Wikipedia:Catholic Encyclopedia cat Female Orders

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Catholic Encyclopedia articles (edit)

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[edit] A

  1. Sisters of the Assumption or Assumption, Sisters of the (CE | wp gwp g)

[edit] B

  1. Institutes of Bon Secours or Bon Secours, Institutes of (CE | wp gwp g)
  2. Sisters of Bon Secours

[edit] C

  1. Congregation of Our Lady of Calvary or Calvary, Congregation of Our Lady of (CE | wp gwp g)
  2. Religious of the Cenacle or Cenacle, Religious of the (CE | wp gwp g)
  3. Sisters of Charity of Providence or Charity, Sisters of, of Providence (CE | wp gwp g)
  4. Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary or Charity, Sisters of, of Jesus and Mary (CE | wp gwp g)
  5. Sisters of Charity of St. Louis or Charity, Sisters of, of St. Louis (CE | wp gwp g)
  6. Sisters of Charity of St. Paul or Charity, Sisters of, of St. Paul (CE | wp gwp g)
  7. Sisters of Charity of Our Lady Mother of Mercy or Charity, Sisters of, of Our Lady Mother of Mercy (CE | wp gwp g)
  8. Sisters of Christian Charity or Christian Charity, Sisters of (CE | wp gwp g)
  9. Daughters of the Holy Cross or Cross, Daughters of the Holy (CE | wp gwp g)

[edit] D

  1. Sisters of Divine Charity or Divine Charity, Sisters of (CE | wp gwp g)
  2. Institute of the Divine Compassion or Divine Compassion, Institute of the (CE | wp gwp g)
  3. Sisters of Divine Providence or Divine Providence, Sisters of (CE | wp gwp g)
  4. Daughters of the Divine Redeemer or Divine Redeemer, Daughters of the (CE | wp gwp g)

[edit] E

  1. Sisters of Saint Elizabeth or Elizabeth, Sisters of Saint (CE | wp gwp g)
  2. Elizabeth Associations (CE | wp gwp g)

[edit] G

  1. Sisters of the Good Samaritan or Good Samaritan, Sisters of the (CE | wp gwp g)
  2. Grey Nuns of the Cross (CE | wp gwp g)

[edit] H

  1. Haudriettes (CE | wp gwp g)
  2. Sisters Marianites of Holy Cross or Holy Cross, Sisters Marianites of (CE | wp gwp g)
  3. Sisters of the Holy Faith or Holy Faith, Sisters of the (CE | wp gwp g)
  4. Sisters of the Holy Humility of Mary or Holy Humility of Mary, Sisters of the (CE | wp gwp g)
  5. Canonesses Regular of the Holy Sepulchre or Holy Sepulchre, Canonesses Regular of the (CE | wp gwp g)
  6. Hospital Sisters of the Mercy of Jesus (CE | wp gwp g)

[edit] J

  1. Daughters of Jesus or Jesus, Daughters of (CE | wp gwp g)
  2. Sisters of the Holy Childhood of Jesus and Mary or Jesus and Mary, Sisters of the Holy Childhood of (CE | wp gwp g)
  3. Religious of Jesus Mary or Jesus Mary, Religious of (CE | wp gwp g)
  4. Congregation of the Sisters of Misericorde or Misericorde, Congregation of the Sisters of (CE | wp gwp g)

[edit] N

  1. Sisters of Notre Dame (of Cleveland, Ohio) or Notre Dame, Sisters of (of Cleveland, Ohio) (CE | wp gwp g)

[edit] P

  1. Sisters of the Perpetual Adoration or Perpetual Adoration, Sisters of the (CE | wp gwp g)
  2. Religious of Perpetual Adoration or Perpetual Adoration, Religious of or Religious of the Perpetual Adoration or Perpetual Adoration, Religious of the (CE | wp gwp g)
  3. Perpetual Adorers of the Blessed Sacrament (CE | wp gwp g)
  4. Sisters of Our Lady of Perpetual Help or Perpetual Help, Our Lady of, Sisters of (CE | wp gwp g)
  5. Congregations of the Precious Blood or Precious Blood, Congregations of the (CE | wp gwp g)
  6. Order of the Presentation or Presentation, Order of the (CE | wp gwp g)
  7. Religious Congregations of the Presentation or Presentation, Religious Congregations of the (CE | wp gwp g)
  8. Congregation of the Presentation of Mary or Presentation of Mary, Congregation of the (CE | wp gwp g)
  9. Sisters of the Poor Child Jesus or Poor Child Jesus, Sisters of the (CE | wp gwp g)
  10. Sisters of the Poor of St. Francis or Poor, Sisters of the, of St. Francis (CE | wp gwp g)
  11. Poor Handmaids of the Mother of God (CE | wp gwp g)
  12. Congregations of (I) Providence or Providence, Congregations of (I) (CE | wp gwp g)
  13. Congregations of (IV) Providence or Providence, Congregations of (IV) (CE | wp gwp g)
  14. Congregations of (V) Providence or Providence, Congregations of (V) (CE | wp gwp g)

[edit] R

  1. Redemptoristines (CE | wp gwp g)
  2. Sisters of Our Lady of Charity of the Refuge or Refuge, Sisters of Our Lady of Charity of the (CE | wp gwp g)
  3. Congregation of Retreat of the Sacred Heart or Retreat of the Sacred Heart, Congregation of (CE | wp gwp g)

[edit] S

  1. Servants of the Most Blessed Sacrament (CE | wp gwp g)
  2. Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus or Sacred Heart of Jesus, Missionary Sisters of the (CE | wp gwp g)

[edit] T

  1. Sisters of the Temple or Temple, Sisters of the (CE | wp gwp g)

[edit] W

  1. Daughters of Wisdom or Wisdom, Daughters of (CE | wp gwp g)