Talk:Chess problem

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I think it would be helpful to have the chess coordinates along the edge of the board in the pictures. At least I have trouble remembering from where they originate and so on.
- Fylke

[edit] John Rice & R C O Matthews

The links to John Rice in "Further Reading" go to an article about someone other than the problemist. I don't know what the best way would be to make this a "red link" - perhaps a more expert Wikipedian could suggest?

Incidentally, Rice was a teacher at Tiffin Boys' School when I was a pupil there 1965-71, and R C O Matthews (co-author with Lipton and Rice) is my uncle. He (Matthews) is also an eminent economist and was Master of Clare College, Cambridge (now retired) - somone should write an article on him (in all capacities)! AndrewWTaylor 11:33, 28 November 2005 (UTC)

Can ther be two queens on the same side apon the pawn making it all the way across the board

[edit] Taverner problem

Publication details for this problem? Alexander George (Talk) 13:53, 3 September 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Heathcote problem

The Heathcote problem at the top of the article has got to be wrong (it's cooked because both 1.b4+ and 1.Qxh5+ mate, and in any case, neither solution is good enough for the problem to be published, never mind to win a first prize). Can somebody fix it? If not, it ought to be removed from the article. --Camembert 15:21, 7 September 2006 (UTC)

Never mind, I found an online source. A black bishop was missing from d1. --Camembert 16:16, 7 September 2006 (UTC)

well, I'm still a bit unclear, as there appear to be several solutions besides (better than?) the supplied one, is this typical of such compositions?--Billymac00 00:45, 7 February 2007 (UTC)

There is only one solution to the problem. If there is, in fact, more than one solution in the position given, then most likely we have a faulty diagram; a problem with more than one solution when only one is intended is (as the article explains) said to be "cooked" and is completely without value. What other solutions do you think there are? --Camembert 14:39, 23 February 2007 (UTC)

I stand corrected, sorry--Billymac00 14:39, 27 February 2007 (UTC)