China Expeditionary Army

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The Japanese China Expeditionary Army of the Imperial Japanese Army, was formed in 1937 as an offshoot of the Kantogun army. Headquartered in Canton, it was responsible for all military operations in China. It consisted of the following units:

  • The North China Area Army, Headquartered in Peking and was responsible for operations in the north China plains from the Yellow River to the Great Wall. It consisted of the following units;
    • Mongolia Garrison Army - responsible for Inner Mongolia and consisting of:
      • 26th Division and
      • Independent Mixed brigade and
      • Mongolian Cavalry Corps with nine Cavalry Divisions
    • First Army - eastern part of the area of operations
    • Twelfth Army - Soutwestern part of the area of operations.
  • The Sixth Area Army (6AA) - responsible for operations in central China against Chinese and American forces.
    • Eleventh Army - consisting of up to ten divisions and was responsible for operations in the 6AA northern area of operations.
    • Twenty-Third Army - with two divisions and five independent brigades and operates in the 6AA southern area of operations.
  • The independent Thirteenth Army - with four divisions and two infantry brigades, served as the general reserve under direct China Expeditionary Army control. Operated in the lower Yangtze River Valley, and the coastal areas north and south of, and inside of Shanghai.

It surrendered in August of 1945 but its troops remained armed to provide security until allied troops arrived. At war's end it consisted of 620,000 men in one armored and 25 infantry divisions. It also contained over 22 Independent brigades; 11 infantry, 1 cavalry, and 10 mixed(contained infantry, artillery, armor and support units). Towards the end of the war much of its ammunition reserve and many of its units were transferred into the Pacific Theater leaving the Army weak and undermanned.

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