Cheat Day

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Cheat day is the concept that individuals should have a day during the week in which they "pig out" and consume junk food. It is based on the idea that such individuals are living a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet and regular exercise, and that by consuming unhealthy food once in while, their metabolism is actually "re-spiked."

Individuals who have been on strict diet and have been doing it consistently, often allow themselves to "cheat" as it often does more good than harm. This practice is very common among competitive bodybuilders. It is often the case that such individuals look better the day after the contest, after they've had the post-contest celebration meal of pizza, hamburgers, etc. This is because the months of severe dieting may have put their bodies into "starvation mode."

[edit] The Explanation

The physiological explanation is that when an individual increases calories consumed and adds foods that have been restricted for a long period of time (fats and carbohydrates), it actually speeds up one's metabolism and results in a leaner look - it's like telling one's body, "We're not starving anymore; it's safe to start burning more calories now." Eating foods that are higher in calories, or are not normally in a healthy eating plan, will increase one's metabolism since the body is forced to work harder at burning the calories ingested.

[edit] Personal Choice

In conclusion, it should be noted that how intensely one should do this is based on individual circumstances and preferences. Some people choose to just go all out for the entire day and eat thousands of calories at a time, while others simply have a cheat meal. This is often determined by a multitude of factors such as how rigorous their diet and exercise program is, their age, their alcohol consumption habits, and personal body type.

Cheat Days

Cheat Days: Are they for you?

Cheating: Should you do it?