User talk:Chilifix/Sandbox/dc Talk

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dc Talk is a Contemporary Christian musical band started in 1989.


[edit] Musical career

dc Talk started in 1989 when founding members Toby McKeehan and Michael Tait met at Liberty University and decided to start a band. Soon after, the band grew to include Kevin Max, then known as Kevin Smith.

[edit] Early years

dc Talk's early years were shaped by the releases of their first two albums, DC Talk and Nu Thang. These album were not huge succesess, with their fame being found in the releases of their third album, Free at Last.

[edit] Music

The style of music, important albums, etc should be expressed here. This is also OPTIONAL with the same condition as above.

[edit] Influences

The effect the subject has had on the music industry (specifically CCM or as a whole), other music styles, popular culture, or other noteworthy contributions.

[edit] References

    [edit] See also

    [edit] External links