Chen Ming

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This is a Chinese name; the family name is Chen.

Chen Ming (陈明) is a Chinese pop singer whose career began in Guangzhou in 1990. She has released 13 albums, which includes remixes. Her song 寂寞让我如此美丽 (Loneliness Makes Me Beautiful), and the accompanying album released in 1995, brought her much fame and was praised as one of the best songs in China. Her popularity was strengthened further through singing popular songs such as 为你 (For You) and 快乐老家 (Happy Old House). She sang many theme songs for movies and made many public appearances. Her popularity began to decline around the time after she released her 9th album. After her 10th album, the singer stopped singing for four years. She returned to her singing career in 2004 and released her 12th album. She is rumored to be currently working on a new album called 完美 (Perfection).

[edit] Albums

These are Chen Ming's legally released albums. Most of them were released by China Guangzhou Record Corporation. There will be an indication for albums released by other producers.

1.《枕着你的名字入眠》(I Sleep By Your Name), 1993

想念的夜晚 (Nights I Think of You)
枕着你的名字入眠 (I Sleep By Your Name)
相信你总会被我感动 (I Believe That Eventually You Will Be Moved By Me)
一个人的黄昏 (A Person's Evening)
雨夜探戈 (Night Rain Tango)
离开广州的时候 (When I Left Guangzhou)
请你听我说 (Please Listen To Me)
本来我可以是一个很幸福的人 (I Could Have Been a Very Happy Person)
是我不小心 (I Wasn't Careful)
How Are You My Friend?

2.《寂寞让我如此美丽》(Loneliness Makes Me Beautiful), December 1994

夜玫瑰 (Night Rose)
寂寞让我如此美丽 (Loneliness Makes Me Beautiful)
灯火阑珊处有你 (Lights Are Dimming Where You Are)
轻轻的海风我的心 (Gentle Sea Breeze My Heart)
还爱 (Still Loving)
午夜的时候 (During The Midnight)
花落 (Falling Flowers)
心中的故乡 (The Heart's Hometown)
城市的冬天 (City Winter)
半个月亮 (Half Moon)

3.《天使飞进你梦里》(Angels Fly Into Your Dreams), June 1996

为你 (For You)
天使飞进你梦里 (Angels Fly Into Your Dreams)
远空的呼唤 (Calls From Far Away)
昨夜下了一场雨 (It Rained Yesterday Night)
忘不了的雪 (Unforgettable Snow)
陪你走过一生一世 (I Will Be With You My Whole Life)
恋爱 (Dating)
蓝色的船歌 (The Blue Ship Song)
红颜知已 (The Couple Who Were Meant For Each Other but Met Too Late)
怎么才能停止想你 (How Can I Stop Thinking About You)
浪漫的星星 (Romantic Star)

4.《为你 新歌+精选》(For You - New Songs and Best Choices), June 1997

为你 (For You)
寂寞让我如此美丽 (Loneliness Makes Me Beautiful)
远空的呼唤 (Calls From Far Away)
灯火阑珊处有你 (Lights Are Dimming Where You Are)
红颜知己 (The Couple Who Were Meant For Each Other but Met Too Late)
半个月亮 (Half Moon)
天使飞进你梦里 (Angels Fly Into Your Dreams)
昨夜下了一场雨 (It Rained Yesterday Night)
夜玫瑰 (Night Rose)
还爱 (Still Loving)
枕着你的名字入眠 (I Sleep By Your Name)
唯有宽容 (Tolerance)

5.《仙乐飘飘》(Immortal Joy Abound), October 1997

快乐老家 (Happy Old House)
我在飞 (I Am Flying)
仙乐飘飘 (Immortal Joy Abound)
我是你的梦 (I Am Your Dreams)
无忧无虑 (Carefree)
星语 (Star Language)
孩子 (Child)
弥漫 (Mist)
万花筒 (Kaleidoscope)
预感 (Premonition)

6.《风情舞夜》(Stylish Dance Night), January 1998

快乐老家 (Happy Old House)
为你 (For You)
寂寞让我如此美丽 (Loneliness Makes Me Beautiful)
夜玫瑰 (Night Rose)
红颜知己 (The Couple Who Were Meant For Each Other but Met Too Late)
无忧无虑 (Carefree)
灯火阑珊处有你 (Lights Are Dimming Where You Are)
枕着你的名字入眠 (I Sleep By Your Name)
远空的呼唤 (Calls From Far Away)
我在飞 (I Am Flying)

7.《为了爱》(Just For Love), September 1998

为了爱 (Just For Love)
心中只有你 (In My Heart There Is Only You)
金玉良缘 (Gold and Jade Predestined Match)
遥远的永远 (The Far Away Eternity)
不圆的月亮也有圆的梦 (Moon That Is Not Round Also Has Round Dreams)
奔 (Dash)
唯有宽容 (Tolerance)
冷暖人间 (Cold and Warm World)
聚首 (Reunion)
关怀 (Caring)

8.《珍珠泪》(Tears of Pearl), December 1998

珍珠泪 (Tears of Pearl)
浮世英雄 (World Hero)
别走开 (Don't Go Away)
动心的云 (The Cloud That Moved Me)
找我 (Find Me)
时光小镇 (Small Town In Time)
飞花 (Flying Flowers)
梦游在城市的鸟 (The Birds That Fly Over The City)
贴心 (Intimate)
她是谁 (Who Is She)

9.《快乐老家》(Happy Old House), March 1999. Released by Sony Music.

快乐老家 (Happy Old House)
孩子 (Child)
寂寞然我如此美丽 (Loneliness Makes Me Beautiful)
预感 (Premonition)
万花筒 (Kaleidoscope)
我是你的梦 (I Am Your Dreams)
我在飞 (I Am Flying)
无忧无虑 (Carefree)
仙乐飘飘 (Immortal Joy Abound)
星语 (Star Language)
等你爱我 (Waiting For You To Love Me)

10.《幸福》(Happiness), April 2000. Released by Sony Music.

幸福 (Happiness)
你是爱情的原因 (You Are The Reason For Love)
你呀你 (You)
桃之夭夭 (Peach Blossom)
学飞 (Learn To Fly)
我要找到你 (I Want To Find You)
捕捉爱情的女人 (Women Who Look For Love)
我过得很好 (I'm Fine)
让爱自由 (Let Love Be Free)
曾经快乐过 (I've Been Happy Before)
等你爱我 (Waiting For You To Love Me)

11.《陈明 二十世纪中华歌坛名人百集珍藏版》(Chen Ming - 20th Century Chinese Celebrity Singer's Treasures), July 2004. Released by China Record Corporation.

快乐老家 (Happy Old House)
天使飞进你梦里 (Angels Fly Into Your Dreams)
寂寞让我如此美丽 (Loneliness Makes Me Beautiful)
How Are You My Friend
万花筒 (Kaleidoscope)
轻轻的海风我的心 (Gentle Sea Breeze My Heart)
我是你的梦 (I Am Your Dreams)
枕着你的名字入眠 (I Sleep By Your Name)
城市的冬天 (City Winter)
远空的呼唤 (Calls From Far Away)
相信你总会被我感动 (I Believe That Eventually You Will Be Moved By Me)
忘不了的雪 (Unforgettable Snow)
蓝色的船歌 (The Blue Ship Song)
无优无虑 (Carefree)

12.《让爱情优先》(My Love Goes First), July 15, 2004. Released by Beijing Jingwen Record Corporation.

让爱情优先 (My Love Goes First)
不懂 (You Don't Understand)
情花 (Flower Of Love)
Like An Angel
问 (Ask)
无谓 (Indifferent)
降落 (Landing)
爱在路上 (Love Is On The Road)
执迷 (Confusion)
不让你失望 (I Won't Disappoint You)

13.《爱听》(Love To Listen), November 17, 2004

灯火阑珊处有你 (Lights Are Dimming Where You Are)
为你 (For You)
寂寞让我如此美丽 (Loneliness Makes Me Beautiful)
红颜知已 (The Couple Who Were Meant For Each Other but Met Too Late)
孩子 (Child)
我在飞 (I Am Flying)
远空的呼唤 (Calls From Far Away)
我是你的梦 (I Am Your Dreams)
天使飞进你梦里 (Angels Fly Into Your Dreams)
还爱 (Still Loving)
快乐老家 (Happy Old House)
怎么才能停止想你 (How Can I Stop Thinking About You)
仙乐飘飘 (Immortal Joy Abound)
万花筒 (Kaleidoscope)
枕着你的名字入眠 (I Sleep By Your Name)
半个月亮 (Half Moon)
夜玫瑰 (Night Rose)
昨夜下了一场雨 (It Rained Yesterday Night)
轻轻的海风我的心 (Gentle Sea Breeze My Heart)
城市的冬天 (City Winter)