Chevalley-Warning theorem

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In mathematics, Chevalley's theorem on solutions of polynomial equations over a finite field F with q elements, q a power of the prime number p, states that for a polynomial

P(X1, ..., XN)

of total degree d, with

d < N,

the number M of solutions of

P(X1, ..., XN) = 0

in FN is divisible by p. As a corollary, when P is a homogeneous polynomial of degree d, there is at least one solution other than

(0, ..., 0).

This was proved in 1936 by Claude Chevalley, in response to a question of Emil Artin. There is an elementary proof using the p-th power map. See also quasi-algebraic closure.

Warning's generalisation is for several polynomials Pj and simultaneous equations, under the condition that the sum of the total degrees dj is less than N. It equally has the corollary that when the polynomials are homogeneous, there is a non-zero solution.

The Ax-Katz theorem (here Katz is to Warning as Ax is to Chevalley) determines more accurately a power qb dividing the number M of solutions: here, if d is the largest of the dj , the exponent b can be taken as the ceiling function of

(N − Σ dj)/d.

The Ax-Katz result has an interpretation in étale cohomology, as a divisibility result for the (reciprocals of) the zeroes and poles of the local zeta-function. The same power of q divides each of these algebraic integers.

[edit] References

  • C. Chevalley, C. "Démonstration d'une hypothèse de M. Artin." Abhand. Math. Sem. Hamburg 11, 73-75, 1936.
  • E. Warning, Bemerkung zur vorstehenden Arbeit von Herr Chevalley (Abh. Math. Sem. Univ. Hamburg, Vol. 11, 1936, pp. 76-83)
  • J. Ax, Zeros of polynomials over finite fields, Amer. J. Math., 86(1964), 255-261
  • N. M. Katz, On a theorem of Ax, Amer. J. Math., 93(1971), 485-499.