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The Chee are group of fictional androids created by the also fictional, extinct species Pemalites in the book-series Animorphs.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

The Pemalites, being a race of pacifists, created the Chee to be completely incapable of violence, despite their immense strength. A Chee cannot harm anything, not even in self-defense. Fortunately, they are almost indestructible. The Chee are among the Animorphs' greatest allies, as they know almost everything about the Yeerks and can easily infiltrate their organization with their holographic imagery.

The Pemalites also created a special grape-sized computer chip (the Pemalite Crystal) which is so powerful that it allows the Chee to change their programming; at one point, the Animorphs retrieved this chip from Matcom, a Yeerk-run facility, in an attempt to allow their allies to actually fight alongside them. When Erek King the Chee, their greatest ally within the Chee, used it, he was able to effortlessly slaughter more than 25 armed Controllers and Hork-Bajir in less than 20 seconds. The eternally vivid memory of this action so disturbed and disgusted him, that he restored the failsafes against violence in his programming. Jake eventually passed the crystal to his dog, Homer, who cast the Pemalite crystal into the ocean, and no news of it has been heard since.