Charles William Hobley

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C. W. Hobley, C.M.G. (1867-1947) was a pioneering British Colonial administrator in Kenya. He served the Foreign Service in Kenya from 1894 until his retirement in 1921 and published a number of monographs on a variety of subjects.

Born in Chilvers Coton, Warwickshire, England, C.W. Hobley underwent technical education in engineering at Mason Science College (now the University of Birmingham). Sent to Mombasa by the Imperial British East Africa Company in 1890, he served as Transport Superintendent at the coast, but left the company after three years. Within a year, however, he had became a First Class Assistant under the Foreign Office and served the British government in Kenya from that point on. He undertook a general tour of the whole of the Central African Lake Region (1895-96) and first arrived at Mumia's in February 1895, where he established a British administration station along Sclater's Road. In 1896, he became the first European to circumambulate Mt Elgon and the same year he arrived in the Kano Plains/Kisumu area. He oversaw a number of punitive expeditions (1894 – 1908) which were carried out to pacify hostile natives. In 1905, he married Alice Mary Turner. Ultimately, Hobley became Provincial Commissioner of Kavirondo Region (later called Nyanza Province) and later (circa 1909) sub-commissioner of Ukamba Province (stationed in Nairobi). He retired from the Foreign Service in 1921.

[edit] Publications

Something of a polymath, C.W. Hobley published on a wide variety of subjects.

  • Hobley, C. W., “Eastern Uganda, an Ethnological Survey” Anthrop. Inst., Occasional Papers, No. I, London, 1902.
  • Hobley, C. W., 1903, "Notes Concerning the Eldorobbo of OggiekMan 317, 33-4.
  • Hobley, Charles William , Ethnology of Akamba and other East African Tribes, Cambridge: The University Press, 1910; Reprinted 1971, London: Frank Cass & Co. Ltd. (Series: Cass Library of African Studies: General Studies No. 96).
  • Hobley, Charles William, Bantu Beliefs and Magic with Particular Reference to the Kikuyu and Kamba Tribes of Kenya Colony, Together with Some Reflections on East Africa After the War (1922, Reprinted 1938, New York: Barnes & Noble; Reprinted 1967, London: Cass; Reprinted 1992, London: H. F. & G. Witherby).
  • Hobley, C. W., Kenya: From Chartered Company to Crown Colony, Thirty Years of Exploration and Administration in British East Africa (1929; Reprinted 1970, London: Frank Cass, with new introduction).
  • Hobley, C. W., "Soil Erosion: A Problem in Human Geography", A Paper Read at the Afternoon Meeting of the [?Royal Geographical] Society on 8 May 1933, Geographical Review 82 (1933): 139-46.
  • Hobley, C. W., "The Preservation of Wild Life in the Empire", Afr Aff (Lond), 1935, XXXIV: 403-407.
  • Hobley, C. W., "Inland Waters of Africa", Afr Aff (Lond), 1935, XXXIV: 469-470.

[edit] References

  • "Mr. C. W. Hobley's Recent Journey in East Africa", The Geographical Journal, Vol. 25, No. 3 (Mar., 1905), pp. 292-295. (doi:10.2307/1776334)
  • Matson, A.-T. and Thomas P. Ofcansky, “A Bio-Bibliography of C.W Hobley”, History of Africa 8 (1981): 253-260. (doi:10.2307/3171519)
  • "Diary of Charles Hobley", A typescript by A.T. Matson of Hobley's diary (1 Oct 1894 to 12 May 1897). It describes (pp. 1-81) the establishment of the administration in Kavirondo, including the fighting that took place. There follows the names of Kavirondo tribes and chiefs (pp. 83-84), miscellaneous papers (p. 84) and Mumia's Station Case Book (19 Feb 1895 - 31 Jan 1896), dealing chiefly with punishments (3 pages). There is an accompanying letter to Dr Anne Thurston from A.S. Bell of Rhodes House Library, 1 May 1985, regarding the presentation of the typescript to the R.C.S. The original diary is kept at Rhodes House Library, Oxford, R.C.S. Manuscripts Collection, RCMS 113/47.