Characters of GetBackers

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The following character bios consists of information from both the manga version and the anime version of GetBackers. Japanese names are in Western order (given name, then family name).

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

[edit] The GetBackers

[edit] Ban Mido

Main article: Ban Mido

[edit] Ginji Amano

Main article: Ginji Amano

[edit] Previous GetBackers

Der Kaiser and Ban with Aesclepius
Der Kaiser and Ban with Aesclepius

[edit] Der Kaiser

(manga only) - As Ban's father, he occupies a unique place in the story. While being a major antagonist in the Voodoo Child arc and supposed last arc "Get Back the Lost Time", he is also an enemy of the Brain Trust, seeking to wrestle the control of Infinity Fortress from their grasp and get back his "lost time". He has made several attempts at this, both by taking control of the Beltline, as its current ruler, and by attempting to force Raitei to overload the tower's circuits by asking for more power in a single instant than what the Fortress was capable of generating. In addition, he was formerly a member of the first generation of Get Backers along with Paul Wan, the two of them having a similar relationship to that of Ban and Ginji. However, after entering the upper limits of Infinity Fortress, the two split, for by then the Kaiser realised that the gates to Bablyon City were shut by his mother. Claiming that it's his sole responsibility to set things right, he urged his friend to leave. As for himself, he "stayed on and became a Dark Lord whom even the monsters of the Beltline feared". (Quote from Paul) When Maria confronted him, he remarked that only one person will be able to make it to the top of Bablyon City. Der Kaiser's fighting abilities are noted as being in a place even the "Gale Emperor" cannot reach. Later, he and Paul was to engage in a brawl to determine who is the better skilled of the two. When the Kaiser launched a devastating blow at his old comrade, a certain teen took it with his palm and only suffered from a minor cut. That teen was his son, Ban Mido. Der Kaiser has been revealed to be a spectre. The reason why he didn't leave Babylon like Paul did so long ago was that his goal all along was to help his son Ban overcome the curse of the Snake. Ban defeats der Kaiser but doesn't use the power of Aesclepius to do so by remembering Ginji at the last moment. Der Kaiser tells his son how much he has grown whilst patting him on the head, and finally disappears.

[edit] Second Gen

As their title suggests, they are the second generation of the Get Backers. Upon Paul's return to Ura Shinjuku, he handed over the name of the Get Backers to 3 youths. Little of them is actually seen in the manga but their influence on Ban and Ginji can be seen in many ways.

  • Ban's "Urchin Head" hairstyle is based on one of them. (In the "Early Days" arcs, his hairstyle is that of his childhood days, and bears a resemblance to his father's.)
  • The duo's Subaru is also inherited from them (along with the parking fines).
  • In the manga, a young Natsumi was prompted by them to go to the Honky Tonk to look for Ban and Ginji.
  • Ginji learnt his "jigsaw" analogy of their job scope from them as well.

The "jigsaw" analogy is as follows (taken from the second gen's speech upon handing over to Ban and Ginji): "If you accept a job, you must then follow it to the very end, for before you put in the last piece of the jigsaw, you wouldn't know how the true picture will look like." Given their speech, they may know some of Infinity Fortress's secrets, but what Paul had told them is as of now unknown.

[edit] The Honky Tonk Crew

The Honky Tonk Cafe is a ficitional cafe in Shinjuku where the Getbackers meet frequently.

[edit] Hevn

Main article: Hevn

(Seiyu: Rio Natsuki) - Codename of the buxom and enterprising young woman who is at times an ally to the Get Backers - and sometimes at odds with them.

[edit] Paul Wan

Main article: Paul Wan

(王波児 Wan Poru; Seiyu: Yasunori Matsumoto)

[edit] Natsumi Mizuki


(水城夏実 Mizuki Natsumi; Seiyu: Otoha) - A 17-year-old high school student, Natsumi was Ban and Ginji's client at the beginning of the anime who then came to work at the Honky Tonk as a part-time waitress. In the anime, she has amazing ping-pong skills and even once takes on a job meant for the Get Backers, while they are busy with another case (despite her lack of skill at anything besides table tennis, shogi, and cooking. Notable here is that she chose to wear an outfit consisting of Ban's shirt and glasses, and Ginji's pants and gloves for the case.) Sort of the GetBackers' unofficial groupie, Natsumi is very devoted to Ban and Ginji, often worrying about their welfare and staying up late at the Honky Tonk to welcome them back from a mission (This is also seen in the MV of the first ending theme in the anime, although the duo were just away to get groceries on a rainy day. Also, the song is sang by Otoha, Natsumi's seiyu). In a case of real life mirroring art, in the anime, Natsumi once teamed up with Emishi on a retrieval mission (the same episode where she wore the outfit mentioned above); her seiyu (Otoha) later married a comedian.

In the manga, Natsumi's history and character is markedly different from the anime's. Aside from hints that she and Ginji share an almost flirtatious friendship, her past is introduced in "Birth Arc 2: Get Back the Genius Dog" of vol. 27, as one of the GetBackers' first clients. The daughter of an eminent virus researcher, Natsumi hires them to rescue her "genius" Miniature Dachshund Lucky from performing tricks at a TV station. But Lucky, apparently, has more sinister powers and mysteries under his fur and it's up to the GetBackers to get to the bottom of what turns out to be a conspiracy involving superhuman mutants, mad scientists, and Hevn - who also makes her first appearance in the series in this arc (chronologically speaking). Also, she has occasionally displayed maturity beyond her age (probably an influence from Paul). As their "master" battles in Infinity Fortress, Rena worried about his safety. Natsumi, however, was convinced that Paul would be alright, and told her colleague not to worry. (Popularity rating: 12th with 208 votes)

In the drama CDs, all her speaking parts had been removed, and Otoha does not return to voice Natsumi.

[edit] Rena Sendo

(manga only) (仙洞レナ Sendō Rena; Seiyu in drama CD: Chiwa Saito) - Rena was first seen in the Divine Design arc as one of Lucifer's chosen children. As Ramiel, her power was to trap human souls in dolls. She was defeated by Himiko and subsequently became Natsumi's colleague at the Honky Tonk. Previously depressed due to the loss of her father and her sexual abuses under her teacher, Rena perks up under the advice of Paul and tries to be a good helper at the cafe, though her coffee-making skills, among others, still leave much to be desired. However, since Paul's departure for Infinity Fortress, both she and Natsumi had proved themselves to be capable of handling the sudden surge in business at the cafe.

Like Natsumi, all references to Rena were removed in the drama CDs, except for her involvement during the Divine Design arc. (She was referred to as "Ramiel" here.)

[edit] The Four Kings of VOLTS

[edit] MakubeX

Main article: MakubeX

(間久部 Makube + 'X' for the unknown; Seiyu: Mitsuki Saiga)

[edit] Shido Fuyuki

Main article: Shido Fuyuki

(冬木士度 Fuyuki Shido; Seiyu: Takanori Hoshino) Known as the Beastmaster, Shido gets to summon animals to help him in his adventures, including some battles. His best power is Beast Imitation, which is some sort of transformation wherein he can mimic the ability of certain animals. Considered to be Ban's fiend, Shido later on lives in Madoka's place finally ending his solitude ever since Volts disbanded.

[edit] Kazuki Fuuchouin

Main article: Kazuki Fuuchouin

(風鳥院花月 Fuchouin Kazuki; Seiyu: Soichiro Hoshi) Known as Kazuki of the Strings, he fights using koto strings seemingly controlled via telekenisis. He was the leader of Fuuga.

[edit] Masaki Kurusu

Main article: Masaki Kurusu

(来栖征 Kurusu Masaki; Seiyu: Hideyuki Hori) - He is the last member of those who were known as the Four Kings during the era of VOLTS.

[edit] The Transporters

A transporter's (運び屋 hakobiya) job in the GB universe is to ensure that an object or person makes it to its destination unhindered.

[edit] Kurodou Akabane

Main article: Kurodou Akabane

(赤屍蔵人 Akabane Kurodou; Seiyu: Nobuo Tobita) Known as "Dr. Jackal", Akabane is a specialist in knives. He is able to insert several pseudo-daggers into his body and direct their movement during battles. One of his famous moves is Bloody Rain, wherein he casts his knives onto the sky and fall into his opponent like a shower. He is neither good nor bad and doesn't really take sides, just a doer of what he's tasked to. His only goal is to have fun in fighting, whether or not he wins.

[edit] Himiko Kudo

Main article: Himiko Kudo

(工藤卑弥呼 Kudo Himiko; Seiyu: Natsuko Kuwatani) Known as "Lady Poison," Himiko makes use of several different perfumes against her enemies. A certain perfume temporarily paralyzes anyone who inhales it, including herself, so she trained herself on proper breathing whenever she uses it. Another can make a victim mimic a monkey. One more perfume enables her to blow fire into her opponent. Finally, her most powerful perfume gives her thrice as much speed, but she can only use it for a short period or else it can kill her.

Himiko is also a former partner of Ban together with her brother Yamato. However, a misunderstanding took place upon witnessing the apparent murder of her sibling by Ban. Since then, she had a vendetta against him, vowing to kill him some day. It wasn't clear in the series if Ban did explain himself to Himiko, but they did work together during some missions.

[edit] Gouzou Maguruma

Gouzou Maguruma - "Mr No Brakes"
Gouzou Maguruma - "Mr No Brakes"

(馬車號造 Maguruma Gouzou; Seiyu: Tadahisa Saizen) - He is an expert driver and is also known as "Mr Unstoppable ("The Man With No Brakes" in the anime) because of his almost nil usage of brakes during driving on his various missions regardless of whether he is driving on a highway or a dangerously curving mountain road. He usually works together with the Transporters (Akabane and Himiko). Though he often works on the opposite side of the GB duo, Gouzou is strictly neutral; after the duo secured help for him after he was stung by hornets in the Marlin Red arc, he offered Ban, Himiko and Kazuki a ride in his truck to Hell's Valley in the Kiryuudo arc. (Popularity rating: 13th with 176 votes)

[edit] The Protectors

A protector's (護り屋 mamoriya) job in the GB universe is to protect their clients' possessions.

[edit] Ryuudou Hishiki

(菱木竜童 Hishiki Ryūdō; Seiyu: Tomoyuki Shimura) - A former professional wrestler, Hishiki doesn't really have any nifty powers or magically enhanced skills. However, he has amazingly survived everything the GetBackers have thrown at him. Whether by drowning, setting him on fire, shoving him out of a high-speed vehicle, or getting struck by a billion volts of lightning; he's as hard to keep down as a cockroach - a talent which has earned him the nickname "Undead". Hishiki is a man of few words, but what he lacks in eloquence, he makes up for with his hulking size and rock fists, as well as the distinction of possibly being the only GetBackers foe immune to Ginji's electricity. It isn't any wonder then why, of all the opponents Ban and Ginji have faced, Hishiki has the unique status as the only enemy the pair will go to whatever lengths necessary to avoid fighting. However, it must be noted that the GB duo only fought him in the earlier arcs of the series, before they reached the peak of their powers (In his last appearance in the Marlin Red arc of the manga, the duo avoided him as usual. But it's illogical to believe that the duo couldn't have beaten him again when Ban soundly defeated the vampire Captain Brandon in the same arc.)

[edit] Miroku Seven

Yukihiko and Natsuhiko Miroku
Yukihiko and Natsuhiko Miroku

The Miroku 7 are 7 siblings skilled in different weapons and styles (but most of them use either swords or knives). Their leader is Natsuhiko (夏彦; seiyu: Tomokazu Seki), their eldest brother, but arguably, the most powerful member is Yukihiko (雪彦; seiyu: Akiko Kimura), the youngest brother. But what makes them devastating is the fact that the 7 share a common vessel. When needed, any member can manifest in the vessel and engage the enemy. It is not uncommon during a fight for the siblings to take turns manifesting to fight their foes in different situations. They were first seen in the Venus de Milo arc, protecting the arms of the statue. Natsuhiko was a childhood playmate of Ban, but after Ban had killed his sister Eris (エリス), the 7 became sworn enemies of Ban. Yukihiko, however, befriended Ginji during the Venus de Milo arc. This friendship was later put to the test in the Beltline, when Ginji and Yukihiko sought to settle the differences between Ban and the 7 (The father and an older brother and sister are called The Three Knights / Drei Ritter, bodyguards to Der Kaiser). In the Beltline, the 7's father Shimon Miroku (弥勒紫紋 Miroku Shimon) was defeated by Paul while the eldest 6 were simply blown away by Ban. Despite Natsuhiko's hatred for his sister's killer, he could not match either Ban's conviction nor his strength (Ban killed Eris in self defence; like the Kudo siblings, Eris was set upon Ban by the shamans. Also, despite hitting Ban with almost every move he made, the fact that Ban did not seek to avoid Natsuhiko's attacks showed the gulf in the abilities of the two.) As it turned out, Eris was not Natsuhiko's blood sister but his betrothed 'bride'. The Miroku 7 are actually seven facets of a single person who will finally merge into one when Natsuhiko turns into an adult. This person's bride would then be Eris, and the single body who would've manifested the 7 personalities of the siblings is... Yukihiko. The anime only features Yukihiko and Natsuhiko, thus reducing the Miroku 7. The other siblings are Hikage (緋影), Ukyou (右狂), Tsubaki (椿), Tokisada (時貞) and the sister Kirara (奇羅々). (Popularity ratings: Yukihiko 8th with 351 votes, Natsuhiko 37th)

[edit] Residents of the Infinity Fortress

[edit] Haruki Emishi

Haruki Emishi
Haruki Emishi

(笑師春樹 Emishi Haruki; Seiyu: Mitsuaki Madono) - One of the followers of Volts in Infinity Fortress. He was known as the "Fresh Blood Joker" (Senketsu no Joker) because he would always laugh as the blood of his enemies was shed, always killing with a smile. Also, his skills in combat mean that he is often covered in the blood of his enemies after battles. (In fact, Shido Fuyuki once commented that if his will becomes stronger, his might is actually on par with the 4 Kings of VOLTS.) Emishi's weapon is a long whip woven from the hair of the women of his people which also referred to as "Dragon's Hair" because, thanks to the special way the hair is looked after before and after it's woven as well as the special way that it's braided, the whip itself is as strong and pliable as a dragon's whisker. The whip itself consists of a single grip in the middle with two whip lengths protruding from each side, which Emishi handles very well with quick and fluid attacks such as the "The Spinning top", "Venom Imitation", "Sandstorm" or "Winds of Destruction". Another technique Emishi has is that his blood, as with all Loulan warriors, is highly combustible when it make contact with oxygen, though, unfortunately for Emishi, it only seems to work when a large, arterial flow of blood is used. He went under the rule of MokubeX after VOLTS broke up as one of the new four kings, chosen for his speed and fighting prowess and fought the retrievers of IL in the Infinity Fortress. He is the only male descendant left from the ancient Western Chinese desert kingdom of Loulan (Rouran) who are able to fight. He is also an admirer and good friend of Shido after the Beast master made his way to his village in the Infinity fortress, delievering food to the starving children, an image radically different to the wandering rumours. (Popularity rating: 14th with 158 votes)

[edit] Juubei Kakei

Main article: Juubei Kakei

Known as Juubei of the Flying Needles, he develops an acupuncture-like technique to deal with his foes. His needles have different powers, some even lethal, and he must control them with precision in order for them to be effective.

He has a sister, Sakura and ever since he was a child, he was a protector of Kazuki, as he believed his clan was destined to guard his family. But when Volts disbanded and Kazuki left, Juubei offered his support for MakubeX in pursuit of a new Endless City, and when Kazuki goes with the Get Backers to stop them, they faced each other in a battle.

[edit] Sakura Kakei

Main article: Sakura Kakei

The older sister of Juubei Kakei, and perhaps Makubex's most loyal follower. Sakura fights using a cloth, which she seems to control via telekinesis.

[edit] Toshiki Uryuu

Main article: Toshiki Uryuu

Known as "Hell's Knight". Served in Fuuga under Kazuki, but left when Kazuki joined the VOLTS.

[edit] Takuma Fudou

Takuma Fudou
Takuma Fudou

(不動琢磨 Fudō Takuma; Seiyu: Masahiko Tanaka) - Also known as "Fudou the Enlightened" (サトリの不動), Fudo is a blood-lusting borderline psychopath who will steamroll over anyone getting in the way of his "throbbing desire" to see Ban dead. In fact, his need for revenge is so one-track-minded that he only accepts an invitation from MakubeX to set the IL plan in motion - on the condition that he is fitted with a robotic arm and that he gets to kill Ban. Ban and Fudou's history is vague; the only thing known is that they had encountered each other pre-GetBackers as rival thieves and that somewhere along the way, Ban had managed to rip Fudou's left arm off. It isn't an understatement to say Fudou has been obsessed with vengeance ever since, stalking Ban and Ginji through both "Early Days"/"Birth" Arcs (where Ginji manages to defeat him by calling on a bolt of lightning) and even going so far as to keep the mummified remains of his arm with him always. A formidable foe with incredible strength and battle skills, Fudou is further aided by his powers of precognition - albeit only from one to three seconds in the future. This gives him the ability to see and anticipate his opponent's moves before they strike. Fudou is described by Ban as "carrying all the worst sins of man" despite the fact he is dressed somewhat like a Christian preacher and is fond of wearing cross-symbols (like Masaki Kurusu). He also wears an eye-patch over his right eye, fuelling speculation that Fudou is a former Babylon City resident and may also have the 'Stigma'. In the anime series however, he is killed by Ban using his serpent claw, and then Ban uses his evil eye on him just for one minute before his death to satisfy his need for fighting Ban. (Popularity rating: 20th with 33 votes)

[edit] Takeru Teshimine

Takeru Teshimine - Ginji's former mentor
Takeru Teshimine - Ginji's former mentor

(天子峰猛 Teshimine Takeru; Seiyu: Shinichiro Miki) - Little of him is known about either his history or powers, save that in a flashback he's seen brandishing two weapons that look somewhat like billy clubs. But judging from the trend of GetBackers names reflecting the characters' abilities or attributes, it is interesting to note that Teshimine literally translates as "Emperor of the Peak". It can be safely assumed that he was the one who found Ginji shortly after he was abandoned in Infinity Fortress. He raised Ginji as a young boy before he disappeared. (In flashback scenes where he was shown with Ginji, Ginji's hair was still black.) He first became prominent in the Infinity Fortress arc (where MakubeX was making an atomic bomb). Teshimine dropped by the Honky Tonk, and left Paul a disc. The contents of the disc was later revealed in the Voodoo Child arc as a program to stop Ginji from draining Infinity Fortress dry when he rampages as Raitei. It's assumed that he was the ruler of Infinity Fortress before the era of VOLTS. Like the first-gen GB, Teshimine, too, has the 'Stigma'. He has also revealed to Ginji that his (Ginji's) mother is in Bablyon City. (Popularity rating: 16th with 125 votes)

[edit] Sarai Kagenuma

Sarai Kagenuma(anime version)
Sarai Kagenuma(anime version)

(翳沼沙羅衣 Kagenuma Sarai; Seiyu: Hideyuki Tanaka) - If there is a mysterious character in the manga who no one knows of, Sarai must be it. First appearing in book 34, he presents himself to Teshimine, claiming to know all the truths about Infinity Fortress. He convinced Takeru that he has come to stop the Voodoo King and together, the 2 men journeyed towards Bablyon City. Dressed like a monk and accompanied by a creature which looks like a snake with wings, Sarai's skills seem almost certain to revolve around magic.

[edit] Gensui Radou

(螺堂 源水 Radō Gensui; Seiyu: Masaharu Satou) - To most people, he’s just an old man running a little medicine shop on the fringes of Infinity Fortress with his granddaughter. But behind the frail exterior lies all the secrets of Infinity Fortress itself. The one who raised MakubeX and taught him all he knows about mathematics and computers, Medicine Man Gen is strongly believed to be the chief architect of Infinity Fortress and its core tower, Babylon City. Exiled by choice from his creation - which now seems to run on its own AI and virtual reality - Gen seems to be dealing with his guilt for helping create such a monster by assisting those (such as Kazuki and the GetBackers) who wish to unlock Infinity Fortress's secrets and open it up to the world. (Popularity rating: 35th)

Gen (Gensui) and Ren
Gen (Gensui) and Ren

[edit] Ren Radou

(螺堂 レン Radō Ren; Seiyu: Yumiko Nakanishi) - Gen Radou's 'granddaughter'. She, too, was adopted by Gen much like MakubeX was but she hasn't displayed any special powers. Ren likely does legwork and odd jobs for her grandfather, such as gathering all the pharmaceutical ingredients Gen needs for his medicines and mapping the sections of Infinity Fortress's Lower Town. Despite being of the tomboyish sort, Ren nevertheless has special affection for Kazuki, who she saved with an elixir after his first encounter with Juubei. Wanting to follow Kazuki out into the outside world after the IL mission, to her horror, Ren discovers she is physically unable to, leading her to question her own existence. In the "Get Back the Lost Time" arc, she guides Shido and Kazuki to the entrance of the Beltline. (Popularity rating: 19h with 54 votes)

[edit] Wielders of the Divine Design

The Divine Design (神の記述, Kami no Kijitsu) is the card game at the heart of Act VIII of the manga. Most of these characters either do not appear in the anime or have very different role in the anime only stories.

[edit] Lucifer


(ルシファー)(manga only; Seiyu in drama CD: Unshou Ishizuka) - Another of the Witch Queen's best disciples, "Lucifer" is the name he now goes under; one of his aims is to create a "paradise" using the powers of the Divine Design (and the clones of it which he had created). In this "paradise", he then hoped to see his daughter again, who somehow was sacrificed to the Witches in a ritual. He's been working with the Brain Trust and after his defeat by the GB duo, the Professor hired Akabane to kill him.

By nature, he's not an evil person; Maria noted that if he hadn't worked with the Brain Trust, he could have succeeded the Witch Queen given his powers (apparently, after the disappearance of Der Kaiser).

[edit] Maria Noches

Main article: Maria Noches

(マリーア・ノーチェス)(manga only; Seiyu in drama CD: Michiko Neya) - One of the Witch Queen's (Ban's grandmother) best disciples, Maria is an expert when it comes to magic and the occult.

[edit] Sariel


(サリエル)(manga only; Seiyu in drama CD: Atsushi Kisaichi) - Sariel is one of the runaway children who decides to trust in the power of Lucifer. As Sariel, the most evil of the Archangels, he is supposedly immune to all illusions, including the Jagan. He is assigned to hinder Ban, but is defeated by the GetBacker, who uses his Jagan effectively during a brief moment when Sariel doubts himself and thinks as a child rather than a wielder of Divine Design. It is revealed that his real name is Kakeru and that his mother committed suicide by hanging herself in their apartment and he is constantly haunted by the memory of the way her eyes looked at him when she died. He was later adopted by his uncle, whose family loved and welcomed him. While he was grateful and excelled in school, Kakeru continued to feel empty, especially when his adopted brother Osamu died in an accident and his grief-striken aunt lamented as to why Osamu had to be the one who died. Lucifer contacts Kakeru during a high school application interview, where Kakeru says that he wants to enter that high school to become a doctor like his father. By questioning what Kakeru really wants, Lucifer is able to bring him into the world of Divine Design with ease. Sariel acts somewhat as a leader figure among the "Angels" of Lucifer.

[edit] Gabriel


"Gabriel" the 10 yen kid
"Gabriel" the 10 yen kid

(Seiyu in drama CD: Yuko Sasamoto) - First seen in Volume 1, "Gabriel" was an old customer of the GB duo. (Back then, he paid 10 yen to hire the duo to get back a computer game for him, hence his other nickname, "10 yen Kid".) In the Divine Design arc, he hires the GetBackers to retrieve his missing cards, but reveals himself as a member of Lucifer's angels, and works against the GetBackers. When he fails to eliminate Himiko during Maria Noches's attempt to train the GetBackers and their allies to master Divine Design, Gabriel is assigned to hinder Ginji, but was also defeated by him. Gabriel reveals that his mother is a workaholic and does not seem to understand or care about him and he is always left home alone. Lucifer sought him out after Gabriel was bullied again and again at the prestigious private school his mother insisted he continue attending, despite the fact he kept getting bullied and was clearly very unhappy. Realizing the power of Divine Design, Gabriel agreed to join Lucifer as the Archangel of Truth and becomes capable of manipulating water. Following his defeat and a subsequent chat of encouragement from Ginji, Gabriel demands that Ginji get back his Guardian Card by sunset, otherwise, as one who has betrayed Lucifer, he will die. He takes refuge in the Honky Tonk along with Rena ("Ramiel"). His real name, seen on a note from his mother, is Mamoru. (Popularity rating: "The Kid who wanted his FF game retrieved", 38th)

[edit] Ramiel

(レミエル)(manga only) (Seiyu in drama CD: Chiwa Saito) - Rena Sendo, known as Ramiel (Remiel in the English version), the "Archangel of the Apocalypse". According to Gabriel, she has visions and uses dolls containing souls of those she has captured. She is defeated by Himiko Kudo, who uses the scent of lavender to soothe her damaged psyche and effectively render Ramiel unable to fight. For further details, see above entry on Rena Sendo.

"Raguel"{left} and "Uriel"(right)
"Raguel"{left} and "Uriel"(right)

[edit] Raguel

(ラグエル)(manga only; Seiyu in drama CD: Tomokazu Sugita) - Another of the runaway children, Raguel is seldom seen, except during discussions with his fellow "angels". He wears a baseball cap. His nickname is the "One who seeks revenge on the world of light".

[edit] Uriel

(ウリエル)(manga only; Seiyu in drama CD: Ryoukichi Takahashi) - Another runaway child given the power to use Divine Design. He has the ability to control weather.

[edit] The Voodooists/Shamans and allies

[edit] Kyoji Kagami

Main article: Kyoji Kagami

[edit] Kaoru Ujiie

(氏家火生留 Ujiie Kaoru; Seiyu: Satsuki Yukino) - A henchman of Masaki and Jouya's partner, Kaoru is a former member of VOLTS. Now, she serves Masaki and the Voodoo King under the moniker "Crimson (of the Cursed Knights) [深紅]". She's one of the few characters (along with Kanou and Sarai) who appeared first in the anime, then in the manga (though it must be noted that in the GB universe, their appearances are still roughly in the same "chronological" order). She uses flames as a primary form of attack, a skill which can be further enhanced by her partner. This partnership has existed since the time they were in VOLTS. In the anime version of her character, Kaoru was in love with Ginji and felt betrayed by him after he left Infinity Fortress. Near the end of the 2nd Infinity Fortress Arc, she wanted to be killed by the Thunder Emperor in their fight but Ginji convinces her to forget her obsession and remove the fire curse from Sakura's body.

[edit] Jouya Kanou

(叶条夜 Kanō Jōya; Seiyu: Kouki Miyata) - Another of Masaki's henchmen, Jouya is Kaoru's partner and another former member of VOLTS. His skills are in the use of giant fans, which meant that together with Kaoru, their powers are greatly increased ('fanning the flames' so to speak). Also a member of the Cursed Knights, his moniker is now "Raven" (漆黒). Both Kaoru and Jouya are convinced that Masaki is doing the right thing, though they still have pangs of guilt when Shido questioned them about their loyalties.

In the manga, he and Kaoru tried to stop the GB duo from bringing Hevn over to Masaki. Jouya, in particular, invoked his "Stigma" to increase his powers. But, he was completely outclassed by Ban from the beginning, who never doubted his own abilities.

[edit] The Voodoo King

(manga only) (呪術王 / ブードゥーキング)- Mysterious, shrouded figure to who Yohan, Masaki, Kagami, and the Cursed Knights have been reporting and taking orders from. Head of the Voodoo Clan and, presumably, the cast-out former ruler of Babylon City, the Voodoo King's intention is to collect all three "keys" - the GetBackers, Himiko, and Shido (more precisely, the Chimera which he possesses). Once all three are in his possession, the 'keys' will be used to re-open the gates of Babylon City sealed by his nemesis, the Witch Queen. The Voodoo King is usually seen playing chess and seems to know the Archive's contents enough to challenge its predictions by introducing new pawns into his plans. Though the nature of his powers is unclear, it is known that he has put Kaoru and Kanou's lives under a "hell-bound curse" (lending credence to the possibility that both died but were resurrected just like the "Voodoo Children"). Also, the Voodoo King has been shown easily subduing Shido even in his full Chimera beast form; it's safe to assume that he's a master of curses.

[edit] The Kiryuudo 7

The Kiryuudo 7 are the 7 tribe elders who answer to the leader of the Kiryuudo, Kabuto. The 7 are also noted for their speciality roles, as mentioned below.

[edit] Dokubachi

(毒蜂; Seiyu in drama CD: Takako Honda) - First encountered in the Marlin Red arc, Dokubachi resembles a female military officer. She's the sole survivor of the Hornet clan, but doesn't seem to be bitter about it when Saichou rubs in the fact on her. She's one of the more philosophical characters among the 7. Her strength is such that even Kyouji Kagami steps back from her when he and Ban Mido encounter her during the Kiryuudo arc. Even Ban was seen thinking that he could "at least come up with two or three strategies to try out on any opponent", but could not "think up for any effective strategies against Dokubachi". After falling for Ban's Jagan previously, Dokubachi hoped to have a rematch with the teen. She got her chance in Hell's Valley, when she stood in Ban's way. Despite releasing her "karma", she was unable to stop the GetBacker when he unleashed his brute force. Her speciality is "Physician", a possible nod to the role of hornets in alternative therapy.

[edit] Jourougumo

(女郎蜘蛛 Jōrōgumo; Seiyu in drama CD: Mako Hyōdō) - Jourougumo is the mistress of the Spider clan. Her speciality is "Tactician" and alluding to this, she often works through conceit and disguises. She tricked Ginji twice, disguising herself as a whore and Madoka respectively. Interestingly, in her "whore" disguise, she actually told Ginji her true name (美隷 Birei), a fact which will return to haunt her in Hell's Valley.

After the GB duo and Himiko raised an uproar in "China Street" (the base of the Spider clan's operations), Jourogumo and her minions retreated to Hell's Valley. There, she suggested that the Kiryuudo 7 be pitted against the GB duo and their allies instead of using the average grunts. However, this scheme backfired when Shido's contacts took down the 7 one after another. Also, Kabuto's treachery meant that she lost everyone she cared for. Embittered, she came forward to the GB group, telling them that all hope was lost. Ginji, true to his nature, consoled her and addressing her by her true name, decided to trust her to bring them to Kabuto's inner chambers.

She was later killed and her soul absorbed by Kabuto. Fortunately, with Kabuto's destruction, she was brought back to life as a normal woman. As such, she finally profess her love for her lover, Onigumo and told Kirihito that the faithful servant was actually his father.

[edit] Saichou Mumyouin

(無明院賽蝶 Mumyōin Saichō; Seiyu in drama CD: Masaki Terasoma) Specialty: Monk. He is the traitor of the 7 and the one who plots the Kiryuudo's fall for the sake of Kabuto's resurrection. He leads the Butterfly clan, and his primary powers is illusion, using butterflies through which 'no scent can be smelt, no sound can be heard and nothing can be seen'. He's killed by Ban, who punched him twice (according to Ban, one for killing Genshuu Miyama, one for making Himiko Kudo cry), and then proceeded to drive his head into the pavement with a ferocious "Snake Bite" (for betraying the Kiryuudo).

[edit] Juurou Kamata

(鎌多十郎 Kamata Jūrō; Seiyu in drama CD: Hisao Egawa) Specialty: assassin. He leads the mantis clan. His fighting abilities are not very notable, but he is dispatched to defeat Natsuki Amon because the both carry the element of death, so Amon could not drain Juurou's lifeforce. However, after he released his "karma", he's killed by Amon, who demonstrated his "Death" ability to Emishi.

[edit] Semimaru Kanade

(奏蝉丸 Kanade Semimaru; Seiyu in drama CD: Wataru Takagi) - The most powerful of the 7. He seems to have an acquaintance with the infamous Dr. Jackal when both were younger and were in a war. Semimaru had a son, who was badly hurt by the purges of the war. He sent him to Kuroudo Akabane, who was still a doctor (in the true sense of the word). However, Kuroudo was unable to heal the boy. The emotional torment suffered by Semimaru (who was portrayed as a ruthless fighter during the war, but was unable to save his own son) was such that he reverted to his true identity which he despised: one of the Kiryuudo 7. He believes that if Kabuto is successfully revived, he will be able to 'borrow' his power to mutate several hairs of his dead son into the boy's true form. Apart from his strength, Semimaru is the poetic one of the 7. After he is attacked by Kuroudo and left to rot on a tree, he murmured his farewell haiku as a last gift to Akabane, 'an old friend'. He was later healed by Haruki Kaoru. With Kabuto's destruction, he became a normal human, and upon Akabane's advice, he decided to go to Infinity Fortress, where he "would find the answer he seeks", according to the doctor. Interestingly enough, Semimaru says that Akabane is his "only true friend".

[edit] Suiha Koyanagi

(湖柳水爬 Koyanagi Suiha; Seiyu in drama CD: Kōji Yusa) - Deemed by many to be the most wicked among the 7, Suiha has the ability to communicate with seaweed. His main task is to guard the huge lake in Hell's Valley, to prevent intruders from coming in. He was defeated by Ginji who managed to convince the seaweed under his control to give up their murderous ways and help Ginji to move ahead in his quest to rescue Madoka.

[edit] Genshuu Miyama

(深山幻舟 Miyama Genshū) - Leader of the Beetle clan, Genshuu was the one who wanted the Kiryuudo to return to normal humans. His speciality is "Warrior". After capturing Himiko, he persuaded her to help him return the Kiryuudo to normal humans, protecting her along the way. However, he was later killed through the treachery of Hakumon.

[edit] Kiryuudo Members

[edit] Kirihito

Kirihito of the Spider clan
Kirihito of the Spider clan

(霧人; Seiyu: Takewaka Takuma) - The only Kiryuudo character to appear in the anime although he plays a bigger role in the manga. Kirihito's first appearance was when he and his henchmen challenged Shido while he was preparing to attend Madoka's recital. (Being a Kiryuudo, Shido, as a Maryuudo, was Kirihito's mortal enemy. Since the Kiryuudo did not exist in the anime, Kirihito is portrayed as a mob boss instead.). In the manga, though Shido wanted to kill him to protect his identity and Madoka, Ban convinced Shido to let Himiko used her Forgetness Scent on Kirihito instead. Although the scent worked, subsequently, he was to have nightmares about rats and lightning (due to Shido and Ginji).

Arrogant and a believer in technology, Kirihito is the scion of the Spider clan. Dokubochi seems to enjoy taunting his 'amnesia' and his obsession for technology. But, his confidence in the might of the Kiryuudo was to slowly wane as the Kiryuudo suffered one defeat after another. Finally, with the destruction of Kabuto, he became an average person. It's also only then that he discovered that Onigumo was his father.

[edit] Onigumo

(鬼蜘蛛; Seiyu in drama CD: Hozumi Gouda) - A loyal servant of the Spider clan, Onigumo is actually Kirihito's father. Due to his lowly status within the clan, he opted not to tell the young scion of his parentage; instead, he became Kirihito's bodyguard. He defended Kirihito valiantly when the GB duo and Himiko raised an uproar in "China Street", even releasing his "karma" to battle Ban. Through the use of his Jagan, Ban defeated Onigumo without killing him.

[edit] Hakumon

(白紋; Seiyu in drama CD: Kosugi Juurouta) - One of Saichou's henchmen, Hakumon is somewhat of a comic character within the Kiryuudo. His fighting abilities can be said to be non-existent (It was by defeating him effortlessly that the GB duo managed to get information about "China Street".) He later managed to assassinate Miyama Genshuu by using Saichou's butterflies as cover, but not without losing an arm to the Beetle clan leader.

[edit] Ageha

(揚羽; Seiyu in drama CD: Emi Shinohara) - Another of Saichou's henchmen, she's a partner of Murasakimaru. The duo was later defeated by Himiko.

[edit] Murasakimaru

(紫丸; Seiyu in drama CD: Kenjirō Tsuda) - A partner of Ageha's, Murasakimaru is a competent warrior with his vine whip. He was later defeated by Himiko.

[edit] Shikizoku

The Shikizoku are the last of the Maryuudo. They first appear in the Kiryuudo arc, where they help Shido in his attempt to rescue Madoka. They are to appear later (even the supposedly deceased Amon) in the 'Get Back the Lost Time' arc, to save the dying Haruki Emishi and Ren; both have fallen from a hole deliberately made by Saizou.

[edit] Kaoru Haruki

(春木薫流 Haruki Kaoru; Seiyu in drama CD: Rie Tanaka) - Kaoru is the youngest member of the Shikizoku, but her maturity exceeds that of her peers. Her calmness and conviction of her cause is a contrast to Ryuuhou's arrogance and Amon's uncertainty. Her Shikizoku power is "Healing".

[edit] Amon Natsuki

(夏木亜紋 Natsuki Amon; Seiyu in drama CD: Hiroyuki Yoshino) - Amon is the most feared of the Shikizoku, for his power is "Death": he's able to kill anyone simply by draining his or her lifeforce. Also, this drain allows him to heal himself if he's hurt. Though acknowledging his powers as a Natsuki, Amon is not happy about it, as he longs for a more average life. Originally the keeper of the Chimera (which had been passed to him by Shido), he eventually surrenders the heart to Shido, thereby ending his own life. He was fast friend with Haruki Emishi, who shared his penchant for jokes and pranks. However, he reappears in the "Get Back the Lost Time" arc, along with Kaoru and Ryuuhou. The three decided to enter Infinity Fortress to help Shido.

[edit] Ryuuhou Agi

(秋木劉邦 Agi Ryūhō; Seiyu in drama CD: Tetsu Inada) - Ryuuhou is a somewhat proud member of the Shikizoku (Jubei deemed him as arrogant, with Ryuuhou's seemingly "holier than thou" attitude.). His power is "Sleep".

[edit] The Ura-Fuuchouin

A rival clan responsible for the massacre of Kazuki's family in order to gain absolute control of the Fuuchouin String-style school. It's headed by the Kokuchouin siblings who have taken up residence in Infinity Fortress's Upper Levels. They wield taboo Black Threads as their weapons.

[edit] Yohan Kokuchouin

(黒鳥院 夜半 Kokuchōin Yohan) - Kazuki's main rival as heir to the Fuuchouin School. He became its leader after the elimination of the Fuuchouin family and the exile of Kazuki to Lower Town. Like Kazuki, Yohan also carries the mark of the Stigma - but on his right eye. He is in close association - if not an actual member - with the Voodooists and the Brain Trust, allying himself with Masaki and Kagami in the liege of the mysterious Voodoo King. Also, his fighting abilities are said to be incredible as well, possibly even higher than that of Ban (But it should be noted that this comment by Kazuki was made before Ban's learning journey.). Later, it became known to Kazuki that Yohan was his younger brother.

[edit] Yuuri Kokuchouin

(黒鳥院 遊利 Kokuchōin Yūri) - berserker brother of Yohan and Maiya who much prefers using a giant 'sword hammer' in battle rather than strings. During his first fight with Ban, he overwhelmed the Get Backer, who had no answer to his speed. However, in the rematch, the first move Ban did was to drive the brute's face into the floor. He then proceeded to outclass the berserker, a nod to his incredible learning abilities.

[edit] Maiya Kokuchouin

(黒鳥院 舞矢 Kokuchōin Maiya) - only sister of Yohan and Yuuri, but is actually the (unintentionally) living half of a set of twins. (Her name means "dancing arrow", the way her twin died: shot by a stray arrow). Like Hevn, she has a seeming aversion to clothing and keeps her threads in a cowbell around her neck. During her first battle with the GetBackers, she found Ginji cute and wanted to keep him as a 'pet'. In the rematch, as a result of turning into Raitei frequently, Ginji outmatched Maiya and tried to kill her. Fortunately, Ban protected her and knocked her out cold, then immediately beat Yuuri flat as well.

[edit] Saizou Toufuuin

Main article: Saizou Tofuuin

(東風院 祭蔵 Tōfūin Saizou) - Appearing only in the manga, Saizou is a childhood friend of Kazuki's who was studying at the Fuuchouin School with him before its fall.

[edit] Others

Madoka Otowa
Madoka Otowa

[edit] Madoka Otowa

(音羽マドカ Otowa Madoka; Seiyu: Yuki Matsuoka) - A child prodigy and extremely talented violinist. Although she is blind, she has amazing hearing abilities. She hired the GetBackers for a job once to get back her stolen Stradivarius violin. She has a guide dog named Mozart who also protects her when she's in danger. Eventually, she becomes Shido's girlfriend. She was once kidnapped by Shido's enemies (the Kiryuudo, another fictional ancient clan of aboriginals who communed with insects), who wanted to use her to exchange for the Chimera. (Popularity ratings: Madoka 18th with 79 votes, Mozart 32nd)

Yamato Kudo - flashback of Himiko's big brother
Yamato Kudo - flashback of Himiko's big brother

[edit] Yamato Kudo

(工藤邪馬人 Kudō Yamato; Seiyu: Keiji Fujiwara) - Not much is known about the elder brother of Himiko, save that it was his death at the hands of Ban Mido that led to the falling out between Ban and Himiko. As with his sister, he was a cursed child who should not have lived, although it seems he knew more about the "Voodoo Children" than his sister ever did, or does. It is speculated that Yamato had once been a resident of Infinity Fortress and/or was an experimental subject of the Voodooists in Babylon City and was able to escape together with the other Voodoo Child, Himiko. On his 28th birthday - when his own curse awakened - Yamato begged Ban to take his life, which Ban did and like Himiko, has never quite been able to forgive himself for. Yamato's favorite perfume was the "acceleration perfume", in addition to a mysterious perfume Himiko found on his body after his death, the use of which was later revealed in the "Voodoo Child" arc right before Kagami kidnapped Himiko. In the Divine Design arc, Maria slotted a card summoning him among the cards she gave to Himiko. It was then that Yamato told his sister to remember the term "Voodoo Child".


[edit] Clayman

(Seiyu: Megumi Ogata) - An art collector (or art thief, depending on who you talk to). She is a great fan of art masterpieces and she opened a gallery where the public can view beautiful paintings that seem to have been drawn after the artists' deaths. (In the manga and anime, it's revealed that these paintings were painted by her medium mother while possessed by the spirits of the dead artists.) Clayman sometimes gives retrieval jobs to the Get Backers .One of these jobs is to retrieve the arms of the Venus de Milo statue. Upon hearing that the arms had been found, Clayman hired the GB duo to retrieve the arms, fearing that it's true beauty would be lost if the arms were reattached to the statue. (Popularity rating: 26th)

"Girl with the Rabbit"
"Girl with the Rabbit"

[edit] The Professor/The Specialist

Another character in the series whose past and objectives are largely unknown. She was first seen in the Venus de Milo arc, tagging along a leader of a major criminal cartel. She then handed out "sweets" to 4 people: Ginji, Akabane, Shido and Emishi. After eating the sweets, all 4 seemed to have had a substantial increase in their powers. (For Ginji, this arc was the first time he turned into Raitei outside of Infinity Fortress, whilst Emishi and Shido noted that when they fought it was like being back in Infinity Fortress.) In the Divine Design arc, she hired Akabane to assassinate Lucifer at the end. Later, she was seen with Akabane and it was revealed that she was the one who asked Akabane to hire the GB duo to 'retrieve Himiko' in the Voodoo Child arc. In appearance, she resembles a little girl, and always carries a toy bunny resembling Alice in Wonderland's White Rabbit. (Popularity rating: "Girl with the Rabbit", 25th)

It's revealed by Kagami that her surname is Makube, the same as MakubeX's. Like Lucifer, the Specialist decided that Kagami was a dangerous character, for he, too, had realised the true secrets of Infinity Fortress. Kagami was then stabbed through the chest by Akabane Kurodou.

[edit] Gangs and Groups

[edit] VOLTS

The group led by Raitei (Ginji) who ruled Infinity Fortress after Takeru Teshimine disappeared. It consists of regular squads of fighters, led by the 4 Kings: Kazuki Fuuchouin, Masaki Kurusu, MakubeX and Shido Fuyuki. After Raitei was defeated by Ban, Ginji left the Infinity Fortress and VOLTS disbanded.

Fuuga -  'to fight with beauty and elegance, like flower petals fluttering in the wind'
Fuuga - 'to fight with beauty and elegance, like flower petals fluttering in the wind'

[edit] Fuuga

Main article: Fuuga

(Known as "Elegance", the English translation, in the anime.) A powerful gang in the Lower City of the Infinity Fortress prior to rise of the VOLTS. The group comprised Kazuki Fuuchouin, Toshiki Uryuu, the Kakei siblings (Juubei and Sakura), and Saizou Toufuuin (manga only). It was led by Kazuki but actually formed by Saizou. Fuuga dispersed when Kazuki joined the VOLTS but was reformed in the Voodoo Child arc for the Queen's cup challenge.

[edit] Plunderers

The group of thieves consisting of Yamato and Himiko Kudo with Ban Mido in his pre-GetBacker pre-urchinhead days. This gang presumably broke up after Yamato's death.

[edit] Three Knights/Dri Ritter

The personal bodyguards of Der Kaiser, they consist of the Miroku 7's father, brother and sister. The younger ones were easily defeated by Paul when he reverted back to his "Gale Emperor" days. But the "bearded ojisan" (as Ginji calls Shimon, the father) was able to easily defeat Paul, even when he was using the powers available in his prime. Realising that wisdom is more important than strength, Paul returned to his older self, and defeated the man.

[edit] Cursed Knights

The duo of Kaoru Ujiie and Jouya Kanou. They currently serve under their former leader in VOLTS, Masaki Kurusu. The duo have a great fear of the Voodoo King, thus implying that they have doubts about their "new" roles.

[edit] Brains' Trust

Cabal responsible for the creation of the Infinity Fortress.

[edit] Notes

  • "Popularity rating" refers to the results of a character popularity poll which appears in volume 14 of the manga. Some characters had not been introduced at this point and the significance of some others had not been revealed.

Story arcsEpisode List
GetBackers: Ginji Amano + Ban Mido
Volt Kings: Kazuki Fuuchouin* | Shido Fuyuki | MakubeX | Masaki Kurusu
Transporters: Kurodou Akabane (Dr Jackal) | Himiko Kudo
Infinity Fortress Characters: Juubei Kakei* | Haruki Emishi | Sakura Kakei* | Kyoji Kagami | Toshiki Uryuu*
Crew of the Honky Tonk: Hevn | Paul Wan | Natsumi Mizuki
Other Characters: Maria Noches | Saizou Toufuuin* | Madoka Otowa | Miroku family
*Fuuga member - italics: manga only character
Other Topics
Infinity (Limitless) Fortress - Fuuga (Elegance)