Chittagong Film Centre
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Chittagong Film Centre
'In all arts-Cinema is most important.' But in our country this best media of art is now seized by perverted, rootless, corrupt and low standard mainstream cinema. To create awareness for saving the cinema from this seizing position and to create consciousness about better cinema Chittagong Film Centre reformed its activities since 1st January 1993.
A registered (Reg. 1 (1)/93- BFC) film institution by the Bangladesh Film Censor Board, Chittagong Film Centre may claim itself as an important film organization of the country. Chittagong Film Centre conducts its activities by two sessions yearly. Each session consists of six months. In each session Centre screens more then 25 movies under various sessions, retrospectives & festivals. Besides these screenings CFC also arranges seminar, workshop, study circle, appreciation course etc. CFC has a library after the name of great film maker Ritwik Ghatak. It has its own film journal 'New Wave' and bulletin 'Chitrakriti'. The Centre has its own projection system also. To perform these activities, CFC has two sections, Academy and Technical. And to widen its activities CFC has launched two Associations, Children Film Society (CFS) and Science Fiction Movie Club (SFMC).
Chittagong Film Centre is run by an Executive Committee of fifteen members. The administrative system is directional. Besides there is a Standing Committee of four members which is the top administrative body of the Centre. There is an Advisory Council of fifteen members also. As a member of Bangladesh Federation of Film Societies Chittagong Film Centre has friendly relation with other film societies of the country and abroad.
Chittagong Film Centre mainly consists of its honourable members. Any film lover may have the opportunity of being its member. The office of the Centre is located at 34. Buddhist Temple Road (3rd Floor), Nandan Kanan, Chittagong 4000, Bangladesh with the mailing adderss GPO Box 1335. Chittagong 4000, e-mail address :