Centro de Estudios Universitarios
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The Centro de Estudios Universitarios (C. E. U.; University Studies Center) is a prestigious college in Spain. It is a private university, which in Spain is not a common feature due to the majority of public colleges.
Plenty of the most influential people in Spain have attended classes in the CEU, for example, Madrid's current mayor Alberto Ruiz Gallardón. Former president of the Spanish Goberment José María Aznar and other national and international figures have given speeches in CEU.
CEU is owned by the Asociación Católica de Propagandistas. It is headquartered in Madrid, in Julián Romea street. The subjects of study range from medicine to Business Administration and the students of CEU have plenty of recognition among the entrepreneurial community.
Some campuses include Moncloa's San Pablo CEU campus in Madrid, Luis Vives campus in Argüelles in Madrid and Vigo's Campus.