Chaim Halberstam

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Rabbi Chaim Halberstam of Sanz (Polish: Nowy Sącz) (1793-1876) (Hebrew: חיים הלברשטאם מצאנז), known as the Divrei Chaim after his magnum opus on halakha was a famous Hasidic rebbe and the father of the Sanz Hasidic dynasty.

The Divrei Chaim was born in 1793, in Tarnogród, Poland. He married the daughter of Rabbi Boruch Frenkl-Thumim. He was a pupil of Rabbi Moshe Yehoshua Heshl Orenstein and the Rebbe, Rabbi Naftali Zvi of Ropshitz. His first rabbinical position was in Rudnik. In 1830 he was appointed as the town rabbi of Sanz, where he founded a Hasidic dynasty. He attracted many followers due to his piety and greatness. Sanz has been succeeded nowadays by the Sanz-Klausenberg and the Bobov Hasidic dynasties.

The Divrei Chaim was acclaimed by the leading rabbis of his generation as one of the foremost Talmudists, halachic and Kabbalistic authorities of his time, he received queries from Rabbis and communities from all over the world. His responsa, as well as his Torah commentaries, published under the title Divrei Chaim, reflect his Torah greatness, his humility, and his compassionate nature. He was a champion of the poor and established many organizations to relieve them of their poverty. His compassion and generosity was legendary; he literally gave away everything he had for the needy; and went to sleep pennyless.

During his 46 years as Rabbi of Sanz; that city was transformed into a vibrant center of Hasidism attracting tens of thousands of followers. Among his many disciples, are counted such leaders as Rabbi Zvi Hirsh Friedlander of Liska, the Tiferes Shlome of Radomsk, Rabbi Meir Horowitz of Dzhikov, and the Yetev Lev of Sighet. The Divrei Chaim's sons all became famous Rebbes (except for Myer Noson who pedeceased him). His seven daughters all married Chasidic leaders.

The Divrei Chaim died in Sanz, Poland in 1876 (25 Nissan 5636 on the Hebrew calendar).

[edit] See also

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