Centre for Policy Dialogue

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The Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD) is a think tank in Bangladesh established in 1993 by Professor Rehman Sobhan with support from various civil society institutions in Bangladesh.

[edit] Activities

  • Research and analysis: Creation and management of data and information base.
  • Policy awareness: Dialogues, networking, information dissemination and mobilizing support of the civil society.
  • Policy advocacy: At national, regional and international levels, involving policymakers in the dialogue process and contributing to preparation of global policy documents and national policy briefs.
  • Capacity building: Organizing policy appreciation workshops for policy-makers and other important stakeholder groups.

[edit] Personnel

  • Chairman: Professor Rehman Sobhan
  • Executive Director: Dr Debapriya Bhattacharya
  • Research Director: Professor Mustafizur Rahman
  • Programme Director: Dr M Rahmatullah
  • Additional Director: Ms Anisatul Fatema Yousuf

[edit] Source