Census 2001 Ethnic Codes

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[edit] UK Ethnic Group coding

New ONS United Kingdom Census 2001 - Ethnic categories. The detailed framework of ethnic coding, is given below.




  • 21 White and Black Caribbean
  • 22 White and Black African
  • 23 White and Asian
  • 24 Black and Asian
  • 25 Black and Chinese
  • 26 Black and White
  • 27 Chinese and White
  • 28 Asian and Chinese
  • 29 Other Mixed, Mixed Unspecified


  • 41 Indian or British Indian
  • 42 Pakistani or British Pakistani
  • 43 Bangladeshi or British Bangladeshi
  • 44 Mixed Asian
  • 45 Hindu
  • 46 Moslem
  • 47 Sikh
  • 48 Punjabi
  • 49 Kashmiri
  • 50 East African Asian
  • 51 Other Asian, British Asian, Asian Unspecified


  • 61 Caribbean
  • 62 African
  • 63 Mixed Black
  • 64 Somali
  • 65 Other Black, Black British, Black Unspecified


  • 81 Chinese
  • 82 Africa - colour not defined
  • 83 Middle East
  • 84 Arab
  • 85 Vietnamese
  • 86 Any Other Group


1 British, Mixed British

2 Irish

3 English

4 Scottish

5 Welsh

38 Northern Irish

6 Cornish

7 Cypriot (part not stated)

8 Greek

9 Greek Cypriot

10 Turkish

11 Turkish Cypriot

12 Italian

13 Irish Traveller

14 Traveller

15 Gypsy/ Romany

16 Polish

17 All republics which made up the former USSR

18 Kosovan

19 Albanian

31 Bosnian

32 Croatian

33 Serbian

34 Other republics which made up the former Yugoslavia

36 Mixed white

37 Other white European, European unspecified, European mixed

39 Other white, white unspecified


21 White and Black Caribbean

22 White and Black African

23 White and Asian

24 Black and Asian

25 Black and Chinese

26 Black and White

27 Chinese and White

28 Asian and Chinese

29 Other Mixed, Mixed Unspecified


41 Indian or British Indian

42 Pakistani or British Pakistani

43 Bangladeshi or British Bangladeshi

44 Mixed Asian

45 Punjabi

46 Kashmiri

47 East African Asian

48 Sri Lanka

49 Tamil

50 Sinhalese

51 British Asian

57 Caribbean Asian

59 Other Asian, Asian unspecified


61 Caribbean

62 African

63 Somali

64 Mixed Black

65 Nigerian

66 Black British

69 Other Black, Black unspecified


81 Chinese

84 Vietnamese

85 Japanese

86 Filipino

87 Malaysian

89 Any Other Group


99 Not stated

[edit] 2001 Census Ethnic results

The 2001 Census results on ethnicity and religion show that 87.5 per cent of the population of England and Wales (seven out of eight people) gave their ethnic group as White British. The highest proportions describing themselves as White British were in the North East, Wales and the South West (all over 95 per cent). 87% of the population of England and 96% of the population of Wales gave their ethnic origin as "White British". There were two Census questions in 2001 on the topic of ethnicity.

1. "What is your country of birth?" with tick box options of: England; Wales; Scotland; Northern Ireland; Republic of Ireland and Elsewhere.

2. Ethnic Group. A change from the 1991 survey was that people could tick "mixed" for the first time. It asked "What is your ethnic group? People were asked to select one section from A to E, then tick the appropriate box to indicate their cultural background.

  • A White. Tick box options of: British; Irish or Any other White background.
  • B Mixed. Tick box options of: White and Black Caribbean; White and Black African; White and Asian or any other Mixed background.
  • C Asian or Asian British. Tick box options of: Indian; Pakistani; Bangladeshi; Any other Asian background.
  • D Black or Black British. Tick box options of: Caribbean; African; Any other Black background.
  • E Chinese or other ethnic group. Tick box options of: Chinese; Any other.

[edit] Proposed changes to the 2011 Census regarding "Ethnic Group"

There have been widespread calls for the 2011 national census to include extra tick boxes so people can identify their ethnic group in category A as Welsh, English and Cornish[1] [2] (at present the tick boxes only include British, Irish or any other. Although people could record their individual nationalities in the United Kingdom Census 2001, there was no provision for a tick box so that people could clearly identify as part of these ethnic groups. By not having this option in the survey there have been some claims of racial discrimination against these groups.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ Fight goes on to include Cornish ethnicity and language in Census 2011 options
  2. ^ Cornish ethnicity data from the 2001 Census

[edit] External links