Chiss bartender

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Never trust a bartender with bad grammar.

Kyle Katarn, Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast

This unnamed Chiss bartender worked in Baruk's Bar on Nar Shaddaa at least during the Empire Reborn conflict.

When Kyle Katarn appeared in the bar to seek out Reelo Baruk, the bartender recommended him a Ruby Bliels, Katarn instead asked for Corellian ale (in a clean glass). When Katarn asked where he could locate Reelo Baruk the bartender managed to lure him into a trap by keeping his attention away from a group of thugs who were about to attack Katarn. The bartender was successful in his role in the scheme and dove for cover behind the bar as the assault on Katarn began. The attackers, however, were less successful and all died at the blade of Katarn's lightsaber. Katarn then threatened the bartender, who revealed Baruk's location. Katarn eventually caught up with Baruk and killed him.

He had problems with Basic grammar: he could not make a distinction between singular and plural forms and had a tendency to add the plural -s to all nouns.

[edit] Behind the scenes

  • The Chiss bartender can be killed in Jedi Outcast after one has interrogated him, but his death is most likely non-canon.
  • His in-game model can be used as a character skin for both Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy multiplayer.
  • Some fans believe it is possible that he is Red-Eye Baldarek, a red-eyed bartender with bad grammar seen on Zeltros. This has yet to be officially confirmed or denied.

[edit] Appearances