Charak Samhita

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Charak samhita is the most authentic text of Ayurveda.[citation needed] Literally it means the Code written by Charaka. But it is not written by a single person.

As written in this saMhita Mahirshi Aatreya originally created Charak samhita.He taught this Samhita to his 6 students namely Agnivesh, Bhed, Jatukarna, Haarit, paraashar and Ksharpaani. Agnivesh,The most scholor amongst them,made the Samhita.

As in the old Indian education system,the students lived at the ashramas of their teachers and take the knowledge with living them. Agnivesha had wrote this granth in the form of conversation between aatreya and agnivesha.

The Agnivesha Samhitā was later revised by Charaka and it came to be known as Charaka Samhitā. The Charaka Samhitā was revised by Dridhbala.

[edit] Parts of Charak samhita

Charak samhita is divided in 8 parts as following:

  1. Sūtra-Sthāna, general principles 30 Chapters
  2. Nidāna-Sthāna, pathology 8 Chapters
  3. Vimāna-Sthāna, diagnostics 8 Chapters
  4. Sharīra-Sthāna, physiology and anatomy 8 Chapters
  5. Indriya-Sthāna, prognosis 12 Chapters
  6. Chikitsā-Sthāna, therapeutics 30 Chapters
  7. Kalpa-Sthāna, pharmacy 12 Chapters
  8. Siddhi-Sthāna, successful treatment 12 Chapters

Total are 120 Adhyayas ie. Chapters.

[edit] External links