Chaim Joshua Halberstam

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Rabbi Chaim Shia Halberstam, Rabbi of Satmar-Monsey
Rabbi Chaim Shia Halberstam, Rabbi of Satmar-Monsey

Rabbi Chaim Joshua (Chaim Shia) Halberstam is a Satmar rabbi in Monsey, New York. He is a son-in-law of the late Satmar Rebbe, and a great-grandson of the late Rebbe Ben Zion Halberstam of Bobov. Until the passing of the late Rebbe of Satmar, he was the Chief Rabbi of the Satmar Community in Monsey, New York[citation needed]. He was declared Rebbe by a group of around 500 Hassidim in Monsey, shortly after the passing of his father-in-law.[citation needed] His coming to Monsey (about 13 years ago) made a big difference for the Satmar followers in Monsey. He has a reputation as an excellent public speaker who is very charismatic and cares very much for the community as a whole and sincerely for each individual.

His mother's maiden name was Teitelbaum, a descendant of the Siget dynasty from which Satmar also comes.

[edit] Lineage to Satmar

Rebbe Yoel Teitelbaum (1887-1979), Satmar Rebbe, author of Divrei Yoel and VaYoel Moshe; youngest son of the Kedushas Yom Tov.

  • Rebbe Moshe Teitelbaum (1914-2006), the previous Satmar Rebbe, author of Berach Moshe; son of the Atzei Chaim.
    • Rabbi Chaim Joshua Halberstam Grand Rabbi of Satmar Monsey, shlit"a, son-in-law of Rebbe Moshe Teitelbaum

[edit] Lineage to Bobov

  • Grand Rabbi Solomon Halberstam of Bobov
    • Grand Rabbi Ben Zion Halberstam of Bobov, son of Rabbi Shlomo
      • Rabbi Chaim Joshua Halberstam, son of Rabbi Ben Zion
        • Rabbi Jacob Joseph Halbserstam, shlit"a, son of Rabbi Chaim Joshua
          • Rabbi Chaim Joshua Halberstam of Satmar Monsey, shlit"a, son of Rabbi Jacob Joseph