Charles McGraw

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McGraw's most popular role in The Narrow Margin with Marie Windsor
McGraw's most popular role in The Narrow Margin with Marie Windsor

Born Charles Butters in Ohio May 10, 1914, square-jawed Charles McGraw grew up to become an actor and eventually made his first movie in 1942. At first it seemed as though McGraw would spend his movie career playing bit parts as movie tough guys and gangsters, but the actor later developed into an unconventional but appealing leading man.

Gravel-voiced McGraw's notable roles include: playing the grumpy cop hired to protect Marie Windsor in the b-movie film noir classic The Narrow Margin (1952); Spartacus as Kirk Douglas' gladiator trainer; Lt. Jim Cordell in Armored Car Robbery (1950); Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds (1963); and the cult classic A Boy and His Dog playing "The Preacher". He also starred in the TV version of Casablanca (1955) taking over Humprey Bogart's role as Rick (although his last name was changed to "Jason"). McGraw died accidentally in 1980 after slipping and falling through a glass shower door.

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