Charles Schultze

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Charles L. Schultze (1924-) is a United States economist and public policy analyst. He served as chairman of the United States Council of Economic Advisers during the Carter Administration. In the 1960s Schultze was appointed assistant director of the U.S. Bureau of the Budget by President John F. Kennedy in 1962 and was director from 1965-67 during President Lyndon Johnson's Great Society agenda.

Schultze, a native of Alexandria, Virginia, graduated from Gonzaga College High School and then received his bachelor's (1948) and master's (1950) degrees in economics from Georgetown University and was awarded a Ph. D in economics from the University of Maryland in 1960.

He has authored or co-authored dozens of books and articles on economics. Most recently, he co-edited a book with Henry J. Aaron titled Setting Domestic Priorities: What Can Government Do? He also completed a study entitled, Memos to the President: A Guide through Macroeconomics for the Busy Policymaker (Brookings, 1992). Among his better known works, several of which have been written in cooperation with other Brookings scholars, are: An American Trade Strategy: Options for the 1990s, co-edited with Brookings Senior Fellow Robert Z. Lawrence (Brookings, 1990); American Living Standards: Threats and Challenges, co-edited with Robert Z. Lawrence and Robert E. Litan (Brookings, 1988); Barriers to European Growth: A Transatlantic View, with Robert Z. Lawrence (Brookings, 1987); Economic Choices 1987 (Brookings, 1986); and Other Times, Other Places (Brookings, 1986).

Schultze also has been a frequent contributor to such publications as American Economic Review, The Brookings Review, and Brookings Papers on Economic Activity. In 1984, he served as president of the American Economic Association.

He has been involved with the Brookings Institution since 1968. He was director of Economic Studies from 1987-90 and a senior fellow from 1968-77 and 1981-87. Now a senior fellow emeritus in the Economic Studies program, he was named as the recipient of The John C. and Nancy D. Whitehead Chair in 1997.

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He also has several children, 5 daughters and one son. He is currently living in the Washington DC area.

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