Characters of Rozen Maiden

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Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.


[edit] Rozen Maidens

[edit] Suigintou

Suigintou (水銀燈? Mercury Lamp / Quecksilber Lampe) 
Suigintou is the first doll of the Rozen Maiden collection. Her desire to win the Alice Game is the strongest of all the dolls, and is primarily driven by her wish to gain the attention of "Father". Sadistic, spiteful, and arrogant (all as a result of her spectacular inferiority complex), Suigintou has no inhibitions in the Alice Game. She will use any method possible, regardless of how brutal, to win. She has a particular dislike of Shinku, her rival, and can approximate how many hours and minutes it has been since they last fought. However, upon meeting Megu, her medium, Suigintou's attitude and motivations are beginning to shift. Suigintou is slowly showing a gentler side, and even hopes to use the other doll's Rosa Mystica to heal Megu of her heart ailment.
Suigintou has a number of strange traits and flaws. In the anime, she is missing her stomach; Shinku explains at one point that before Suigintou was completed, her design was erased, but gives no further explanation as to why or how. Curiously, after Suigintou is destroyed in battle by Shinku partly she is restored mid-way through Traumend. It is unknown by whom she is restored or whether or not she has been completed, but in the Traumend finale, Rozen is seen lovingly tying the ribbon at her neck. Rozen has told Suigintou that even with her flawed body, she still has an opportunity to become Alice. In the manga, her wings (she is the only Rozen Maiden with them) have ravaged her back with cracks. Despite these flaws, her love for "Father" and willpower is so strong that she can use her powers independent of a medium. Initially, Suigintou was even able to move without a Rosa Mystica; so strong was her will to exist. She resists a medium because of her strong sense of independence and disdain towards humanity. Suigintou has also been defeated and revived three times.
In Rozen Maiden Ouvertüre, her complete past is revealed. Her intense hate for Shinku stems from the very moment of Suigintou's awakening, when she notices Rozen affixing a brooch with his own image on Shinku's bow. Nevertheless, they still managed to be friends as Suigintou was ignorant of the Rozen Maiden's true purpose--the Alice Game--when they meet in 19th century London. Suigintou stumbles through the mirror in the room of Shinku's medium, wailing hysterically for "Father". Shinku takes Suigintou in after determining that she is not a threat. Shinku not only teaches her how to walk, but also treats her as a equal with teatimes and star-gazing. Unfortunately, she follows Shinku into an Alice Game battle with Souseiseki, and is cut in half by Souseiseki's shears, revealing her incomplete body. She vanishes into a watery N-Field where "Father" gives her a Rosa Mystica at last, thus becoming a true Rozen Maiden. However, after Suigintou gains her Rosa Mystica, Shinku reveals that she only felt pity for the "poor, unfinished doll" that certainly couldn't become Alice. She states that Suigintou could not be a Rozen Maiden as she is flawed and different from them. Suigintou, enraged sprouts her black wings and attacks Shinku, then crushes Shinku's brooch. Shinku could only break into tears and collect the remains of her brooch from the ground as Suigintou laughs upon this. However Shinku's despair quickly turns into rage and tells Suigintou that she is still only "junk". As the two had started to release their powers, Laplace ends the battle, declaring the end of era's Alice game.
Along with her artificial spirit, Meimei, Suigintou's weapons are her ragged black wings. With their arrow-like feathers, she can conjure up a shield, a large sword, or even twin black dragons. Suigintou can also create destructive blue flames as a final resort in battle. The variety in Suigintou's abilities, particularly when combined with her savagely cunning nature, make her a strong player in the Alice Game.
Medium: None (First Season) / Megu (Second Season)
Artificial Spirit: Meimei (メイメイ)
Voiced by: Rie Tanaka (田中理恵) (Japanese) and Noto Mamiko (Drama CD one)

[edit] Kanaria

Kanaria (金糸雀(Gold Thread Sparrow)? Canary / Kanarienvogel) 
Kanaria is the second Rozen Maiden doll, and is as adorable as she is eccentric. Not only does she constantly refer to herself in third person, but also speaks constantly about taking her sisters' Rosa Mystica without actually making an effort to do so. She fancies herself as quite the stealthy prowler, and makes a hobby of watching the exploits of her sisters, usually through binoculars. Kanaria's bright, somewhat arrogant disposition makes her the ideal subject for many of the comedy episodes. Despite this, she is a competent opponent and attacks with a deceptively adorable violin that destroys through its sound, though its effectiveness is questionable. Her personality mostly complements that of Hina Ichigo. She has the unusual habit of ending her sentences with "kashira" ("I wonder?" or "maybe?"), which corresponds with Hina Ichigo's habit of ending sentences with "na no" (meaning "Because"). Her favourite food is tamagoyaki. She is exclusive to the second season. Her artificial spirit is named for the Italian word meaning "pinched", referring to the plucking of violin strings.
Medium: Mitsu
Artificial Spirit: Pizzicato (ピチカート)
Voiced by: Yumi Shimura (志村由美) (Japanese)

[edit] Suiseiseki

Suiseiseki (翠星石(Jade Star Stone)? Jade Star / Jade Stern) 
Suiseiseki is the third Rozen Maiden doll, and is Souseiseki's older twin. She has a watering can which she uses to nourish the "soul trees" of humans. Suiseiseki makes an impression with her high-pitched voice, heterochromatic eyes, and frequent use of the sentence-ending copula "desu." She is one of the main protagonists of the Rozen Maidens. She is, in a word, devious. Suiseiseki adores the spotlight, and her favorite activities include smashing the window of Jun's room (hitting Jun in the process frequently), stealing strawberries from Hina Ichigo, and cackling maniacally. She has a wild imagination and a fondness for telling wild lies to terrify Hinaichigo, whom she calls either "chibi-chibi" (tiny tiny) or "chibi-ichigo" (tiny strawberry). For the most part, Suiseiseki and Jun seem incapable of being civil with each other; she refuses to call Jun by name, opting for "runt" ("chibi-ningen" which translates to "little human") instead. Suiseiseki is one of the few dolls who is opposed to the Alice Game. She has no intentions in becoming Alice if it means taking her fellow sisters Rosa Mystica.
Suiseiseki is a good comrade, however, and can always be relied on for that extra boost in battle. Despite her attitude towards Jun, she does care a great deal for him, and her attempts to cover them up usually manifest in the form of more insults. In the anime's second season, Suiseiseki stands out among the dolls in that she values her sisters' love more than the goal of becoming Alice. She and Jun attempt - without much success - to convince the other Rozen Maiden that the Alice Game is a meaningless endeavour. In her brief appearance in the OVA, she makes the same appeal to her twin several times.
Despite having a sharp tongue and a love for slapstick-like abuse towards the people she cares about, she does not harbor a particular love for genuine combat. Suiseiseki tries to avoid attacking (and participating in the Alice Game) as much as is possible. In battle, Suiseiseki uses her watering pot to make plants emerge from the ground, then manipulates them for both offensive and defensive strategies. Her artificial spirit is named after the popular Anna Sui perfume.
Medium: ? (First Season) / Jun (Second season)
Artificial Spirit: Sui Dream (スィドリーム) (Also called: Sweet Dreams (Tokyopop transl.), Amethyst Dream /Jade Dream in the Anime.)
Voiced by: Natsuko Kuwatani (桑谷夏子) (Japanese),Mizuki Nana (Drama CD one) and Rebecca Forstadt (English)

[edit] Souseiseki

Souseiseki (蒼星石(It is green the star alone)? Lapis Lazuli Star / Lapislazuli Stern) 
Souseiseki is the fourth Rozen Maiden doll, and Suiseiseki's more masculine twin. As with Suiseiseki, she has the power to enter human dreams, and carries a set of pruning shears that she uses to tend human soul trees, as well as having heterochromatic eyes like Suiseiseki, but with the colors reversed. Unlike Suiseiseki, she is calm, quiet, and deeply devoted to her "Master". She attacks ruthlessly with her shears if required, even though the range required for the use of the weapon puts her at a great defensive disadvantage. Souseiseki's personality is a great contrast to that of her twin sister's, as Souseiseki is incredibly quiet, composed, and analytical. She possesses a sharpness in her speech that is similar to Shinku's, and will not tolerate sub-par actions. Her appearance is not only the most masculine of the dolls, but her speech is also noted (to Shinku's amusement) to be of the masculine form, using terms such as 'boku' instead of gender neutral terms like 'jibun' or 'watashi'. The twins both share the same stubbornness, however. Her presence is felt far more in the anime than the manga. Her artificial spirit is named for a fragrance by Lolita Lempicka.
In the manga, her master wanted to use Souseiseki's power to enter other people's dreams and exact revenge on his brother's lover, who he felt had stolen his brother from him. As Souseiseki alone can not achieve this goal, she fights Suiseiseki to gather the two gardeners' tools Lempicka and Sui Dream, which together can affect an individual's soul tree. However, she eventually realizes that it's her master's heart that needs changing instead, and sacrifices herself to free it. The dolls in the scene are shocked from Souseiseki's actions and Suigintou uses the confusion to snatch Souseiseki's Rosa Mystica.
In the anime, Souseiseki is devoted to a lonesome old man, who uses her as a substitute for his deceased son, Kazuki. She is shown to be slightly more eager, probably from a sense of duty, to participate in the Alice Game as compared to her sisters. In the OVA she is introduced in the flashback in mid-fight with Shinku and later does not hold back in attacking a then harmless Suigintou. Throughout the second season, she appears to question their idyllic lifestyle, more so when Barasuishou goads her into taking part in the Alice Game once more. She eventually gives in, out of devotion to Rozen (in wanting to fullfill his wish and relieve his grief), much to Suiseiseki's disappointment. She does battle with Suigintou, losing both the fight and her Rosa Mystica. Similarly to the manga, she loses to Suigintou, who ends her by placing her hand on Souseiseki's chest in a manner similar to the anime. In a recent manga chapter she is shown to be missing from her box.
Even though the two versions progress differently, Suigintou is still the doll that consumes Souseiseki's Rosa Mystica. (However, at the end of the second season, Laplace is seen dancing around with Souseiseki's Rosa Mystica). She becomes the second doll to lose the Alice Game (the first being Hinaichigo) and the first doll to lose her Rosa Mystica.
Medium: Motoharu Shibasaki (Anime) / Kazuha Yuibishi (Manga)
Artificial Spirit: Lempicka (レンピカ)
Voiced by: Rika Morinaga (森永理科) (Japanese), Julie Ann Taylor (English)

[edit] Shinku

Shinku (真紅(Crimson)? Pure Ruby / Reiner Rubin) 
Shinku is the fifth Rozen Maiden doll and the first Rozen Maiden to appear in the series. She embodies the traditional Victorian aristocrat. She is extremely demanding and can seem unappreciative of others, even though this is often not the case. Her favorite words are "tea" and "servant"; she takes pride in lecturing, slapping, and generally abusing Jun, her medium, at every opportunity. No matter how strong the emotion, Shinku rarely lets her sadness, joy, or fear show through. Shinku may seem cold, but she is highly protective and cares deeply for her doll sisters as well as Jun. She can be relied on for the occasional bit of parent-like wisdom, and despite her aristocratic quirks, is the most level-headed doll living in Jun's house.
Shinku does not use honorary suffixes such as 'chan', 'san', or 'kun', except when she refers to 'Father'. Despite her relative youth amongst the Rozen Maidens, the other dolls look up to her as an older sister, and a worthy challenger in the Alice Game. However, she has a cute side, in that she is unusually open with her intense admiration for the puppet detective "Kun-Kun", which can border on obsessive. Jun was once able to convince her to come to his side during an argument using a Kun-Kun doll. Shinku hates cats, as one ate her wind-up key in the past.
Along with being the central doll in the series, Shinku seems to hold a special place in "Father"'s heart, as he had given her a special brooch with his image when she was created. This brooch was destroyed by Suigintou out of jealousy. She desires to become "Alice", but refuses to employ the more ruthless methods of playing the "Alice Game". Shinku believes that there must be a different way to fulfill "Father"'s wishes. She has feelings for jun, showing it a few times in the anime and OVA.
In combat, she fights with extremely versatile rose petal based attacks, making her one of the strongest dolls in battle. She can direct them for area attacks, or use them as a shield. Her other weapon is a cane, which she skillfully wields as a sword. She has other special powers, such as restoring broken objects (mostly windows that are broken in Jun's room, thanks to Suiseiseki and Souseiseki) with a form of time-reversing magic.
Medium: Jun/Sarah (Ouvertüre OVA)
Artificial Spirit: Holi (ホーリエ) (sometimes spelled "Holie", "Hollier" in the Tokyopop transl.)
Voiced by: Miyuki Sawashiro (沢城みゆき) (Japanese) and Horie Yui (crama CD one)

[edit] Hina-Ichigo

Hina-Ichigo (雛苺(Poult Strawberry)? Small Berry / Klein Beere) 
Hina-Ichigo is the sixth doll, and the very embodiment of childishness. Although she can be ridiculously naïve and selfish, Hina-Ichigo never has anything but the best intentions for those that she cares about. Her disposition is also a mismatch for her power, which is a series of attacks based on strawberry vines, mostly used for restraining opponents. Shinku 'defeats' her (through Hina-Ichigo's own selfishness by exhausting Tomoe's energy) in the Alice Game, becoming the first doll to lose the ability to become Alice in the Alice Game. However, Shinku did not rob her of her ability to move. Instead, Shinku lets herself be the inter-medium to allow Hina-Ichigo to tap into Jun's power. However, in the later part of Season 2, with the beginning of the Alice Game in earnest, "Father" cuts off this link. Therefore, when Hina-Ichigo used up her remaining powers, her Rosa Mystica is lost to Shinku, becoming the second doll to lose one. Her favorite foods are "Unyuu" - which is actually strawberry daifuku - and Nori's "Flowery Hamburger", a dish that consists of a hamburger patty topped with a flower-shaped egg. She usually ends her sentences in "na no" (meaning "that's why" or "because" in Japanese), complimentary to Kanaria's "kashira" (meaning "I wonder" or "maybe?").
In the manga, Hina-Ichigo is destroyed by being consumed from the inside by Kirakishou's vines. She sends her Rosa Mystica to Shinku through Berrybell, asking Shinku to use it to end the Alice Game.
In the anime, Hina-Ichigo's singing, as well as most of her quarreling with Suiseiseki, are actually ad-libbed by her seiyū, Sakura Nogawa (with Natsuko Kuwatani in the quarreling scenes).
Medium: Tomoe / Jun (Indirectly)
Artificial Spirit: Berrybell (ベリーベル)
Voiced by: Sakura Nogawa (野川さくら) (Japanese) Kaneda Tomoko (Drama CD one)

[edit] Kirakishou

Kirakishou (雪華綺晶(Snow Bloom 綺 Crystal)? Beautiful Snowdrop Crystal / Schöner Schneeglöckchen Kristall) 
Kirakishou is the true seventh doll of the Rozen Maiden. Her costume is different from that of her imitation, Barasuishou, and she has a rose in her right eye, whereas Barasuishou has a mere eyepatch covering her left eye.
Her first appearance is in volume 6 of the manga, which is as mysterious as Barasuishou's first anime appearance. In the anime, she has yet to be properly introduced. According to her, the seventh doll lacked a physical body and could only exist in the N-Field. She therefore destroys and consumes Hina-Ichigo in order to be able to materialize in the human world. It has also been shown that although Kirakishou could not initially materialize, she could still affect real world events, such as when she gives a rose ring to the granddaughter of Corinne, Hina-Ichigo's former master. Kirakishou's strongest personality trait is her obsessive admiration of Suigintou, whom she refers to as "Onee-sama" (older sister), and to whom she has offered her Rosa Mystica, although Suigintou refused it, saying she would take it herself later. Much about Kirakishou remains unknown.
Medium: Odille Fosse(?)
Artificial Spirit: Unknown
Voiced by: None

[edit] Barasuishou

Barasuishou (薔薇水晶? Rose Crystal / Rozenkristall) 
Barasuishou introduces herself as the seventh Rozen Maiden doll. She is clad entirely in lavender, and shows no hint of a conscience. She acts with an unnatural calmness at all times, and possesses a significant amount of power in battle. Her appearance heralds the "true" start of the Alice Game. In reality, she is a fake, and was not created by Rozen. Her "Father" is Enju, who is merely Rozen's jealous apprentice. Barasuishou can manipulate and create any sort of crystalline elements, including glass. Her true origin is revealed in the final episode of the second season. She is exclusive to the second season of the anime and a single scene in the OVA. Barasuishou does not exist in the manga. She is constantly seen wearing an eyepatch over her left eye, though later on it is revealed that she is not missing an eye at all. It seems as though this eyepatch is some sort of seal--whether a magical one from Enju or a self-imposed one from Barasuishou herself--on her emotions, as she only shows a personality once it is removed. Since Barasuishou is not created by Rozen, she does not need a medium (or have a rose ring), nor does she have an artificial spirit.
Medium: None
Artificial Spirit: None
Voiced by: Saori Goto (後藤沙緒里) (Japanese)

[edit] Humans and Others

Sakurada, Jun
Sakurada, Jun
Jun Sakurada (桜田 ジュン?)
A traumatized boy who lives a hermit's existence in his room and does not go to school after cracking under the pressure of entrance exams. He suffers from what is known as tōkō kyohi, or a refusal to go to school, as well as hikikomori, or the phenomenon of isolating oneself from society.
He spends a lot of time in front of his computer, and has a hobby of ordering things from the Internet— mostly fake magical or occultic implements— and then returning them before he has to pay, for the thrill of receiving something ridiculously stupid. He is also interested in cars and collects miniaturized cars. When he unknowingly came in possession of Shinku, one of the Rozen Maidens, and winds her up, he becomes caught in the crossfire of the Alice Game—particularly due to Shinku declaring him her "servant" and insisting that he obey her at all times. Jun is skilled at crafts and sewing. Although he is arrogant, and occasionally cold and rude, he cares for others but refuses to show it. He is especially friendly with Hina Ichigo, and at times, blushes around Shinku.
By Träumend, his personality changes with the help of the Rozen Maiden. During the summer, he even went to the library frequently to catch up with his school studies and is now more social and kind, not being afraid of his classmates or showing his face in public anymore. He helped Suiseiseki into making the Rozen Maiden believe that the Alice Game was not mandatory, and strongly believes that as sisters, Shinku and the others shouldn't be fighting or keep secrets from each other. He also becomes friends with Tomoe as she helps him catch up at school.
Voiced by: Asami Sanada (真田アサミ) (Japanese) and Kobayashi Sanae (Drama CD one)

Sakurada, Nori
Sakurada, Nori
Nori Sakurada (桜田 のり?)
Jun's older sister. She is his caretaker, as their parents are out of the country on business. Nori is kind and gentle but sometimes has an amusingly "dirty" mindset (which carries into her dreams, where she fantasizes about her brother). She unfortunately takes the brunt of Jun's abuse and criticism. Shinku constantly provides Nori with advice on everything from proper tea-brewing to Jun's care. Nori is very fond of the dolls who live and play in her house and plays lacrosse at school.
Voiced by: Noriko Rikimaru (力丸乃りこ) (Japanese) and Hisakawa Aya (Drama CD one)

Tomoe Kashiwaba (柏葉 巴?)
A girl who attends Jun's school. She is quiet, and kind-hearted, although her speech and style tend to be very dry and she will often hide her true feelings. An honor student, Tomoe was originally Hinaichigo's medium, but the bond between them was broken when Hinaichigo drew on too much of Tomoe's energy and was defeated by Shinku. Currently, Tomoe aids Jun in his dealings with the Rozen Maiden. Tomoe consistently seeks out Jun and laconically helps him in his efforts to return to school, despite his fear of her. Tomoe is very close to Hinaichigo almost as how Jun was close to Shinku. At Traumend, before Hinaichigo "dies", Tomoe remembers all of the good times and memories she spent with her doll and thanks Hina for being there with Tomoe during those times.
She was taught kendo by her father from an early age and is a member of the kendo club at school. Tomoe is often seen carrying a shinai in a bag after school.
Despite being a member of the school committee, it appears Tomoe would rather not be doing the job.
Voiced by: Masayo Kurata (倉田雅世) (Japanese)
Yamamoto-kun (山本君?)
A boy in Nori's class who is continually trying to confess his love to her, only to be interrupted by wild coincidences or unfortunate happenings, many of which are (unintentionally) caused by the dolls, but mostly, Suiseiseki. Nori is blissfully unaware of his romantic interest. He does not exist in the manga.
Voiced by: Junji Majima (間島淳司) (Japanese)
Shirosaki (白崎?)
The salesperson at the doll shop. He has a genuine passion for the dolls, even going so far as to explain dolls' feelings to Jun and Tomoe, but there is a sinister air about him. He is really the Laplace no Ma, the demon of Laplace. In the OVA, it is revealed that he has been in Enju's company since before Shinku and Suigintou's rivalry began, and was at the time searching for Rozen Maidens though it is not said why. He appears in the second season of the anime and briefly in the OVA.
Voiced by: Takahiro Sakurai (櫻井孝宏) (Japanese)
Laplace no Ma (ラプラスの魔? Laplace's Demon)
Laplace no Ma is Shirosaki in the appearance of a white rabbit in a tuxedo and a top hat with human mannerisms. He is neither sinister nor kind, and has a tendency to speak in riddles. His brief appearances in the N-Field leave the Rozen Maiden with nothing more than poetic and seemingly nonsensical advice. Despite the fact that he was seen supporting Barasuishou (and later, Kirakishou), Shirosaki's true motives remain a mystery. His rabbit form is named for Laplace's demon. Featured in the manga and the second season of the anime. He also appears at the end of the OVA.
Voiced by: Kyousei Tsukui (津久井教生) (Japanese)
Enju (?)
The young doll craftsman that runs the doll shop with Shirosaki. He leaves the customer service duties to Shirosaki, and relegates his time to creating dolls in the workshop. Enju obviously takes his art seriously—he even goes so far as to give brief words of reassurance to halfway finished creations—but occasionally seems bitter. During the second to last episode of Rozen Maiden Traumend, he shows a liking or admiration of Shinku. He bears an unnatural resemblance to Rozen, but is revealed to be nothing more than Rozen's jealous apprentice. He is featured in the second season of the anime and appears briefly in the OVA.
Voiced by: Daisuke Ono (小野大輔) (Japanese)
Motoharu Shibasaki (柴崎 元治?)
Souseiseki's medium in the anime. He is an elderly watchmaker who became delusional when his son died in an accident. His wife fell into a deep coma from the shock around the same time, leading him to become lonely and beginning to think Souseiseki was his son still alive, which, due to Souseiseki's strong loyalty, puts the doll in danger.
Voiced by: Ikuo Nishikawa (西川幾雄) (Japanese)
Matsu Shibasaki (柴崎 マツ?)
Motoharu's wife (only in the anime). After the death of her son, she fell into a long dream-like sleep state from the shock. Souseiseki and Suiseiseki's dream entering abilities were initially unable to wake her up, but that changes after obtaining the surprise cooperation of another character.
Voiced by: Yoshino Ohtori (鳳芳野)(Japanese)
Kazuki Shibasaki (柴崎 一樹?)
Motoharu's son who had died (Anime-only).
Voiced by: Megumi Matsumoto (松元 恵) (Japanese)
Mitsu Kusabue (Micchan) (草笛 みつ (みっちゃん)?)
Mitsu is Kanaria's doting medium. Her absolute love for dolls (or, more fittingly, obsession) shows in both her love for Kanaria and her room's decor. She has shelves upon shelves crammed entirely with dolls, and makes frequent trips to the doll shop to purchase gifts for Kanaria. Although her work attire is that of an office lady, Kanaria introduces her as a professional photographer to the other dolls. "Micchan" is generally as harmless and eccentric as the Rozen Maiden to which she's bonded. She only appears in the second season.
Voiced by: Akiko Kawase (川瀬晶子) (Japanese)
Megu Kakizaki (柿崎 めぐ?)
Megu is a sickly girl (she has congenital heart disease in the anime, but the disease is not specified in the manga) that is Suigintou's medium. She lives entirely in a hospital room, and is under constant care from nurses. Megu has a very bleak outlook on life and often prays for an Angel of Death to take her away. She sees herself as a burden upon her parents, whom she claims are "guilty" of having her. After becoming Suigintou's medium, she immediately calls her an Angel of Death and requests that Suigintou kill her by draining away her energy. Despite her apathy (and, at times, contempt) towards life in general, she is quite needy, and increasingly desires Suigintou's company. Megu has a habit of throwing tantrums when Suigintou is elsewhere, demanding that Suigintou be with her at all times. Megu's blatant disrespect towards her father also shocks Suigintou, who would never even consider such an attitude toward her own "Father", Rozen. It seems that Megu continues to surprise Suigintou. In the anime, Megu is exclusive to the second season and appears briefly in the OVA.
Voiced by: Shiho Kawaragi (河原木志穂) (Japanese)
Rozen (ローゼン?) 
Rozen is the mysterious creator of the Rozen Maiden. He is known to all of the dolls as "Father". He continues to exist in some form (presumably in the N-Field) but will only meet with "Alice", the winner of the Alice Game. So far, his full face has yet to be seen in the series; nor has his voice been heard. However, the Rozen Maiden dolls claim to often dream of him in one way or another. Rozen's precise purpose for creating the dolls (as well as the Alice Game itself) has yet to be revealed. The start of Rozen Maiden Ouverture--wherein Rozen affixes a brooch bearing his image to Shinku's ribbon--as well as the fact that he only speaks to Shinku at the end of Traumend, seems to indicate that Rozen has a special attachment to her in particular.
Detective Kun Kun
Detective Kun Kun
Detective Kun Kun (くんくん探偵?) 
A fictional doll character who stars in his own detective TV show, which is a parody of other detective anime. The dolls--Shinku in particular, and, humorously, Suigintou--are fans of the show. In both the anime and manga, Jun has pointed out the ridiculousness of dolls watching a show starring a doll.
Voiced by: Kyousei Tsukui (津久井教生)
Sarah (サラ?)
Shinku's previous medium which only appears in the Ouvertüre OVA. She lives in London in the 19th century and is aware of the Alice Game. Despite living in a high-class society during that time, Sarah is very independent and spunky, which is against her own parents' wishes, who are unaware about Shinku or the Rozen Maidens' existence. She questions Shinku's choice to keep the broken Suigintou around, since Shinku would need to defeat her as well to win the Alice Game.
Voiced by: Asami Sanada (真田アサミ) (Japanese)

[edit] Manga Only Characters

  • Umeoka (梅岡?), he is Jun's teacher.
  • Yuna Kuwata (桑田 由奈?), she is the class beauty of Jun's class. Jun had a crush on her in the manga.
  • Kazuha Yuibishi (結菱 一葉?), he is Souseiseki's Master in the manga, and he lives in a place called Barayashiki (薔薇屋敷) which translated means "The House of Rose".
  • Hataba Yuibishi (結菱 二葉?), he is Kazuha's younger twin brother. He died in a ship wreck in 1957 while eloping.
  • Corinne Fosse (コリンヌ・フォッセー?), Hina-Ichigo's former master.
  • Odille Fosse (オディール・フォッセー?), Corinne's Granddaughter. Kirakishou called her "Master", but it has not yet been revealed as to whether she is Kirakishou's Medium or not.
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