Chen Dayu

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Chen Dayu 陳大羽 (1912-2001) Chinese painter, calligrapher, seal carver and educator. Chen was born in Chaoyang in Guangdong Province. He was poor as a youth, but developed and abiding passion for artistic pursuits. He graduated from Shanghai Art College in 1935. In the 1946 Chen journed to Bejing for meetings with the eminent artist Qi Baishi. From 1948 he lectured at the Shanghai Academy of Art. In 1950 he became a professor of art at the Nanjing Institute of Art. And began a long career as a flower and bird painter as well as a seal carver. In 1980 his work was displayed at the Jiangsu Museum of Art and the following year at the Shanghai Museum of Art. Chen was adept at both Chinese style and western painting. In his later years he developed a distinctly personal artistic style. His series of rooster paintings are celebrated worldwide. Chen’s work can be seen at the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco and elsewhere. Three major collections of Chen’s painting have been published, in 1948, 1982 and in Japan in 1988.