Chiasmatic groove

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Bone: Chiasmatic groove
Sphenoid bone. Upper surface. (Sulcus chiasmaticus labeled at center)
Base of the skull. Upper surface. (Sphenoid bone is yellow; chiasmatic groove labeled at center left, fourth from the top of the labels near the yellow region.)
Latin sulcus prechiasmaticus, sulcus chiasmaticus
Gray's subject #35 147
Dorlands/Elsevier s_28/12769648

The superior surface of the body of the sphenoid bone is bounded behind by a ridge, which forms the anterior border of a narrow, transverse groove, the chiasmatic groove (optic groove, prechiasmatic sulcus), above and behind which lies the optic chiasma.

The groove ends on either side in the optic foramen, which transmits the optic nerve and ophthalmic artery into the orbital cavity.

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