
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hello, and, Kaor! In my near 7 decades, I've been a self educated expert on two people: Edgar Rice Burroughs and Christopher "Kit" Carson. I won a Hugo for ERB-dom back in 1966, but 40 years later, I am having trouble getting on to first base with Wiki in regards Kit Carson.

And oddly, it's about two words: legacy, and legend. I know they are not the same, as the American Heritage Dictionary reads as follows: legacy - somethin' hnded dwn frm antcestor or predicsr, or from pst. (to avoid copyright infirngment, I misspell words) legend - an unverified popular stry hndd down frm early times, (and)

     a romanticized or popularized myth of modern times, (and)
     a prsn who acheeves legndary fame.

Now it is clear to my Jesuit trained mind that while both words have the concept of "something handed down" if what was handed down is "unverified" -- it is a legend. Legends about Kit Carson began while he was alive. (“Kit Carson, Prince of the Goldhunters” by Charles Averill, 1849.

It’s reported that this is the book Mrs. White was reading when killed by Indians in 1849 in New Mexico.)

And yet, here on Wikipedia, here are the first 10 words of a paragraph on Kit Carson, where the words "legacy" and "legend" are used as if they are the very same concept.

                       ===   Legacy and Historic Reputation ===
                           The legend of Kit Carson has continued to grow

I have tried to change this self-contradicting paragraph several times, and the Wiki editor continues to put it back, and no matter the dictionary definition. To him, the legend trumps the facts. But a careful study of the facts has demolished the legend And his legacy has been verified. (Harvey L. Carter, Marc Simmons, Tom Delay,Hampton Sides, Lawrence Kelly)

Alas, so far, the unknown board of editors will not make the distinction between legend and legacy. If there is anyone reading this who supports my insistence that wiki not confuse word definitions like legend and legacy, please contact me. -Caz Ed. & Pub, Pulpdom, Son of ERB-dom

Hello Cazedessus:

I like a lot of the information you are communicating: I also sense a lot of frustration you are having in trying to keep the "truth" about Kit Carson from being tampered with. In the sake of fostering good communication, I would suggest reading the talkpage guidelines, and it might become apparent how the dialogue on Kit Carson has turned contentious. I hope to be able to continue to communicate with you, as I think you are a good resource on Kit Carson, and I do want to learn about him, and possibly contribute to the article. Also, I accidently erased the last 2 letters of your last signature. Sorry, I'm still trying to learn how to use this contraption.Richiar 00:45, 5 December 2006 (UTC)

I changed <ERB-d> back to <ERB-dom>. I still don't know how to contact you.Richiar 18:22, 6 December 2006 (UTC)