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ChaNGa (Charm N-body GrAvity solver) is a code to perform collisionless N-body simulations. It can perform cosmological simulations with periodic boundary conditions in comoving coordinates or simulations of isolated stellar systems. It uses a Barnes-Hut tree to calculate gravity, with quadrapole expansion of nodes and Ewald summation for periodic forces. Timestepping is done with a leapfrog integrator with individual timesteps for each particle.

ChaNGa's novel feature is the use of the Charm++ parallel programming system, including its dynamic load balancing schemes, in order to obtain high performance on massively parallel systems. It has been shown to scale well up to 20,000 processors on an IBM Bluegene/L.


[edit] License

ChaNGa is being released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). A copy can be downloaded from [1]. ChaNGa requires a recent version of Charm++ to build which can be obtained from [2]. Charm++ in turn requires C++ to build.

[edit] More Information

For more information on obtaining, building and running ChaNGa, please see the Wiki documentation at [3].

[edit] Acknowledgements

The development of ChaNGa was supported by a National Science Foundation ITR grant PHY-0205413 to the University of Washington, and NSF ITR grant NSF-0205611 to the University of Illinois. Contributors to the development of ChaNGa include Graeme Lufkin, Tom Quinn, Filippo Gioachin, Sayantan Chakravorty, Amit Sharma, Celso Mendes, Sanjay Kale, and Joachim Stadel.

[edit] External Links