Chicken Wings (Comic)

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Chicken Wings Aviation Comic

a typical Chicken Wings comic strip
Author(s) Michael and Stefan Strasser
Current status Updates every Tuesday
Launch date September 5, 2004
Genre(s) Aviation, Comedy

Chicken Wings is an aviation related comic series that is published as a webcomic as well as a regular comic strip in various aviation magazines around the world. It was created by the two brothers Michael Strasser and Stefan Strasser in late 2001 and was first published 2003 in Germany based magazine Aeromarkt with many other magazines to follow. Since 2004 a weekly strip is being published regularly on their website.

The comic is especially popular among people who have some relation with or affinity to this particular industry, from pilots over airline personnel to modelers or flight simmers. As the artists try to appeal to this niche market of aviation fans, a few of the jokes are hard to understand or simply not funny for outsiders.


[edit] The creators

Michael Strasser is a helicopter pilot and flight instructor who lives and works in California. His brother Stefan Strasser is a cartoonist and illustrator who lives behind a drawing table in Vienna. Together they combine the background knowledge and artistic skills needed for this project.

[edit] The art

All artwork is done by hand (pencil and ink), with no copy-and-pasting or tablets used. The color and the talk balloons are added on the computer. Stefans drawing style is influenced by classic American comics such as Garfield, Peanuts and his probably most favourite comic of all times, Calvin and Hobbes. The strips started out as black and white, but since 2005 all published material is in color only.

[edit] Characters

[edit] Main

[edit] Chuck

Chuck is the pilot of „Roost Air“ and features all the stereotypical characteristics that are associated with pilots: He always wears big and expensive sunglasses and a big and expensive watch. He is known and feared by air traffic controllers because of his one-of-a-kind sense of direction and knowledge of radio procedures. Chuck likes to think of himself as a womanizer, or rather a "chickenizer", but usually ends up alone due to his mouth and his inability to think before he speaks.

[edit] Julio

Julio is the typical aircraft mechanic who can fix everything from a helicopter turbine engine to Sally's coffee machine. He doesn't talk too much and doesn't really like pilots a lot. They tend to break "his" planes and never treat them the way he would like. His nickname is "Sparks", which seems to have originated from an unlucky hand with electricity, so he's not very proud of it.

[edit] Sally

Sally is the flight dispatcher and secretary of "Roost Air". She's a very nice and good looking girl (at least for a chicken) and can make a killer coffee that can keep pilots awake for two nights in a row. Sally is always motivated and in high spirits, but unfortunately, aviation seems to be sort of a foreign language to her.

[edit] Hans

Hans is the boss of "Roost Air" who has inherited the company from his uncle and used to run yogurt factory before. But in his opinion "there can't be that much difference between yogurt and airplanes", so his resourceful management strategies turn out to be the main cause of things going wrong and turning complicated in the company. He has a slight German accent which he can't always hide.

[edit] Supporting

[edit] Jason

Jason is Chuck’s flight student. He is very interested in everything related to aviation and has serious difficulties to hold his curiosity in check. While Sally and Hans love him, because he owns a chocolate factory, and Chuck can usually endure Jasons inquisitive manner, he often drives Julio crazy with his drumfire of questions.

[edit] Captain Ed
Captain Ed
Captain Ed

Captain Ed is Chuck’s uncle and also a pilot. But that’s where the similarities end. He works as a captain for a major airline but is often burdened with straightening out the mess at Roost Air, trying to keep his nephew on the right track. Unlike Chuck he is known for his experience and his calm and positive manner.

[edit] Ray

Ray is the mechanic from the FBO next door. He is a duck from the south and pretty much Julios only shoulder to lean and cry on when it comes to mechanical questions.

[edit] Chicken Wings in print

So far the Strasser brothers published two books with their collected material. The first book was first published by Infinity Publishing. Later on the brothers decided to re-print and publish it by themselves, successfully selling it through pilot shops around the world and through their own webshop. Chicken Wings – The First Book (ISBN 1-59975-787-7) and Chicken Wings 2 – Full Throttle (ISBN 1-4243-1029-6). Chicken Wings strips and cartoons are published regularly in the following magazines: Trade-A-Plane (USA), Avion (USA), Americas Flyways (USA), Atlantic Flyer (USA), Pilot Magazine (UK), Siivet (Finland), Flynnyt (Norway), Take-Off (Portugal), SA Flyer (South Africa) and JP4 (Italy).

[edit] Trivia

  • A catch-phrase, or running gag in this comic is the line „Chuck, is that you“? that is usually asked by air traffic controllers after Chuck has said something stupid on the radio or is confused about the radio procedures. It has been reported that in real life, when somebody makes a mistake on the radio, you can sometimes hear a „Chuck is that you?“ from someone else on the frequency.
  • The strips are translated into five languages: German, French, Italian, Portuguese and Finnish. Even for the publication in British and South African magazines, the strips are „translated“ to use British English and the names of local airports etc.
  • Many characters are based on one or more real life persons. E.g. "Captain Ed" is based on the airline captain/author Ed Owen (Your Captain Speaking) and the name "Chuck" was inspired by Chuck Aaron, currently the only helicopter aerobatics pilot in the USA.

[edit] Bibliography

  • Strasser, Michael and Stefan (2005). Chicken Wings - The First Book. Infinity Publishing and Colorfool Design. ISBN 1-59975-787-7. 
  • Strasser, Michael and Stefan (2006). Chicken Wings 2 - Full Throttle. Colorfool Design. ISBN 1-4243-1029-6. 

[edit] External links