Cedar Mountain Union order of battle

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The following Union army units and commanders fought in the Battle of Cedar Mountain of the American Civil War. The Confederate order of battle is shown separately.


[edit] Military Rank Abbreviations Used

[edit] Army of Virginia

Unattached units

Pope’s escort
1st Ohio Cavalry (detachment)

[edit] II Corps

Maj. Gen. Nathaniel Banks


1st Michigan Cavalry (detachment)
5th New York Cavalry (detachment)
1st West Virginia Cavalry (detachment)
Division Brigade Regiments and Others

First Division
     BG Alpheus S. Williams

1st Brigade

   BG Samuel W. Crawford

  • 5th Connecticut
  • 10th Maine
  • 28th New York
  • 46th Pennsylvania
3rd Brigade

   BG George H. Gordon

  • 2nd Massachusetts
  • 3rd Wisconsin
  • 27th Indiana
  • Zouaves d’Afrique (Collis’s company)

Second Division
     BG Henry Prince
     BG George S. Greene

1st Brigade

   Col Charles Candy

2nd Brigade

   Col David P. DeWitt

3rd Brigade

   BG George S. Greene
   Col James A. Tait

  • 1st District of Columbia
  • 78th New York
Corps Artillery

   Cpt Clermont L. Best

  • 4th Battery, Maine Light Artillery
  • 6th Battery, Maine Light Artillery
  • Battery K, 1st New York Light Artillery
  • Battery L, 1st New York Light Artillery
  • Battery M, 1st New York Light Artillery
  • Battery L, 2nd New York Light Artillery
  • 10th Battery, New York Light Artillery
  • Battery E, Pennsylvania Light Artillery
  • Battery F, 4th U.S. Artillery

[edit] III Corps

MG Irvin McDowell

Division Brigade Regiments and Others

Second Division
     BG James B. Ricketts

1st Brigade

   Abram Duryée

  • 97th New York
  • 104th New York
  • 105th New York
  • 107th Pennsylvania
2nd Brigade

   BG Zealous B. Towers

  • 26th New York
  • 94th New York
  • 88th Pennsylvania
  • 90th Pennsylvania
3rd Brigade

   George L. Hartsuff

4th Brigade

   S.S. Carroll

  • 7th Indiana
  • 84th Pennsylvania
  • 110th Pennsylvania
  • 1st West Virginia
Cavalry Brigade

   BG George D. Bayard

  • 1st Maine Cavalry
  • 1st New Jersey Cavalry
  • 1st Pennsylvania Cavalry
  • 1st Rhode Island Cavalry

[edit] References

  • Krick, Robert K.m Stonewall Jackson At Cedar Mountain, Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1990, ISBN 0-8078-1887-9.