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Cergy-Pontoise is an agglomeration in France, in the Val d'Oise département, northwest of Paris on the Oise River. It owes its name to two of the communes that it covers, Cergy and Pontoise.

Population (2003): 183,430
Area is 77.74 km²
Population density: 2,360 hab./km²


[edit] Administration

As of 2004, Cergy-Pontoise is a communauté d'agglomération consisting of eleven communes:

[edit] Population

Since the establishment of the new agglomeration, the population has quadrupled over forty years.

Demographic evolution of Cergy-Pontoise between 1962 and 2003
1962 1968 1975 1982 1990 1999 2003
34,050 41,576 69,546 102,967 159,168 178,656 183,430

[edit] History

In the 1960s, faced by the fast development of Paris and its suburbs, it was decided to control and balance it by creating several new cities around Paris.

To the north, the choice was made on the surroundings of Pontoise. The old city was to be integrated in a much larger unit, whose center would be Cergy, at the time not more than a village. From 1965, the establishment of the new city was to be done in several stages:

  • April 16, 1969: creation of the publicly owned "Établissement public d'aménagement" (EPA)
  • ? official creation of the new city of Cergy-Pontoise, gathering fifteen communes (the eleven current ones, and Boisemont, Boissy-l' Aillerie, Méry-sur-Oise and Pierrelaye).
  • 1971: creation of the Syndicat communautaire d'aménagement (SCA).
  • 1983: the law Rocard amended the new cities.
  • 1984: Syndicat d'agglomération nouvelle (SAN) replaces the SCA, four communes left the structure (the four mentioned above)
  • December 31, 2002: end of the mission and dissolution of the EPA, following the completion of the new city.
  • January 1 , 2004: transformation of the SAN into a communauté d'agglomération.

[edit] Public Transport

Bus services are prodived by the Stivo (formerly StAN).

Rail services are provided by both the SNCF and the RATP. Two RER lines begin within the new town.

[edit] Twinnings

Cergy-Pontoise is a sister city to the planned cities of

[edit] External links

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