Centennial Charmed

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Piper becomes a blood-thirsty demon hunter in Centennial Charmed
Piper becomes a blood-thirsty demon hunter in Centennial Charmed


[edit] General information

[edit] Synopsis

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

On her own Paige has been developing a spell to make her invisible and allow her to get past Cole's protection. She jumps inside of Cole to cast a spell from inside of him. For a moment it seems to work, but then Cole returns back together and throws Paige miles away into a river. Meanwhile, Phoebe, Piper, and Leo practice birthing tactics with a gypsy guide, though Piper continues to swear she will have her baby in a hospital like a normal mother. Paige joins them and, having caught a cold from her douse in the river, sneezes, causing herself to orb. Leo makes Paige admit to Piper and Phoebe her failed attempt to vanquish Cole alone. The sisters chastise Paige for going after Cole alone.

It is Cole's birthday, though no one is here to say hello. Cole calls upon the Avatars. He wishes to join them, thus elevating his own powers and giving him the ability to change events in the past. Though the Avatar warns him that any change will have consequences, Cole uses his new powers to eliminate Paige from the sisters' lives. He believes finding her was the key event that ruined his chance for a life with Phoebe.

Meanwhile, Piper and Phoebe are at P3 celebrating Darryl's promotion. Paige shows up to celebrate. She admits to the sisters that it is hard for her to adjust to working with a group after being alone all her life. At the instant Cole casts his spell, Paige sneezes and orbs to the neutral plane, so she is not affected by the change in realities. Paige arrives in the alternate timeline in the rubble of P3. In this new timeline she finds she has no powers, but she is able to call for Leo. Leo doesn't recognize her, but she convinces him she must be one of his charges since he could hear her call. She convinces him to orb her to Piper, but finds that her sister has no knowledge of her existence. Piper is a demon-killing vigilante consumed with avenging Prue's death, fighting demons that the sisters had already vanquished in the original reality. Piper and Leo divorced after Prue's death. When Piper doesn't recognize her, Paige has Leo orb her to Phoebe.

Cole waits outside the manor. The Avatar appears and warns Cole to reverse the spell, that here Cole is merely Belthazor and not immortal. Cole swears he and Phoebe were happier then and enters the mansion. Inside he is greeted by a surprise party in his honor. The mansion is full of demons of the past, including the The Seer. But in this new reality, Phoebe is trapped in an unhappy marriage to Cole (and is seen sneaking off with another demon) and, the Seer informs Cole, he too has lovers. They are only married to produce a magical heir. Paige sneaks into the mansion and tries to speak to Phoebe, but Phoebe calls upon Darryl, her bodyguard, to throw Paige out. Darryl attempts to shoot her, but Leo rescues her.

Leo takes Paige to a cemetery and shows Paige her own grave. He has talked to the elders and says they learned of Paige too late. Paige finally convinces the Piper and Leo to trust her. They deduce that since Cole has entered Belthazor's life, he can be vanquished, and Paige reminds Piper of a vanquishing spell that requires a piece of Cole's flesh. They go to the mansion and attack Cole, getting their piece of flesh, but Piper is attacked by Cole and only saved through Phoebe's intervention. After making the potion they return to the mansion. Cole is ready for them this time and attacks them with an energy ball, taking the potion. He knocks Leo, Piper, and Paige underneath the chandelier. Phoebe runs to her sisters' side and when she touches Piper's hand the power of three is formed, giving Paige her powers. Paige calls for the potion to throw it at Cole but Phoebe stops her. Phoebe takes the potion and Cole says she could never throw it. She throws it and Cole explodes.

Paige returns to her own reality and tells Piper and Phoebe her story. They check Cole's apartment and find he is gone, although Piper notes it "seemed too easy."

[edit] Book of Shadows

[edit] Enemies

  • The Seer: See Seer (Charmed)
  • Lazarus Demon: Rare, high level demons capable of resurrecting themselves after every vanquish, unless their remains are buried within the confines of cemetery grounds. A fireball, particle acceleration or even a sword can destroy them, reducing them to ash, though they will quickly reform. Lazarus demons look like mortals and wield very strong telekinetic abilities as well as the power to teleport, though they are mean spirited and unreliable, even for demons. The longer a Lazarus is away from cemetery grounds the stronger their powers grow.

[edit] Spells

  • To Become an Avatar: Ribus uero fecit orum bitis danae. Arca nvenio hospiyto fortis mundus.

[edit] P3 Performance

Artist: Michelle Branch
Song: Goodbye To You

[edit] Guest stars

[edit] Trivia

  • The episode title is a nod to this episode being the one hundredth one made in the series.
  • It is never explained how Paige got into the manor to speak to Phoebe. She could not orb and the house is heavily guarded, so it seems inconsistent that she got inside.
  • This is the third time the blue light from the chandelier is shown. It is shown a total of four times. First in Something Wicca This Way Comes, second in Charmed Again Pt 1, then fourth, in The Day The Magic Died.
  • Cole returns to being the mighty but not invincible Belthazor in this episode, and he's now known as the right hand of the Source. He is finally vanquished by Phoebe in the reality created by his Avatar spell, though his spirit does return in the episode The Seven Year Witch.
  • Neither Piper and Phoebe nor the Elders meet Paige after Prue's death in this alternate reality- she was apparently killed, presumably by Shax, before she could meet them, and the Power of Three no longer exists.
  • In this episode, Paige admits to her sisters that she wanted to move out to find her own identity. However, after finding out that she died and never met her sisters in the alternate reality created by Cole, she later retracts but says that she will definitely move out when she's pregnant and/or married.
  • This is the first appearance of Darryl's wife Sheila Morris.
  • This is not really Cole's one hundredth birthday, since in the season three episode Coyote Piper Phoebe discovers (from a worker at the Historical Society) that Cole was 115 years old, that two years previously, means this is actually his 117th birthday. In fact, a demon in this episode does make reference to Belthazor being one hundred and seventeen years old but apparently Cole was very conscious about his age. The demon who made a comment was vanquished on the spot by the Seer, who reprises her role.
  • The Halliwell manor appears differently here, as it is now occupied by Belthazor and his minions. It has a gate and different furniture and is heavily guarded so that Piper would not be able to make contact with Phoebe.
  • Darryl Morris acts as Phoebe's bodyguard and has stopped working as a police officer; apparently, Cole wanted to kill him, but Phoebe saved Darryl's life.
  • On Paige's tomb stone in the alternate reality says she was born in 1975, but she was really born in 1977.
  • Paige gets a rental car, a silver 1996 Nissan Sentra, which she has for this episode and the next.

[edit] International titles

  • French: Centenaire
  • German: Happy Birthday, Cole

[edit] External links

Preceded by:
The Importance of Being Phoebe
Charmed episodes Followed by:
House Call
Main: Season summaries | Episode guide | Multimedia | Terms | Trivia
Locations and Artifacts: Bay Area | Halliwell Manor | Magic School | The Nexus | Book of Shadows
Good beings: Charmed Ones | Close friends | Ancestors | Family and friends | Whitelighters | Elders
Evil beings: Darklighters | Warlocks
Neutral: Avatars | The Hollow | Firestarters