Cheng Zhi

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24 character
Cheng Zhi
Gender Male
Jobs held Director of Security, Chinese Consulate (Los Angeles)
Affiliation People's Republic of China
Family NA
Spouse NA
Current status Active
Portrayed by Tzi Ma
Seasons 4, 5, 6

Cheng Zhi is a fictional character played by Tzi Ma on the television series 24.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.


[edit] Day 4

During Day 4, Cheng is a director of security for the Los Angeles Chinese Consulate building. Lee Jong, a Chinese scientist working for Habib Marwan, takes refuge in the facility, having been warned by Marwan that CTU would be looking for him; he also fears that Marwan would attempt to kill him to prevent him revealing any information to CTU. CTU initially attempts to convince the Consulate officials to turn Lee over through diplomatic channels. Though the Consul sympathizes with their situation, he felt there is not enough evidence to connect Lee to the terrorist plot. With time running out, Jack Bauer led a covert raid into the Consulate to abduct Lee. The raid goes awry, however, as Lee is wounded and the Consul is killed, though Bauer succeeds in acquiring Lee. Immediately after, the U.S. government attempts to shift blame for the raid to radical Chinese groups.

Dissastisfied with the explanation provided by CTU, Cheng launches his own investigation into the attack. Based on consulate video, he captures a member of Jack's strike team, who implicates Jack Bauer as the strike team's leader. Cheng then demands that President Charles Logan hand Jack over to stand trial in China. Logan's head of security Walt Cummings, concerned about a government agent with Jack's knowledge falling into Chinese hands, secretly arranges for Jack's elimination (with Logan's unspoken approval), prompting Jack to fake his death.

[edit] Day 5

18 months later, Cheng discovers that Jack is still alive (possibly through Charles Logan or Graem Bauer), and the fifth season ends with Cheng orchestrating Jack's abduction. As they head back on a container ship to China, Jack begs Cheng to kill him. Cheng, however, tells Jack that he is "too valuable to kill".

[edit] Prior to Day 6

As depicted in the Day 6 prequel, the Chinese proceed to interrogate and torture Jack for the next seven months under Cheng's supervision. The Chinese are aware that one of two men working in their government, Lee or Hong, is a spy working for the United States, but did not know which. Despite continued torture, Jack does not divulge the information.

One night, two Americans rescue Jack from his cell and transport him to a rendezvous point, where Hong Wai is waiting. It turns out the "rescue" has been staged by Cheng himself and Bauer's recognition has exposed Hong, who Cheng immediately shoots and kills. Cheng then orders his men to take Bauer back to his cell, and promised to wire the two Americans their money. [1]

[edit] Day 6

Cheng Zhi returns with Jack to Los Angeles, where he gives Jack back to CTU. Cheng says Jack had not spoken a word in two years. In response, Jack flashes Cheng an angry defiant look.

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