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How to read a taxobox
Cheilanthes parryi in a rock crevice in southern Nevada
Cheilanthes parryi in a rock crevice in southern Nevada
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Pteridophyta
Class: Pteridopsida
Order: Pteridales
Family: Pellaeaceae
Genus: Cheilanthes

See text

Cheilanthes (lip ferns) is a genus of about 180 species of rock-dwelling ferns with a cosmopolitan distribution in warm, dry regions, often growing in small crevices high up on cliffs. Many of them are desert ferns, curling up during dry times and reviving with the coming of moisture.

Selected species
  • Cheilanthes acrostica (Balb.) Tod.
  • Cheilanthes adiantoides T.C.Chambers & P.A.Farrant
  • Cheilanthes aemula Maxon
  • Cheilanthes alabamensis (Buckley) Kunze
  • Cheilanthes arizonica (Maxon) Mickel
  • Cheilanthes austrotenuifolia H.M.Quirk & T.C.Chambers
  • Cheilanthes bonariensis (Willd.) Proctor
  • Cheilanthes brownii (Kuhn) Domin
  • Cheilanthes catanensis (Cosent.) H.P.Fuchs
  • Cheilanthes caudata R.Br.
  • Cheilanthes cavernicola D.L.Jones
  • Cheilanthes clevelandii D.C.Eaton
  • Cheilanthes contigua Baker
  • Cheilanthes cooperae D.C.Eaton
  • Cheilanthes covillei Maxon
  • Cheilanthes distans (R.Br.) Mett.
  • Cheilanthes eatonii Baker
  • Cheilanthes feei T.Moore
  • Cheilanthes fendleri Hook.
  • Cheilanthes fragillima F.Muell.
  • Cheilanthes glauca (Cav.) Mett.
  • Cheilanthes gracillima D.C.Eaton
  • Cheilanthes guanchica Bolle
  • Cheilanthes hirsuta (Poir.) Mett.
  • Cheilanthes hispanica Mett.
  • Cheilanthes horridula Maxon
  • Cheilanthes humilis (G.Forst.) P.S.Green
  • Cheilanthes intertexta (Maxon) Maxon
  • Cheilanthes intramarginalis (Kaulf. ex Link) Hook.
  • Cheilanthes kaulfussii Kunze
  • Cheilanthes lanosa (Michx.) D.C.Eaton
  • Cheilanthes lasiophylla Pic.Serm.
  • Cheilanthes lendigera (Cav.) Sw.
  • Cheilanthes leucopoda Link
  • Cheilanthes lindheimeri Hook.
  • Cheilanthes maderensis Lowe
  • Cheilanthes microphylla (Sw.) Sw.
  • Cheilanthes newberryi (D.C.Eaton) Domin
  • Cheilanthes nitida (R.Br.) P.S.Green
  • Cheilanthes nudiuscula (R.Br.) T.Moore
  • Cheilanthes parryi (D.C.Eaton) Domin
  • Cheilanthes paucijuga Baker
  • Cheilanthes persica (Bory) Mett. ex Kuhn
  • Cheilanthes pinnatifida D.L.Jones
  • Cheilanthes praetermissa D.L.Jones
  • Cheilanthes prenticei Luerss.
  • Cheilanthes pringlei Davenport
  • Cheilanthes pseudovellea (H.M.Quirk & T.C.Chambers) D.L.Jones
  • Cheilanthes pteroides Sw.
  • Cheilanthes pulchella Bory ex Willd.
  • Cheilanthes pumilio (R.Br.) F.Muell.
  • Cheilanthes sciadioides Domin
  • Cheilanthes sieberi Kunze
  • Cheilanthes tenuifolia (Burm.f.) Sw.
  • Cheilanthes tinaei Tod.
  • Cheilanthes tomentosa Link
  • Cheilanthes vellea (Aiton) F.Muell.
  • Cheilanthes villosa Davenport ex Maxon
  • Cheilanthes viscida Davenport
  • Cheilanthes wootonii Maxon
  • Cheilanthes wrightii Hook.
  • Cheilanthes yavapensis T.Reeves ex Windham

Cheilanthes glauca is a small fern native from Andes mountains of southern central Chile. Its habitat include rough rocky soils frequently covered by snow and windy and hot during the summer.

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