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Gender Male
From UnderWorld, Perim
Friends UnderWorld (affiliation)
First appearance Upcoming episode
N.B:appears briefly in series titles.
Last appearance Ongoing

Chaor is an UnderWorld Creature from the TV series and Trading Card Game, Chaotic.

Chaor is the brutal leader of the UnderWorld tribe. His clenched fists and fearsome looks make his attutude one of fierce aggression and he accepts no disagreement from his tribesmen - and even less from trespassers on his domain. Chaor is a sublime Mugic user. As a heads up to Chaotic players, Chaor will go to the end of the world and back to prevent anyone from scanning him ~ so be careful if you try!

Card Type creature
Tribe UnderWorld
Game Text Chaor may spend 3 MP to dispel an OW spell targeted at him.
Discription Text Chaor is the champion of the UnderWorld. The strongest of the dark warriors of the UnderWorld, he leads their fight for power in Perim.
Rarity Ultra Rare