town collapses into itself.

The ground stops shaking. Everyone gets off the bus. Xander asks Andrew about Anya's death. He comforts Xander by telling him that Anya died saving him. Faith looks after a wounded Principal Wood. While Kennedy, Vi and a few others tend to the wounded newly made Slayers, everyone joins Buffy as they look at the large crater which was once Sunnydale. Dawn asks, “what are we going to do now?” Buffy slowly begins to smile as she contemplates the future.

[edit] Acting

[edit] Main cast

[edit] Special guest stars

[edit] Guest stars

[edit] Also starring

  • Felicia Day as Vi
  • Mary Wilcher as Shannon
  • Demetra Raven as Girl at Bat
  • Katie Gray as Indian Girl
  • Lisa Ann Cabasa as Injured Girl
  • Ally Matsumura as Japanese Girl
  • Kelly Wheeler as School Girl
  • Jenna Edwards as Trailer Girl
  • Julia Ling as Potential with Power #2

[edit] Writing

[edit] Quotes

Wikiquote has a collection of quotations related to:
  • Xander: "That's my girl, always doing the stupid thing." After Andrew says Anya died saving his life.
  • Dawn: "Yeah, Buffy. What are we gonna do now?" The last line of the series: looking to the future after the destruction of Sunnydale.

[edit] Cultural references

[edit] Trivia

  • The Mutant Enemy logo at the end of this episode is slightly changed. The monster's head turns towards the camera when going "Grrrrr Ahrrgg"
  • In the DVD commentary for this episode, Joss Whedon acknowledges that the magic unleashed from the Scythe in this episode is somewhat convenient. He says that to him as a writer, it was more important to get to the show's message of empowerment through both Willow's magic and Buffy's status as the Slayer, and what that means to each of them.
  • Whedon admits in the same DVD commentary that the Turok-Han vampires in this episode are far easier to kill in this episode than in previous appearances. Whedon says, "again, I was more interested in the showing the empowerment than I was in the continuity."

[edit] Production

[edit] Filming

The very last shot of the series.
The very last shot of the series.

Emma Caulfield stated at the beginning of season 7 that she wanted to leave the show, but didn't want Anya to have to die. She changed her mind when it was announced that the series was ending and Anya's death ensured Emma would never be called to appear on Angel or any other spin-off shows.[citation needed]
Creator Joss Whedon said on the DVD commentary of this episode that there was barely time for David Boreanaz to film his scenes.
For the first and last time, the Mutant Enemy monster logo is animated in this episode, as opposed to just a paper monster walking across the screen. He turns and growls at the screen.

[edit] Music

[edit] Translations

  • French title: "La Fin des Temps" ("The End of Times")
  • German title: "Das Ende der Zeit – Teil 2" ("The End of Time: Part 2")
  • Italian title: On TV "La Prescelta" ("The Chosen One") or, on DVD, "Prescelta" ("Chosen")
  • Spanish title: "La Elegida" ("The Chosen")

[edit] Technical errors

  • Wires attached to Felicia Day can clearly be identified when Vi leaps in the air.

[edit] Ratings

"Chosen" attracted 4.9 million viewers on its original first run.

[edit] Promotional advertisement

[edit] TV spots

The 30 second television ad begins with the mention of sponsor Acuvue Cam, cutting to a montage of clips from "Chosen," such as Caleb threatening, Buffy and Spike in the Hellmouth, Willow enchanted, and Buffy knocking three Turok-Hans off a cliff.
It also features clips from previous episodes of the season, such as Xander lighting a match ("Get it Done,") the Hellmouth seal ("Storyteller,") and Buffy rising from the floor in ("Never Leave Me.")

Throughout the ad, the voiceover utters:
The end is here… Be there when the Slayer takes her last stand. Will this be Buffy’s final hour? Or her finest hour? The earth shattering series finale…

The ad concludes with a final mention of Acuvue Cam.

[edit] Episode stills

The subsequent images have been professionally taken to endorse the episode or the series. They are available to all media who wish to present a production relating to the series, such as in magazines, novels, or websites.

[edit] Awards and nominations

The episode was nominated for a 2003 Emmy in the Category of Special Visual Effects for a Series. In addition, SFX, a British sci-fi magazine, called "Chosen" the 8th best episode of Buffy (number one was "Hush").

The episode was nominated for Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form.

[edit] Timing

  • Stories that take place around the same time in the Buffyverse:
Location, time
(if known)
Buffyverse: January 2003 - Spring 2003
(non-canon = italic)
Sunnydale, 2003 B7.11 Showtime
Sunnydale, 2003 B7.12 Potential
L.A., 2003 A4.11 Soulless
Sunnydale, 2003 B7.13 The Killer in Me
Sunnydale, 2003 B7.14 First Date
L.A., 2003 A4.12 Calvary
Sunnydale, 2003 B7.15 Get It Done
L.A., 2003 A4.13 Salvage
Sunnydale, 2003 B7.16 Storyteller
L.A., 2003 A4.14 Release
Sunnydale, 2003 B7.17 Lies My Parents Told Me
L.A., 2003 A4.15 Orpheus
Sunnydale, 2003 B7.18 Dirty Girls
L.A., 2003 A4.16 Players
L.A., 2003 Angel book: Nemesis
L.A., 2003 Angel book: Book of the Dead
L.A., 2003 A4.17 Inside Out
L.A., 2003 A4.18 Shiny Happy People
Sunnydale, 2003 B7.19 Empty Places
L.A., 2003 A4.19 The Magic Bullet
L.A., 2003 A4.20 Sacrifice
Sunnydale, 2003 B7.20 Touched
L.A., 2003 A4.21 Peace Out
L.A., 2003 A4.22 Home
Sunnydale, 2003 B7.21 End of Days
Sunnydale, 2003 B7.22 Chosen

[edit] References

1 - - Trivia for this episode

[edit] External links

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