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This is a Wikipedia user page.

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This little tag you are reading is a userbox.
This user prefers using userboxes to fill up his/her user page instead of actually writing something useful.
This user overuses userboxes.
This user is proud
to be a Wikipedian.
No ads This User is against commercials in Wikipedia.
incl This user is a Wikipedia inclusionist.
even This editor is a Wikipedia eventualist.
This user strives to maintain a policy of neutrality on controversial issues.
This user wastes far too much time editing Wikipedia.
This user spends far too much time editing his/her user page.
1 500 This user has over 1 500 edits on the English Wikipedia.
fi Tämä käyttäjä puhuu suomea äidinkielenään.
en-4 This user speaks English at a near-native level.
de-1 Dieser Benutzer hat grundlegende Deutschkenntnisse.
sv-1 Denna användare har grundläggande kunskaper i svenska.
This user is from the planet Earth.
This user is a citizen
of the European Union.
This user is a native of Norden.
This user comes from Finland.
0 This user contributes using Opera.
This user is a scientist.
This user is a mad scientist.
IB This user is a graduate or student of the International Baccalaureate.
This user graduated from the University of Turku.
This user works at the University of Helsinki.
This user has a Degree in Biochemistry.
This user does not appreciate tobacco smoke.
This user is drug-free.
This user supports the use of wind power, solar power, and electric vehicles.
?met? This user prefers metric units and cannot figure out why Americans have such a hard time with them.
This user is interested in ancient civilizations.
This user is interested in ancient Rome.
This user is interested in World War II.
This user enjoys tracking hurricanes.
This user is a bibliophile.
Logo This user Loves knowledge.
This user enjoys reading science fiction.
This user enjoys reading non-fiction.
Image:45px-asimov_copy.jpg This user enjoys the works of Isaac Asimov.
ACC This user enjoys the works of Arthur C. Clarke .
HDM This user loves His Dark Materials. And is Dusty too, by the way..
This user has a spice addiction.
This user enjoys the works of
J. R. R. Tolkien.
R This user is a Ravenclaw.
BSG This user is a fan of the reimagined Battlestar Galactica series.
BtVS This user is a fan of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer TV series.
trek This user is mildly embarrassed to have a Star Trek userbox, but really, who are they kidding?
LOTR This user loves The Lord of the Rings book series and film trilogy, but not the 1978 animated film.
This user supports the
Galactic Empire.
LN This user's alignment is Lawful Neutral: the "Judge."
CIV This user plays one or more versions of Civilization.
This user is an omnivore.
 This user enjoys cooking.
This user drinks milk.
This user eats sushi.
This user prefers Islay malts.
respect This user respects others' religions and realises not all people wish to follow the same path.
Secular This user is interested in Secular Humanism.
This user enjoys classical music.
This user enjoys pop music.
This user enjoys going to the sauna.
This user loves
corgis (corgwn).
43px This user has visited or plans to visit the United Nations.
This user sees nothing wrong with the human form and doesn't view it as something that needs to be hidden.
This user is interested in environmentalism.
This user is interested in politics.
lib This user is a liberal.
This user supports the development of Renewable Energy.
This user believes it is every citizen's duty to vote.
This user needs just one more userbox on their page!

Welcome to my Wikipedia page! My name is Tino and I live in Helsinki, Finland. I'm a Ph.D. student at the University of Helsinki. The address of this user page (or vanity page :-) occasionally appears in my email signature, so some people may end up here without knowing what Wikipedia is. Please go to Wikipedias Wikipedia page to find out.


[edit] Thoughts about Wikipedia issues

[edit] Inclusionism

I'm an inclusionist. I understand that Wikipedia has numerous pages which are not really encyclopaedia material, like List of injuries, accidents, and mishaps on MythBusters. However, drawing a line between "useful" and "useless" is absolutely impossible, and if an article contains verifiable facts instead of gibberish, vanity or advertising, it is bound to be useful to somebody sometime in some distant parallel universe. We, as Wikipedians, are incapable of judging what is important.

Furthermore, Wikipedia is young, and therefore some aspects of its usefulness have not yet come apparent. In a few decades Wikipedia will probably be the only places which accurately records things like List of injuries, accidents, and mishaps on MythBusters. The page in question might be a gold mine for future Cultural historians. I understand that Wikipedia is not a central repository of popular culture for future generations, but I don't understand why it could not be that while fullfilling its other roles.

[edit] Userboxes

I fully admit that userboxes as such do not contribute anything to the scope and accuracy of the information in Wikipedia. But neither do I concider them harmful. In fact, they can be a great tool for making Wikipedia more fun and for creating a sense of community. Ultimately, this will encourage more people to join in. As long as the articles themselves remain matter-of-fact and to the point, I see no harm in creating some fun and personal touch elsewhere.

[edit] Areas of interest

My primary areas of interest include:

Areas on which I also contribute quite often include:

[edit] Pages started by me

My interests are broad rather than deep and specialised. Therefore I create a lot of stubs and hope that others expand them. I'm also not very god at spelling, so copyediting my contributions is often a good idea. This list is here so that I can keep eye on the pages and do some "baby sitting". Sometimes weird things happen to them :-) And yes, this is a brag list, among other things :-)

[edit] Ancient Rome (7)

Ancient Roman marriage, Comitia Calata, Gaius Lutatius Catulus, Largest naval battle in history, Lutatius, Novus homo, Numantia

[edit] Biochemistry and Molecular biology (15)

Biosynthesis, Concanavalin A, Dot blot, GC-content, Helicase, Internal transcribed spacer, Lectin affinity chromatography, N-formylmethionine, Nuclear gene, Peptide sequence, Oxidative enzyme, Primary transcript, Secondary metabolism, Stanol ester, Sterol, Thermal cycler

[edit] Finland (12)

Elias Tillandz, Esko Valtaoja, Gustaf Komppa, Interim Peace, Kyykkä, Mika Salo, Ropecon, Salpausselkä, Savonlinna Opera Festival, Sibelius monument, Sitsit, University of Turku (My old Alma Mater)

[edit] Green League politicians (17)

Anni Sinnemäki, Erkki Pulliainen, Heli Järvinen, Johanna Karimäki, Irina Krohn, Janina Andersson, Jyrki Kasvi, Kalle Könkkölä, Kirsi Ojansuu, Merikukka Forsius-Harkimo, Oras Tynkkynen, Outi Alanko-Kahiluoto, Pekka Haavisto, Tarja Cronberg, Tuija Brax, Ulla Anttila, Ville Niinistö

[edit] Italy (10)

Giolitti, Gulf of Naples, Insalata caprese, Ligurian Sea, Loggia, Macedonia (food), Monument of Vittorio Emanuele II, Sorrentine Peninsula, Torta caprese, Via del Corso

[edit] Plant biology (10)

Agroinfiltration, Cerbera, Cerbera odollam, Cutin, Gerbera, Lithops, Populus trichocarpa, Reaction wood, Rhipsalis baccifera, Suberin

[edit] Science in general (11)

Atta sexdens, Büchner funnel, Breeding pair, Ecophysiology, Hepatic artery, Internal pudendal artery, Nuptial flight, Retort, Solenopsis daguerri, Streptomyces, Trophic egg

[edit] Science fiction (12)

1st World Science Fiction Convention, 2nd World Science Fiction Convention, 30th World Science Fiction Convention, 62nd World Science Fiction Convention, 63rd World Science Fiction Convention, 64th World Science Fiction Convention, Atorox prize, Eurocon, Finncon, Gwyneth Jones, Jonathan Clements, Steve Sansweet, Turku Science Fiction Society

[edit] Other created pages (14)

Bohemian (disambiguation), Civilization IV, Daisy (disambiguation), De Brevitate Vitae, Drabble, Fairy godmother (disambiguation), Franz Nopcsa von Felsö-Szilvás, Jewelled Sword of Offering, Kanun, Kanun (disambiguation), List of World records, Mid'hat Bey Frashëri, National epic, Palladium (role-playing game)

[edit] World Science Fiction Conventions

I have an idea to have a Wikipedia page for each Worldcon. These links are here so that I can keep track of the progress.

1st World Science Fiction Convention, 2nd World Science Fiction Convention, 3rd World Science Fiction Convention, 4th World Science Fiction Convention, 5th World Science Fiction Convention, 6th World Science Fiction Convention, 7th World Science Fiction Convention, 8th World Science Fiction Convention, 9th World Science Fiction Convention, 10th World Science Fiction Convention, 11th World Science Fiction Convention, 12th World Science Fiction Convention, 13th World Science Fiction Convention, 14th World Science Fiction Convention, 15th World Science Fiction Convention, 16th World Science Fiction Convention, 17th World Science Fiction Convention, 18th World Science Fiction Convention, 19th World Science Fiction Convention, 20th World Science Fiction Convention, 21st World Science Fiction Convention, 22nd World Science Fiction Convention, 23rd World Science Fiction Convention, 24th World Science Fiction Convention, 25th World Science Fiction Convention, 26th World Science Fiction Convention, 27th World Science Fiction Convention, 28th World Science Fiction Convention, 29th World Science Fiction Convention, 30th World Science Fiction Convention, 31st World Science Fiction Convention, 32nd World Science Fiction Convention, 33rd World Science Fiction Convention, 34th World Science Fiction Convention, 35th World Science Fiction Convention, 36th World Science Fiction Convention, 37th World Science Fiction Convention, 38th World Science Fiction Convention, 39th World Science Fiction Convention, 40th World Science Fiction Convention, 41st World Science Fiction Convention, 42nd World Science Fiction Convention, 43rd World Science Fiction Convention, 44th World Science Fiction Convention, 45th World Science Fiction Convention, 46th World Science Fiction Convention, 47th World Science Fiction Convention, 48th World Science Fiction Convention, 49th World Science Fiction Convention, 50th World Science Fiction Convention, 51st World Science Fiction Convention, 52nd World Science Fiction Convention, 53rd World Science Fiction Convention, 54th World Science Fiction Convention, 55th World Science Fiction Convention, 56th World Science Fiction Convention, 57th World Science Fiction Convention, 58th World Science Fiction Convention, 59th World Science Fiction Convention, 60th World Science Fiction Convention, 61st World Science Fiction Convention, 62nd World Science Fiction Convention, 63rd World Science Fiction Convention, 64th World Science Fiction Convention, 65th World Science Fiction Convention, 66th World Science Fiction Convention

[edit] Redirect pages

I'm a great believer in redirect pages. They make finding information a lot easier and prevent difficult merge jobs. All of these were originally redirects, but some of them, like Marshal of Finland, have grown into articles. Usually for a good reason.

A: Aanaar, Acceptor stem, Albahaca, Alien life form, Altar of the Nation, Altare della Patria, Amber codon, Amino acid sequence, Anacapri, Anár, Ann Halamm, Apoplast, Asëa Aranion, Atorox,Aventinus
B: Barberton Daisy, Baron Nopcsa, B-DNA, Bee balm, Benedictus XVI, Bergamot Orange, Biological control agent, Buchner funnel, Buechner funnel
C: California poplar, Cambodian mint, Casparian band, Casparian strip, Cathedral of Helsinki, Cerberin, Ceriman, City of Capri, Cochineal dye, Comitia Curiata, Compression wood, Coniferous tree, Consulares, Curiate Assembly, Curry Patta, Curry-leaf Tree, Cyber punk
D: Dimethylbenzene, Djoser Step Pyramid, DNA transposable element, Dot blotting, Drabble contest
E: Environmental physiology, Euchelaion, Extraordinary Magisterium, Extraordinary magistrate
F: Feast of Booths, Ferenc Nopcsa, Finnish Technology Award Foundation, Florence fennel, Forest canopy, Franz Baron Nopcsa, Franz Nopcsa, Frederico Garcia Lorca
G: Gaudeamus, Gentes maiores, Gentes minores, Gorodki, Greatest Finns
H: Han Moo Do, Histidine tag, Horse mint, Hot bonnet, Hot mint, HotW, Housekeeping genes, Hydroxyl ion
I: Ianiculum, Il Vittoriano, Indian suicide tree
J: Jamaica pepper, Janiculum
K: Kieffer lime, Knotted marjoram
L: Laatokka, LAcon IV, L.A.con 4, L.A.con IV, LAcon 4, Lactic acid dehydrogenase, Ladoga seal, Lake Kakskerta, Lemon beebrush, Liquid culture, List of Acids, Little Hogweed, Living stone, Lumo Skendo
M: Magistratus extraordinarii, Magistratus minores, Magrood, Makrut, Mali-koy Kankan Musa, Margaret Lindholm, Marshal of Finland, Miqra, Membrane lipid, Memory cell, Meristematic cell, Millennium Prize Foundation, Mistletoe cactus, Monument of Victor Emmanuel II, Monument of Victor Emmanuel, Monument of Vittorio Emanuele,Myrtle pepper
N: Namo, Námo, Natural rubber, Nepal cardamom, Netted melon, Newspice, Nightingale floor, Nijo-jo, Nopcsa Ferenc, Norppa, Nutrient medium
O: Ohcejohka, Ordinary Magisterium, Ordinary magistrate, Outer mitochondrial membrane
P: Palatium, PCR machine, PCR oil, Pebble plant, Persian melon, Phosphorus-32, Pohjanlahti, Positive supercoiling, Praetor maximus, Primary cell wall, Propanoic acid, Protein localization, Protein sequence, Pusley
R: RNA cap, RNA-directed DNA polymerase, Rotary evaporator
S: Saimaa Seal, Saimaannorppa, Sella Curulis, Serine kinase, Sieve tubes, Sittning, Splitleaf philodendron, Stratospheric Ozone, Strontium-89, Suicide tree, Suomen Marsalkka, Suomenlahti, Steric repulsion, St. Joseph's Wort, Sweet marjoram, Swiss cheese plant, Svedberg unit, Symplast
T: Tacamahaca, Thermocycler, Tension wood, Tom Lenk
U: Unction of God, Uniq fruit, UVA radiation, UVB radiation
V: Valeriana officinalis, Vietnamese cilantro, Viro
W: Western Balsam Poplar, Wexteen, Wexteen the Wizard, Window leaf

[edit] To Do

  • Canavalia
  • Canavalia ensiformis
  • Create redirects Jackbean and Jack bean
  • Theatre Academy (Finland)
  • National Defence College (Finland)
  • Viikki Campus
  • Meilahti Campus
  • City Centre Campus

[edit] Links

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