Château de Gratot

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The château de Gratot is a ruined medieval castle in the commune of Gratot, in the Manche département in Basse-Normandie (France).

It is located only a few kilometers from the English Channel.


[edit] History

The first château de Gratot was build during the 14th century, but many transformations were undergone until the 18th century. It was constructed by the family of Argouges, barons of Gratot; they sold the castle in 1771.

The castle was neglected in the 19th century, and was used as a warehouse of fodder for the farmers of the neighbourhood. Since 1968, it is recovering its health owing to the volunteers who restore it with love.

During 2003, nearly 12,600 visitors went to the castle. It is now classed as a Monument historique (Historic monument) by the French Ministry of Culture.

[edit] Architecture

[edit] Main entry

A little bridge with three arches spans the moat and gives access to the porch. The outhouses are located on both sides of the postern. A tower is raised in the west corner.

[edit] Residence

The residence building in the style of the 18th century had originally three floors and nearly fifteen rooms. The roof is à la Mansart. Large windows are opened in the ground level, and high spire lights at the first floor.

[edit] Round tower

The round tower of the castle was erected in the 15th century and has a medieval look. An unforeseen narrowing in the staircase prevents that two enemies assault simultaneously. The entry of the cellars opens at the bottom of the tower.

Another angle tower of the medieval period remains (13th century); the door has been walled.

[edit] The Fairy tower

The Fairy tower (French: La tour de la fée) has been constructed at the end of the 15th century, and supports strong buttresses. The base is octagonal, and is finished by a rectangular room, and the roof has two panels. The top is decoreted by balusters and gargoyles.

According to the legend, a lord of Argouges met at the fountain a very beautiful young woman. He immediately fell in love, and ask her to marry him. The beauty said she was a fairy, and would accept to be his wife only if he would never say the word "death". The lord promised. One day, during a feast at the castle, the lord was upset to wait while his wife was dressing herself and said: ”Madam, you are very slow in your tasks! Would you be only good to go and fetch the death?” Then the fairy shouted, climbed on the window sill and disappeared.

[edit] Outbuildings

The outbuildings had been constucted in the end of the 16th century. In a hall, an exhibition called "Eight centuries of life" (French: Huit siècles de vie), about the history of the castle and the different steps of its restoration. As a cultural center, the castle regularly houses artistic events (painting, sculptures).

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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