Choral Fantasy (Beethoven)

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The Fantasy in C minor for Piano, Chorus, and Orchestra, op. 80, was composed in 1808 by Ludwig van Beethoven.


[edit] Background, composition, and reception

Beethoven conceived the Choral Fantasy as a finale for a concert at the Theater an der Wien on December 22, 1808, which featured the premieres of his fifth and sixth symphonies and his fourth piano concerto. He wrote the piece during the second half of December, an unusually short time by his standards. The German lyrics to the choral part of the piece were commissioned from poet Christopher Kuffner, shortly before the performance, to fit the already written parts.

The premiere performance seemed to be somewhat disastrous; according to the composer's secretary, Anton Felix Schindler, it "simply fell apart," a result most likely attributed to inadequate rehearsal time. Nevertheless, in marking Beethoven's first complete attempt to marry instrumental with choral music, the Fantasy became an early precursor to his revolutionary Ninth Symphony, which he would complete sixteen years later in 1824.

[edit] Form

The Choral Fantasy, which in most performances lasts about 20 minutes, is divided into seven sections:

  • Adagio
  • Allegro
  • Meno allegro
  • Adagio ma non troppo
  • Marcia, assai vivace
  • Allegretto, ma non troppo
  • Presto.

The Fantasy opens with a slow but virtuosic 26-bar piano introduction, modulating from c minor to C major and back again. The main part of the piece, marked "Finale", begins with an Allegro theme played by the cellos and basses. Next, the solo piano introduces the choral theme in an ornamented version. Variations on the theme are then played by the flutes, oboes, clarinets, and string soloists, respectively. A full orchestral version of the theme, played at a forte dynamic leads into a more lyrical piano line.

The orchestra accompanies an eighth-note heavy piano part as the piece modulates from c minor to C major. A calm, flowing A major section, ending with a call-and-response section between double reeds, horn, and piano, leads into the Marcia, an F major variation on the main theme in march style. A reprise of the instrumental theme from the first allegro transitions into the choral entrance.

The chorus enters with the sopranos and altos singing the main theme, harmonized in triads. The tenors and basses then sing the theme, after which the entire chorus is joined by the orchestra in a tutti rendition. A presto coda with orchestra, chorus, and piano brings the piece to a close.

[edit] Text

The work's text is as follows:

German text English translation
Schmeichelnd hold und lieblich klingen With grace, charm and sweet sounds
unsres Lebens Harmonien, The harmonies of our life,
und dem Schönheitssinn entschwingen And the sense of beauty engenders
Blumen sich, die ewig blühn. The flowers which eternally bloom.
Fried und Freude gleiten freundlich Peace and joy advancing in perfect accord,
wie der Wellen Wechselspiel. Like the alternating play of the waves;
Was sich drängte rauh und feindlich, All harsh and hostile elements
ordnet sich zu Hochgefühl. Render to a sublime sentiment.
Wenn der Töne Zauber walten When the magic sounds reign
und des Wortes Weihe spricht, And the sacred word is spoken,
muss sich Herrliches gestalten, That strongly engender the wonderful,
Nacht und Stürme werden Licht. The night and the tempest divert light,
Äuss're Ruhe, inn're Wonne Calm without, profound joy within,
herrschen für den Glücklichen. Awaiting the great hour.
Doch der Künste Frühlingssonne Meanwhile, the spring sun and art
lässt aus beiden Licht entstehn. Bathe in the light.
Großes, das ins Herz gedrungen, Something great, into the heart
blüht dann neu und schön empor. Blooms anew when in all its beauty,
Hat ein Geist sich aufgeschwungen, Which spirit taken flight,
hallt ihm stets ein Geisterchor. And all a choir of spirits resounds in response.
Nehmt denn hin, ihr schönen Seelen, Accept then, oh you beautiful spirits
froh die Gaben schöner Kunst Joyously of the gifts of art.
Wenn sich Lieb und Kraft vermählen, When love and strength are united,
lohnt den Menschen Göttergunst. The favour of God rewards Man.

[edit] The Choral Fantasy and Beethoven's Ninth Symphony

The Choral Fantasy is similar in many ways to the fourth movement of Beethoven's Symphony No. 9 (completed in 1824). Both works feature a chorus, and both also contain a set of instrumental variations on the theme sung by the chorus. In addition, the lyrics for both are joyous and uplifting, and the main melody in both are remarkably similar.

[edit] External link