Centre for the Mind

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The Centre for the Mind is the brainchild of Professor Allan Snyder FRS, and was launched at the historic Museum of Sydney on August 4, 1997. Dr Oliver Sacks, renowned author and neurobiologist, delievered the Foundation Lecture on "Creativity and the Mind" at the gala public opening on August 5, 1997. This event was held at the Australian Academy of Science where Dr Sacks received the Foundation Medal from the President of the Academy, Sir Gustav Nossal.

The Inaugural Centre for the Mind board members were:

  • Professor Allan Snyder FRS (150th Anniversary Chair of Science and the Mind, University of Sydney)
  • Professor Gavin Brown (Vice Chancellor, University of Sydney)
  • Professor Peter Karmel (Vice Chancellor, Australian National University)
  • Lachlan Murdoch (Executive Chairman, News Limited)
  • Baz Luhrmann (Film Director)

Distinguished Medal recipients:

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